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Note: Use your browser's Search feature to find specific works. These entries have not been edited for punctuation and capitalization. Most entries are from 1960 or later.
"What Really Happened at the Pavillon Colombe." Fitzgerald Newsletter 7 (1959): 1-2.
Ammons, Elizabeth. "The Business of Marriage in Edith Wharton's The Custom of the Country." Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts 16 (1974): 326-38.
---. "Fairy-Tale Love and the Reef." American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 47.4 (1976): 615-28.
Ammons, Elizabeth Miller. Edith Wharton's Heroines: Studies in Aspiration and Compliance. Ann Arbor, MI, 1975.
Anderson, Hilton. "Edith Wharton and the Vulgar American." Southern Quarterly: A Journal of the Arts in the South 7 (1968): 17-22.
---. "Edith Wharton as Fictional Heroine." South Atlantic Quarterly 69 (1970): (118)-23.
Antush, John V. Money in the Novels of James, Wharton, and Dreiser. Ann Arbor, MI, 1968.
Auchincloss, Louis. Edith Wharton. University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers ;. Minneapolis,: University of Minnesota Press, 1961.
---. Edith Wharton : A Woman in Her Time. London: M. Joseph, 1972.
---. Pioneers & Caretakers; a Study of 9 American Women Novelists. Minneapolis,: University of Minnesota Press, 1965.
Baril, James R. Vision as Metaphorical Perception in the Fiction of Edith Wharton. Ann Arbor, MI, 1970.
Baxter, Annette K. "Caste and Class: Howells' Boston and Wharton's New York." Midwest Quarterly: A Journal of Contemporary Thought 4 (1963): 353-61.
Beauchamp, Andrea Louise Roberts. The Heroine of Our Common Scene: Portrayals of American Women in Four Novels by Edith Wharton and Henry James. Ann Arbor, MI, 1976.
Bell, Millicent. Edith Wharton & Henry James, the Story of Their Friendship. New York,: G. Braziller, 1965.
---. "Edith Wharton and Henry James: The Literary Relation." PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 74.5 (1959): 619-37.
Benoit, Raymond. "Wharton's House of Mirth." Explicator 29 (1971): Item 59.
Bernard, Kenneth. "Imagery and Symbolism in Ethan Frome." College English 23.3 (1961): 178-84.
Blom, T. E. "Anita Loos and Sexual Economics: Gentlemen Prefer Blondes." Canadian Review of American Studies 7 (1976): 39-47.
Bloom, Lillian D. "On Daring to Look Back with Wharton and Cather." Novel: A Forum on Fiction 10.2 (1977): 167-78.
Brennan, Joseph X. "Ethan Frome: Structure and Metaphor." Modern Fiction Studies 12 (1961): 347-56.
Brenni, Vito J. Edith Wharton: A Bibliography. Morgantown: West Virginia Univ. Lib., 1966.
Bretschneider, Margaret A. Edith Wharton: Patterns of Rejection and Denial. Ann Arbor, MI, 1970.
Bristol, Marie. "Life among the Ungentle Genteel: Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth Revisited." Western Humanities Review 16 (1962): 371-74.
Brooke, Pamela. "The Essence of a Life." Humanities May (1977): 4-7.
Brown, E. K. Edith Wharton : Étude Critique. [Folcroft, Pa.]: Folcroft Library Editions, 1976.
Brown, Leonard Stanley. A Quarto of Modern Literature. 5th ed. New York,: Scribner, 1964.
Bruccoli, Matthew. "Hidden Printings in Edith Wharton's the Children." Studies in Bibliography: Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia 15 (1962): 269-73.
Buchan, Alexander M. "Edith Wharton and 'the Elusive Bright-Winged Thing'." New England Quarterly: A Historical Review of New England Life and Letters 37.3 (1964): 343-62.
Buitenhuis, Peter. "Edith Wharton and the First World War." American Quarterly 18.3 (1966): 493-505.
Candido, Joseph. "Edith Wharton's Final Alterations of The Age of Innocence." Studies in American Fiction 6 (1978): 21-31.
Cargas, Harry J. "Seeing, but Not Living: Two Characters from James and Wharton." New Laurel Review l.2 (1972): 5-7.
Cartwright, Faith C. W. The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton: A Critical and Annotated Edition. Ann Arbor, MI, 1971.
