May 3, 2024: Digital Accessibility Updates, Trainings, and Guides

A biweekly email with the latest updates on Digital Accessibility and additional information and training relevant to digital accessibility.

Global Accessibility Awareness Day at WSU | May 16, 2024

We will offer presentations on alternative text for images, accessible social media, accessibility testing, ADA Regulations, policies, and digital accessibility. Each presentation will provide a period of questions and answers at the end.


These are external resources you might find beneficial


  • How to check and fix PDF accessibility issues: To check and fix PDF accessibility issues, you’ll need certain knowledge and tools. A common software is Adobe Acrobat Pro, which has all the tools needed to make a PDF accessible. In this article, we’ll review the tools and steps you can take with Adobe Acrobat Pro to check and fix PDF accessibility issues.
    Source: Pope Tech
  • 9 signs your frontend code has quality issues that affect your users: A compiled list of 9 common signs that I see in projects with poor frontend code quality. I’ve focused only on issues that have a negative impact on your project’s users.
    Source: Angelika Tyborska
  • A complete guide for content creators to start making accessible content: As content creators, we have a lot of power to either make content accessible for our users with disabilities or (often unknowingly) create barriers that make it difficult or impossible for them to access content.
    Source: Pope Tech
  • The Impact of Color Contrast on Accessibility: In this blog, we will explore the impact of color contrast on accessibility and why it is essential for creating an inclusive digital experiences. Before we delve in, let’s understand what color contrast is along with accessibility requirements.
    Source: BarrierBreak


Trainings from around the web that may be of interest. These trainings are free unless noted. See the event’s information page about registration, changes, or cancelation.

  • Global Accessibility Awareness Day at WSU | May 16, 2024
    Details: Presentations on alternative text for images, accessible social media, accessibility testing, ADA Regulations, policies, and digital accessibility. Each presentation will provide a period of questions and answers at the end.
    Time: May 16, 2024
    Source: Digital Accessibility
  • Building Empathy with Stakeholders to Drive Accessibility (WordPress Accessibility Meetup)
    Details: In this session, we will discuss proven methods for building support with stakeholders for your accessibility program. We’ll explore tools like the Site Unseen browser extension that you can use to foster an appreciation for the challenges disabled users may face on your organization’s websites.
    Time: May 20, 2024 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm
    Source: Equalize Digital Accessibility Checker
  • How to Produce a Livestreaming Event (that is Accessible, Green, and Open Source)
    Details: During this webinar, you’ll learn about: What resources (staff, equipment, software) you need to organize a livestream event; How to plan and provide for accessibility features such as sign language and human-written live captions for your livestreams; Low carbon producing and open source software
    Time: May 21, 2024 8:00 am – 9:00 am
    Source: International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP)
  • 5 Recommendations on Supporting Neurodiverse Students in Teaching & Learning
    Details: Unlock the potential of every student in your classroom by embracing neurodiversity in the teaching and learning environment. Diverse classrooms enrich the educational experience, encompassing students with varying neurotypes. In this dynamic presentation, we delve into the transformative power of personalizable, structured, and supportive learning environments tailored to better support neurodivergent learners.
    Time: May 23, 2024 11:00 am
    Source: Online Learning Consortium