Understanding Accessibility
Webinar“Understanding Accessibility: Learning from People with Disabilities,” will provide you with valuable insights and practical knowledge to enhance your knowledge and implementation of accessibility. Event information and registration
How you can prepare for the new ADA Title II deadline
WebinarThis one-hour webinar focuses on: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Title II basics Who is required to comply, and when The implications of non-compliance Key exceptions The U.S. Department of […]
How a Blind Person Uses a Website
WebinarWatch a live demonstration of how a blind person navigates a website with a screen reader, revealing real challenges and actionable opportunities for improvement. Learn how clear structure, intuitive navigation, […]
Inclusive Design 24
WebinarInclusive Design 24 (#id24) is a free 24-hour online event for the global community. It celebrates inclusive design and shares knowledge and ideas from analogue to digital, from design to […]
Understanding the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
WebinarThis session will focus on building awareness and understanding of WCAG 2.1 AA and a constellation of support resources and tools. WCAG 2.1, Level AA is not a complete fix for every accessibility issue, but the guidelines offer a path to better accessibility across a spectrum of technologies.
Inclusive Design Patterns For 2025
WebinarWhen we think of accessibility, we often think about the usual suspects — colour contrast, legible font sizes, and mobile tap targets. However, accessible and inclusive design reaches far beyond that. […]
Introduction to making Word documents accessible
WebinarDo you know about the accessibility features in Office 365? Are you using them to create accessible documents? Have you thought about how you can embed best accessibility practices with Office across your organization? Learn the basics of how to make your documents accessible in Word.
Lead the Change: Embedding Accessibility as a Core Value
WebinarLearn tactics on how to create the momentum to embed accessibility into your company's culture and processes. Discover practical steps to turn accessibility from a one-time project into a sustainable, organization-wide commitment.
WordPress Accessibility Day 2024
WebinarWordPress Accessibility Day is a 24-hour global event dedicated to promoting and learning website accessibility best practices for WordPress websites.
PDF Accessibility on the Web: Tricks and Traps: Ricky Onsman
WebinarPDF documents on the web can be made accessible if the proper techniques are applied – but even then, there are some things to watch out for. TPGi’s Principal Technical Writer, Ricky Onsman, highlights some problems and solutions.
Personalize to Prioritize: Strategies to Grow Your Accessibility Program
WebinarIn this webinar, Erin will share strategies, case studies, and success stories from her experiences in growing successful accessibility programs.
Updates to Federal Disability Rights Law in the Digital Space
WebinarJoin Mary Lou Mobley, National Disability Expert in the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, to hear a discussion regarding the changing legal landscape in the field of technology accessibility to people with disabilities, and hear some practical steps educational institutions and their vendors should take now, and to prepare for the future.
Note About Trainings
These trainings from around the web may be of interest. These trainings are free unless noted. See the event’s information page about registration, changes, or cancelation.