Chu, Li-min. "The Ghostly Stories of Edith Wharton." Bulletin of the National Taiwan University 26 (1977): 417-48.
Clark, Kenneth. "A Full-Length Portrait." Times Literary Supplement 19 Dec. (1975): 1502-03.
Clough, David. "Edith Wharton's War Novels: A Reappraisal." Twentieth Century Literature: A Scholarly and Critical Journal 19.1 (1973): 1-14.
Coard, Robert L. "Names in the Fiction of Edith Wharton." Names: Journal of the American Name Society 13 (1965): 1-10.
Cohn, Jan. "The House of Fiction: Domestic Architecture in Howells and Edith Wharton." Texas Studies in Literature and Language: A Journal of the Humanities 15 (1973): 537-49.
Collidge, Olivia E. Edith Wharton, 1862-1937. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1964.
Crane, Joan St C. "Rare or Seldom-Seen Dust Jackets of American First Editions, Viii." Serif 9.2 (1972): 36-37.
Dahl, Curtis. "Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth: Sermon on a Text." Modern Fiction Studies 21 (1975): 572-76.
Deegan, Dorothy Yost. The Stereotype of the Single Woman in American Novels. New York: Octagon Books, 1969.
Doyle, Charles C. "Emblems of Innocence: Imagery Patterns in Wharton's The Age of Innocence." Xavier University Studies 10.2 (1971): 19-25.
Duggan, Margaret M. "Edith Wharton's Gatsby Letter." Fitzgerald-Hemingway Annual (1972): 85-87.
Earnest, Ernest Penney. Expatriates and Patriots; American Artists, Scholars, and Writers in Europe. Durham, N.C.,: Duke University Press, 1968.
Edel, Leon. Henry James; a Collection of Critical Essays. A Spectrum Book: Twentieth Century Views. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,: Prentice-Hall, 1963.
Edel, Leon, and Redwood Library and Athenaeum. Henry James, Edith Wharton, and Newport. Newport, R.I.,, 1966.
Eggenschwiler, David. "The Ordered Disorder of Ethan Frome." Studies in the Novel 9 (1977): 237-46.
Ellmann, Mary. "Manners, Morals, and Mrs. Wharton." Sewanee Review 84 (1976): 528-32.
Evans, Elizabeth. "Musical Allusions in The Age of Innocence." Notes on Contemporary Literature 4.3 (1974): 4-7.
Fetterley, Judith. "'the Temptation to Be a Beautiful Object': Double Standard and Double Bind in The House of Mirth." Studies in American Fiction 5 (1977): 199-211.
Finn, Helena Kane. Design of Despair: The Tragic Heroine and the Imagery of Artifice in Novels by Hawthorne, James and Wharton. Ann Arbor, MI, 1977.
French, Warren G. The Twenties : Fiction, Poetry, Drama. 1st ed. Deland, Fla.: Everett/Edwards, 1975.
Friedl, Herwig. "Edith Wharton: Von Nutzen Und Nachteil Einer Biographie Fur Die Literaturkritik." Archiv fur das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen 214 (1977): 82-88.
Friman, Anne. "Determinism and Point of View in The House of Mirth." Papers on Language and Literature: A Journal for Scholars and Critics of Language and Literature 2 (1966): 175-78.
Gale, Robert L. Barron's Simplified Approach to Edith Wharton's Ethan Frome. Woodbury, N.Y.,: Barron's Educational Series, 1969.
Gardiner, Harold C. Fifty Years of the American Novel; a Christian Appraisal. New York,: Gordian Press, 1968.
Gargano, James W. "Edith Wharton's the Reef: The Genteel Woman's Quest for Knowledge." Novel: A Forum on Fiction 10.1 (1976): 40-48.
---. "The House of Mirth: Social Futility and Faith." American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 44.1 (1972): 137-43.
Gelfant, Blanche H. The American City Novel; Theodore Dreiser, Thomas Wolfe, Sherwood Anderson, Edith Wharton, John Dos Passos, James T. Farrell, Nelson Algren, Betty Smith, Leonard Bishop, Willard Motley, and Others. [2nd ed. Norman,: University of
Oklahoma Press, 1970.
Gleason, James J. After Innocence: The Later Novels of Edith Wharton. Ann Arbor, MI, 1969.
