Jun 14, 2024: Digital Accessibility Updates, Trainings, and Guides

A biweekly email with the latest updates on Digital Accessibility and additional information and training relevant to digital accessibility.


These are external resources you might find beneficial



Trainings from around the web that may be of interest. These trainings are free unless noted. See the event’s information page about registration, changes, or cancelation.

  • Enhancing University Accessibility with Real-Time Web Registry Services
    Details: Discover how the world’s top universities are revolutionizing web accessibility and achieving stringent compliance standards through Real-Time Web Registry Services. This session will cover the key benefits of deploying these services, provide a practical implementation guide, and share success stories from renowned institutions. Learn actionable strategies to elevate accessibility and inclusivity at your university.
    Time: July 11, 2024 at 8:00 a.m.
    Source: Equalize Digital Accessibility Checker