Anna McLeod

Community Service
- Carson College of Business
- Management Innovation and Change, Entrepreneurship Psychology
- Woodinville, Washington
Led efforts to raise $37,000 to build a school in Malawi, Africa, while president of Panhellenic Council. Helped reorganize the council by implementing a new position for diversity and inclusion. Panhellenic Council’s Officer of the Year for 2018, member of the Order of Omega Greek Honors Society, vice president of organization for Kappa Kappa Gamma, member of the Standards Committee for Kappa Kappa Gamma, Rho Gamma (student counselor) for Panhellenic Recruitment, and chapter representative at the 2017 Kappa Kappa Gamma Leadership Academy.
Favorite WSU experience
I spent spring break my senior year in a very small village in the Kasungu District of Malawi, one of the world’s least-developed countries, through a partnership between the buildOn organization and the Circle of Sisterhood Foundation. It took over a year to raise the money through a campaign, pizza and cupcake sales, and donations from local companies. We were building the Kakuyu school — mixing cement, digging trenches, transporting bricks, and carrying sand and water by bucket. It got very personal after meeting the students who would be attending the school. My host sister, Gazina, was in sixth grade. She woke up at 6 a.m., and she didn’t get to school until 10 a.m. It took her almost four hours to walk there. Once this new school is completed, she will only have to walk about 10 minutes. My experience in Malawi is one I will carry with me for the rest of my life.
Future plans
I’ll be working as a recruiter in human resources at Amazon in Seattle. I start mid-July. I also want to be an active alum with my chapter. And I eventually want to travel to Thailand and many other locations around the world.