Goldberg, Raquel Prado-Totaro. The Artist Fiction of James, Wharton, and Cather. Ann Arbor, MI, 1976.
Golden, Arline. "Edith Wharton's Debt to Meredith in 'the Mortal Lease'." Yale University Library Gazette 53 (1978): 100-08.
Goodman, Debra Joy. The Scapegoat Motif in the Novels of Edith Wharton. Ann Arbor, MI, 1977.
Greenwood, Florence Joan Voss. A Critical Study of Edith Wharton's Short Stories and Nouvelles. 1962.
Griffith, Grace Kellogg. The Two Lives of Edith Wharton; the Woman and Her Work. [1st ed. New York,: Appleton-Century, 1965.
Hamblen, Abigail Ann. "Edith Wharton in New England." New England Quarterly: A Historical Review of New England Life and Letters 38.2 (1965): 239-44.
---. "The Jamesian Note in Edith Wharton's the Children." University Review 31 (1965): 209-11.
Hays, Peter L. "First and Last in Ethan Frome." NMAL: Notes on Modern American Literature 1 (1977): Item 15.
Hemmer, Jean Marie S. C. A Study of Setting in the Major Novels of Edith Wharton. Ann Arbor, MI, 1964.
Henry, Mary Joanne. The Theme of Success in the Writings of Edith Wharton. Ann Arbor, 1976.
Hewitt, Rosalie. Aristocracy and the Modern American Novel of Manners: Edith Wharton, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ellen Glasgow and James Gould Cozzens. Ann Arbor, MI, 1971.
Howe, Irving. "The Achievement of Edith Wharton." Encounter 19.1 (1962): 45-52.
---. Edith Wharton: A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1962.
Hyde, H. Montgomery. "Henry James at Home." Essays by Diverse Hands 38 (1975): 58-77.
Iyengar, K. R. Srinivasa. "A Note on 'Ethan Frome'." Literary Criterion 5.3 (1962): 168-78.
Jacobson, Irving. "Perception, Communication, and Growth as Correlative Theme in Edith Wharton's The Age of Innocence." Agora: A Journal in the Humanities and Social Sciences 2.2 (1973): 68-82.
Jacobson, Irving F. "Perception, Communication, and Growth as Correlative Themes in Edith Wharton's The Age of Innocence." Agora: A Journal in the Humanities and Social Sciences 2.2 (1973): 68-82.
Jacoby, Victoria A. D. A Study of Class Values and the Family in the Fiction of Edith Wharton. Ann Arbor, MI, 1972.
Jessup, Josephine Lurie. The Faith of Our Feminists; a Study in the Novels of Edith Wharton, Ellen Glasgow, Willa Cather. New York,: Biblo and Tannen, 1965.
Jones, Ann M. Three American Responses to World War I: Wharton, Empey, and Bourne. Ann Arbor, MI, 1970.
Kaplan, Milton A. “Style is Content.” The English Journal 57 (1968): 1330-34.
Karl, Frederick R. "Three Conrad Letters in the Edith Wharton Papers." Yale University Library Gazette 44 (1970): 148-51.
Kellogg, Grace. The Two Lives of Edith Wharton: The Woman and Her Work. New York: Appleton-Century, 1965.
Kraft, Stephanie B. Women and Society in the Novels of George Eliot and Edith Wharton. Ann Arbor, MI, 1973.
Krenn, Heliena. "The American Identity in the 'Novels of Manners'." Fu Jen Studies 10 (1977): 41-57.
Kronenberger, Louis. The Polished Surface; Essays in the Literature of Worldliness. [1st ed. New York,: Knopf, 1969.
Krupnick, Mark L. Stephen Crane and Edith Wharton: Two Essays in the Literature of Disinheritance. Ann Arbor, MI, 1969.
Küster, Dieter. Das Frankreichbild Im Werk Edith Whartons. Mainzer Studien Zur Amerikanistik ;. Bern,Frankfurt/M.,: Herbert Lang:Peter Lang, 1972.
Kuster, Dieter. Das Frankreichbild Im Werk Edith Whartons. Mainzer Studien Zur Amerikanistik: Eine Europaische Hochschulreihe. Bern: Lang, 1972.
Lamar, Lillie B. "Edith Wharton and the Book of Common Prayer." American Notes and Queries 7 (1968): 38-39.
