Students sitting and working in a common area.
Explore your options


Different perspectives, better problem solving.

11 academic colleges, 1 mission

Our 11 academic colleges team up to give you the tools to look at the world and its problems from multiple angles. We offer more than 200 areas of study in agricultural, natural and biological sciences, arts and humanities, health professions, communications, business, education, physical sciences, engineering, social sciences, and more.

Three College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences students walking black-and-white calves along a gravel road surrounded by trees and fields.

College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences (CAHNRS)

One of the largest and most innovative colleges at WSU, the College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences creates healthy communities, families, and children, sustains the economy and the environment, and continually advances the science and practice of agriculture, helping feed a growing world populace.


  • Everett
  • Global Campus (Online)
  • Pullman
  • Spokane
  • Tri-Cities
  • Vancouver

Degrees offered

  • Bachelor’s
  • Certificate
  • Doctorate
  • Graduate Certificate
  • Master’s
  • Minor
College of Veterinary Medicine graduate students working in a study space, one concentrating on a laptop and another on a whiteboard.

College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)

With 23 schools, centers and departments and close to 100 undergraduate and graduate degree programs, the College of Arts and Sciences is the heart of WSU. We are committed to empowering every student to reach their fullest potential, ensuring that diverse perspectives and innovative ideas grow into solutions that make a difference for Washington and beyond.


  • Everett
  • Global Campus (Online)
  • Pullman
  • Spokane
  • Tri-Cities
  • Vancouver

Degrees offered

  • Bachelor’s
  • Certificate
  • Doctorate
  • Graduate Certificate
  • Master’s
  • Minor
A Carson College of Business student wearing a black chefs and putting sauce on decoratively plated food in a large kitchen.

Carson College of Business

Our nationally ranked programs at the Carson College of Business help students develop marketable skills based on a deep understanding of and involvement in the world around them. We build partnerships across WSU campuses and engage with our colleagues in other schools and colleges, as well as the broader business community, to enhance our rigorous programming. Entrepreneurial opportunities abound within our programs, and students bring distinction to our university and region with their successful business ventures and performance in business plan competitions.


  • Everett
  • Global Campus (Online)
  • Pullman
  • Tri-Cities
  • Vancouver

Degrees offered

  • Bachelor’s
  • Certificate
  • Doctorate
  • Graduate Certificate
  • Master’s
  • Minor
Two people seated at the Murrow Student News Crew Studio newsdesk with another in the foreground looking on.

Edward R. Murrow College of Communication

From London rooftop broadcasts during WWII raids, to his exposés of McCarthyism in the early 50s, Edward R. Murrow is known for taking his audience places they had never been and allowing them to experience things they could never imagine. True to our legacy, the Edward R. Murrow College of Communication is dedicated to providing students—the communications professionals of the future—this same level of inspiration, experience, and real-world education.


  • Everett
  • Global Campus (Online)
  • Pullman
  • Vancouver

Degrees offered

  • Bachelor’s
  • Doctorate
  • Graduate Certificate
  • Master’s
  • Minor
Two Athletic Training Students in the College of Education, one using a rowing machine while wearing a face mask with a large tube running to monitoring equipment.

College of Education

Whether it’s preparing preservice teachers in elementary or secondary education for any number of disciplines or specialties, the College of Education administers the most prestigious K-12 program in Washington. We also host undergraduate programs in sport management, as well as kinesiology and athletic training.


  • Global Campus (Online)
  • Pullman
  • Spokane
  • Tri-Cities
  • Vancouver

Degrees offered

  • Bachelor’s
  • Certificate
  • Doctorate
  • Graduate Certificate
  • Master’s
  • Minor
Voiland School of Engineering members watching a large beam splinter during a failure test.

Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture (VCEA)

Founded on the principles of collaboration, innovation, and transformation, the Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture is a world leader in providing solutions to societal grand challenges and preparing “work-ready, day-one” graduates. We conduct cross-cutting research that leads to new knowledge, transformative technology, and innovative designs, and we prepare students through state-of-the-art programs for careers and leadership in engineering and design professions.


  • Everett
  • Global Campus (Online)
  • Pullman
  • Tri-Cities
  • Vancouver

Degrees offered

  • Bachelor’s
  • Certificate
  • Doctorate
  • Graduate Certificate
  • Master’s
  • Minor
A student using a computer terminal in Terrell Library.

Honors College

Through small classes taught by experienced and enthusiastic faculty dedicated to scholarship and learning, the Honors College helps students to develop genuine intellectual curiosity and a life-long love of learning, as well as skills in critical thinking, writing, public presentation, and information literacy.


  • Pullman

Degrees offered

  • Bachelor’s
  • Certificate
  • Minor
An Elson S. Floyd medical student wearing a white coat and stethescope talking with a doctor with a computer screen showing chest x-rays in the background.

Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine

Student doctors, nutrition and exercise experts, speech language pathologists, residents, longtime practitioners and more: the College of Medicine prepares learners to take the lead in addressing community health care issues, especially in rural and underserved areas. We engage in diverse, life-changing work to build knowledge for a healthier world.


  • Pullman
  • Spokane

Degrees offered

  • Bachelor’s
  • Doctorate
  • Graduate Certificate
  • Master’s
College of Nursing students practicing checking a patient with a stethescope.

College of Nursing

At the College of Nursing, we improve lives and advance the nursing profession. Our nursing research addresses some of the most important issues in health care today, such as addiction, health equity and smart health. We are a pioneer in using simulation to give students hands-on nursing experience in a low-risk setting, and our students practice skills in our hospital-like labs and through a variety of clinical experiences in the community.


  • Spokane
  • Tri-Cities
  • Vancouver

Degrees offered

  • Bachelor’s
  • Certificate
  • Doctorate
  • Graduate Certificate
College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences students doing research with beakers and other equipment under an exhaust hood.

College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

The forefront of health care innovation on the West Coast, the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences is devoted to bridging the rural health care divide. We drive progress in clinical practice, empowering pharmacies nationwide and worldwide and pioneer breakthroughs in molecular therapeutics, drug metabolism, and drug discovery.


  • Spokane

Degrees offered

  • Bachelor’s
  • Doctorate
A student wearing a WSU Raptor Club sweatshirt smiling at a small owl perched on their hand.

College of Veterinary Medicine

Founded in 1899 and the fifth-oldest veterinary college in the United States, the College of Veterinary Medicine is a leader in veterinary and biomedical research and education. Our mission is to improve the health and well-being of animals and people in Washington state and around the world.


  • Global Campus (Online)
  • Pullman
  • Spokane
  • Tri-Cities
  • Vancouver

Degrees offered

  • Bachelor’s
  • Certificate
  • Doctorate
  • Graduate Certificate
  • Master’s
  • Minor