Fadumo Ali

Visual and Performing Arts
- Edward R. Murrow College of Communication, College of Arts and Sciences
- Majors: Communication, Political Science
- Minor: Film Studies
- Bellevue, WA
Part-time writer for the Huffington Post, USA Today, and LA Times, assistant producer of Video Underground at Cable 8, producer of Inside Out at Cable 8, host of Global Scope at KUGR, social media intern in 2016 for Somaliland’s national broadcast news outlet, worked on a documentary film about women’s health concerns in Somalia, winner of 2017 WSU Undergraduate Women of Distinction award
Favorite WSU experience
My favorite part of my academic experience has been pursuing a dual degree and a minor. It’s been quite the journey, but I’m fortunate to have gained a wide range of knowledge and experience through my studies in communications, political science, and film.
WSU has provided so many opportunities to apply what I’ve learned in the classroom to the real world. For example, I write for the Huffington Post, LA Times, and USA Today. On campus, I helped create and produce Cable 8’s first documentary show, Inside Out. I then used my Cable 8 skills to produce and direct my own documentary in Somaliland over the summer of 2016.
Future plans
I plan to be a professional storyteller, either in journalism or film, and give a voice to those who are underrepresented in our community.