---. "Edith Wharton's Foreknowledge in The Age of Innocence." Texas Studies in Literature and Language: A Journal of the Humanities 8 (1966): 385-89.
Lavison, Richard H. "Hermann Sundermann and Edith Wharton." Revue de Litterature Comparee 41 (1967): 125-31.
Lawrence, Margaret. The School of Femininity; a Book for and About Women as They Are Interpreted through Feminine Writers of Yesterday and Today. Port Washington, N.Y.,: Kennikat Press, 1966.
Lawson, Richard H. Edith Wharton. Modern Literature Monographs. New York: Ungar, 1977.
---. Edith Wharton and German Literature. Studien Zur Germanistik, Anglistik Und Komparatistik. Bonn: Bouvier, 1975.
---. "Hermann Sudermann and Edith Wharton." Revue de Litterature Comparee 41 (1967): 125-31.
---. "The Influence of Gottfried Keller on Edith Wharton." Revue de Litterature Comparee 42 (1968): 366-79.
---. "Thematic Similarities in Edith Wharton and Thomas Mann." Twentieth Century Literature: A Scholarly and Critical Journal 23.3 (1977): 289-98.
Leavitt, Charles L. Edith Wharton's Ethan Frome; a Critical Commentary. Monarch Notes and Study Guides,. New York,: Distributed by Monarch Press, 1965.
L'Enfant, Julie. "Edith Wharton: Room with a View." Southern Review 12 (1976): 398-406.
L'Enfant, Julia Chandler. Edith Wharton and Virginia Woolf: Tradition and Experiment in the Modern Novel. Ann Arbor, MI, 1975.
Lewis, Katherine A. Satire and Irony in the Later Novels of Edith Wharton. Ann Arbor, MI, 1968.
Lewis, R. W. B. Edith Wharton : A Biography. 1st ed. New York: Harper & Row, 1975.
---. "Edith Wharton: The Beckoning Quarry." American Heritage 26.6 (1975): 53-56, 73.
---. "Powers of Darkness." Times Literary Supplement 13 June (1975): 644-45.
Lindberg, Gary H. Edith Wharton and the Novel of Manners. Charlottesville: UP of Virginia, 1975.
Lischer, Tracy Kenyon. The Passive Voice in American Literature: Vehicle for Tragedy in Brown, Hawthorne, O'neill, Wharton and Frost. Ann Arbor, MI, 1978.
Litz, A. Walton. Major American Short Stories. New York: Oxford University Press, 1975.
Loney, G. M. "Edith Wharton and The House of Mirth: The Novelist Writes for the Theater." Modern Drama 4 (1961): 152-63.
Lovett, Robert Morss. Edith Wharton. Folcroft, Pa.,: Folcroft Press, 1969.
Lüthi, Brigitta Karin. "The Frustration of Independence : Edith Wharton's Lesser Fiction." Thesis - University of Zurich. Art Printers Lüthi,, 1978.
Lundquist, James. "Acceptance and Assent." Sinclair Lewis Newsletter 1.1 (1969): 1.
Lyde, Marilyn Jones. Edith Wharton: Convention and Morality in the Work of a Novelist. [1st ed. Norman,: University of Oklahoma Press, 1959.
Mansfield, Katherine, and John Middleton Murry. Novels & Novelists. Beacon Paperback. Boston,: Beacon Press, 1959.
Mantle, Burns, et al. The Best Plays of 1935-36 and the Year Book of the Drama in America. Nwe York: Arno Press, 1975.
Maxwell, D. E. S. American Fiction; the Intellectual Background. New York,: Columbia University Press, 1963.
Maynard, Moira. The Medusa's Face: A Study of Character and Behavior in the Fiction of Edith Wharton. Ann Arbor, MI, 1971.
McDowell, Margaret B. Edith Wharton. Twayne's United States Authors Series. Boston: Twayne, 1976.
---. "Edith Wharton's 'after Holbein': 'a Paradigm of the Human Condition'." Journal of Narrative Technique 1 (1971): 49-58.
---. "Edith Wharton's Ghost Stories." Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts 12 (1970): 133-52.
---. "Viewing the Custom of Her Country: Edith Wharton's Feminism." Contemporary Literature 15.4 (1974): 521-38.
McHaney, Thomas L. "Fouque's Undine and Edith Wharton's Custom of the Country." Revue de Litterature Comparee 45 (1971): 180-86.
McIlvaine, Robert. "Edith Wharton's American Beauty Rose." Journal of American Studies 7 (1973): 183-85.
McManis, Jo A. "Edith Wharton's Hymns to Respectability." Southern Review 7 (1971): 986-93.
---. Edith Wharton's Treatment of Love: A Study of Conventionality and Unconventionality in Her Fiction. Ann Arbor, MI, 1968.
Melish, Lawson McClung. A Bibliography of the Collected Writings of Edith Wharton. Folcroft, Pa.,: Folcroft Press, 1969.
---. A Bibliography of the Collected Writings of Edith Wharton. Folcroft, Pa.: Folcroft Library Editions, 1977.
Mikels, Rosa Mary Redding. Short Stories for English Courses. New York,: Scribner, 1960.
Millgate, Michael. "The Novelist and the Businessman: Henry James, Edith Wharton, Frank Norris." Studi Americani 5 (1959): 161-89.
Milne, Gordon. The Sense of Society : A History of the American Novel of Manners. Rutherford [N.J.]: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1977.
Mizener, Arthur. Modern Short Stories; the Uses of Imagination. 3d ed. New York,: Norton, 1971.
---. Modern Short Stories; the Uses of Imagination. Rev. ed. New York,: W.W. Norton, 1967.
---. "Scott Fitzgerald and Edith Wharton." Times Literary Supplement (1966): 595.
Molley, Chester N. The Artemis-Athene and Venus Polarity in the Works of Edith Wharton: A Mythological Dimension with Psychological Implications. Ann Arbor, MI, 1972.
Montgomery, Judith H. "The American Galatea." College English 32.8 (1971): 890-99.
Morgan, H. Wayne. Writers in Transition: Seven Americans. American Century Series. New York,: Hill and Wang, 1963.
Moseley, Edwin M. "The Age of Innocence: Edith Wharton's Weak Faust." College English 21.3 (1959): 156-60.
Murphy, John J. "Edith Wharton's Italian Triptych: The Valley of Decision." Xavier University Studies 4 (1965): 85-94.
---. "The Satiric Structure of Wharton's The Age of Innocence." Markham Review 2.3 (1970): (1)-(4).
Nevius, Blake. Edith Wharton: A Study of Her Fiction. California Library reprint series ed. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1976.
Nevius, Blake ed. Edith Wharton's Ethan Frome: The Story with Sources and Commentary. New York: Scribner, 1968.
Niall, Brenda. "Prufrock in Brownstone: Edith Wharton's The Age of Innocence." Southern Review: Literary and Interdisciplinary Essays 4 (1971): 203-14.
O'Connor, William Van. Seven Modern American Novelists; an Introduction. Minneapolis,: University of Minnesota Press, 1964.
Ozick, Cynthia. "Justice (Again) to Edith Wharton." Commentary Oct. (1976): 48-57.
Parker, Jeri. Uneasy Survivors : Five Women Writers. Santa Barbara: Peregrine Smith, 1975.
Parker, Jeraldine. 'Uneasy Survivors': Five Women Writers 1896-1923. Ann Arbor, MI, 1973.
Patterson, Eric Haines. The Most Stately Mansions: An Analysis of the Social Functions of Domestic Architecture among the Affluent in America in the Later Nineteenth Century and a Discussion of the Manner in Which Edith Wharton, Henry Blake Fuller, and
Theodore Dreiser Interpreted the Domestic Architecture of the Affluent as a Social Artifact in Fiction. Ann Arbor, MI, 1978.
Perkins, George B. Realistic American Short Fiction. Glenview, Ill.,: Scott, 1972.
Perng, Ching-hsi. "Reappraising Edith Wharton." American Studies/Meiguo yan jiu 8.1 (1978): 81-118.Peterman, Michael A. "A Neglected Source for the Great Gatsby: The Influence of Edith Wharton's the Spark." Canadian Review of American Studies 8 (1977): 26-35.
Phelps, Donald. "Edith Wharton and the Invisible." Prose 7 (1973): 227-45.
Pitlick, Mary Louise. Edith Wharton's Narrative Technique: The Major Phase. Ann Arbor, MI, 1965.
Pizer, Donald. American Thought and Writing: The 1890's. Riverside Editions, A125. Boston,: Houghton Mifflin, 1972.
Plante, Patricia R. The Critical Reception of Edith Wharton's Fiction in America and England with an Annotated Enumerative Bibliography of Wharton Criticism from 1900 to 1961. Ann Arbor, MI, 1962.
---. "Edith Wharton and the Invading Goths." Midcontinent American Studies Journal 5.2 (1964): 18-23.
---. "Edith Wharton as a Short Story Writer." Midwest Quarterly: A Journal of Contemporary Thought 4 (1963): 363-79.
---. "Edith Wharton: A Prophet without Due Honor." Midwest Review (1962): 16-22.
Poirier, Richard. "Edith Wharton, The House of Mirth." The American Novel from James Fenimore Cooper to William Faulkner. Ed. Wallace Stegner. New York: Basic, 1965. 117-32.
Potter, Rosemary. "The Mistakes of Lily in The House of Mirth." TAIUS 4 (1971): 89-93.
Price, Richard Alan. The Culture of Despair: Characters and Society in the Novels of Edith Wharton and Theodore Dreiser. Ann Arbor, MI, 1976.
Puknat, E. M., and S. B. Puknat. "Edith Wharton and Gottfried Keller." Comparative Literature 21.3 (1969): 245-54.
Quinn, Arthur Hobson. Edith Wharton. [Folcroft, Pa.]: Folcroft Library Editions, 1973.
---. Edith Wharton. Norwood, Pa.: Norwood Editions, 1976.
Randall, John H. "Romeo and Juliet in the New World: A Study in James, Wharton, and Fitzgerald 'Fay Ce Que Vouldras'." Costerus: Essays in English and American Language and Literature 8 (1973): 109-76.
Rice, Charles. Edith Wharton: The American Novelist and American Christianity. Ann Arbor, MI, 1967.
Robinson, James A. "Psychological Determinism in The Age of Innocence." Markham Review 5 (1975): 1-5.
Rooke, Constance. "Beauty in Distress: Daniel Deronda and The House of Mirth." Women & Literature 4.2 (1976): 28-39.
Rose, Alan Henry. "'Such Depths of Sad Initiation': Edith Wharton and New England." New England Quarterly: A Historical Review of New England Life and Letters 50.3 (1977): 423-39.
Ross, Morton L. “‘Manners.’ An Addition to the Vocabulary for American Studies.” Bulletin of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association 22(1968):15-22.
Rothwell, Kenneth S. "From Society to Babbittry: Lewis' Debt to Edith Wharton." Journal of the Central Mississippi Valley American Studies Association 1.1 (1960): 32-37.
Sanna, Vittoria. "I Romnazi Di Edith Wharton E La Narrativa Jamesiana." Studi Americani 10 (1964): 229-91.
Sasaki, Miyoko. "The Dance of Death: A Study of Edith Wharton's Short Stories."Studies in English Literature 51.1-2 (1974): 67-90.
---. "E. Wharton No Kyozo to Jitsuzo: Lewis Kyoju No Shinhyoden." Eigo Seinen 121 (1976): 588-89.
---. Senritsu to Risei: Edith Wharton No Sekai. Tokyo: Kenkyusha, 1976.
---. The Sense of Horror in Edith Wharton. Ann Arbor, MI, 1974.
Sauer, Edwin H., and Howard Mumford Jones. Short Stories : An Anthology for Secondary Schools. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963.
Saunders, Judith P. "Ironic Reversal in Edith Wharton's Bunner Sisters." Studies in Short Fiction 14 (1977): 241-45.
Seller, Thomas, and Edith Wharton. Xingu : Comedy in One Act. Acting ed. New York: Dramatists Play Service, 1966.
Semel, Sister Ann S. S. N. D. A Study of the Thematic Design in the Four Major Novels of Edith Wharton. Ann Arbor, MI, 1971.
Shelton, Frank W. “The Family in the Modern Novel of Manners.” South Atlantic Bulletin 40.2 (1975): 33-39.
Shelton, Frank W. The Family in the Novels of Wharton, Faulkner, Cather, Lewis and Dreiser. Ann Arbor, MI, 1972.
Shintri, Sarojini B. "In Defence of Ethan Frome." Indian Studies in American Fiction. Eds. M. K. Naik, et al. Dharwar; Delhi: Karnatak Univ.; Macmillan India, 1974. 329 pp.
Shoenfeld, Oscar, and Helene MacLean. City Life. New York,: Grossman Publishers, 1969.
Shuman, R. Baird. "The Continued Popularity of Ethan Frome." Revue des Langues Vivantes 37 (1971): 257-63.
Sklepowich, Edward A. "Edith Wharton." American Literary Realism, 1870-1910 8 (1975): 331-40.
Springer, Marlene. Edith Wharton and Kate Chopin: A Reference Guide. Boston: Hall, 1976.
Squire, John Collings. Contemporary American Authors. Folcroft, Pa.: Folcroft Library Editions, 1975.
Stanton, Robert. The Short Story and the Reader. New York,: Holt, 1960.
Stegner, Wallace Earle. The American Novel: From James Fenimore Cooper to William Faulkner. New York,: Basic Books, 1965.
Stineback, David C. Shifting World : Social Change and Nostalgia in the American Novel. Lewisburg [Pa.]: Bucknell University Press, 1976.
Stouck, David. "Women Writers in the Mainstream: A Review Essay." Texas Studies in Literature and Language: A Journal of the Humanities 20 (1978): 660-70.
Thomas, J. D. "Three American Tragedies: Notes on the Responsibilities of Fiction." South Central Bulletin 20.4 (1960): 11-15.
Tintner, Adeline R. "'the Hermit and the Wild Woman': Edith Wharton's 'Fictioning' of Henry James." Journal of Modern Literature 4 (1974): 32-42.
---. "James's Mock Epic: 'the Velvet Glove,' Edith Wharton, and Other Late Tales." Modern Fiction Studies 17 (1971): 483-99.
---. "The Metamorphoses of Edith Wharton in Henry James's the Finer Grain." Twentieth Century Literature: A Scholarly and Critical Journal 21.4 (1975): 355-79.
---. "A Source from Roderick Hudson for the Title of The Custom of the Country." NMAL: Notes on Modern American Literature 1 (1977): Item 34.
Trilling, Diana. "The House of Mirth Revisited." American Scholar 32 (1963): 113-28.
Turner, Jean. The Ideology of Women in the Fiction of Edith Wharton 1899-1920. Ann Arbor, MI, 1976.
Tuttleton, James Wesley. Edith Wharton and the Novel of Manners. Ann Arbor, MI, 1964.
Tuttleton, James W. "Edith Wharton, High Priestess of Reason." Personalist: An International Review of Philosophy 47 (1966): 382-98.
---. "Edith Wharton: An Essay in Bibliography." Resources for American Literary Study 3 (1973): 163-202.
---. "Edith Wharton: Form and the Epistemology of Artistic Creation." Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts 10 (1968): 334-51.
---. "Edith Wharton: The Archeological Motive." Yale Review: A National Quarterly 61 (1972): 562-74.
---. "Henry James and Edith Wharton: Fiction as the House of Fame." Midcontinent American Studies Journal 7.1 (1966): 25-36.
---. "Leisure, Wealth and Luxury: Edith Wharton's Old New York." Midwest Quarterly: A Journal of Contemporary Thought 7 (1966): 337-52.
---. The Novel of Manners in America. Chapel Hill,: University of North Carolina Press, 1972.
---. "The President and the Lady: Edith Wharton and Theodore Roosevelt." Bulletin of the New York Public Library 69 (1965): 49-57.
Tyler, William R. "Personal Memories of Edith Wharton." Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society 85 (1973): 91-104.
Unger, Leonard. American Writers : A Collection of Literary Biographies. Volume 4, Isaac Bashevis Singer to Richard Wright. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1974.
Vann, J. Don. Critics on Henry James. Readings in Literary Criticism,. Coral Gables, Fla.,: University of Miami Press, 1972.
Vella, Michael W. "Technique and Theme in The House of Mirth." Markham Review 2.3 (1970): (17)-(20).
Voss, Arthur. The American Short Story; a Critical Survey. [1st ed. Norman,: University of Oklahoma Press, 1973.
Wachner, Clarence W., et al. Contemporary American Prose. New York: Macmillan Co., 1963.
Walton, Geoff. Edith Wharton: A Critical Interpretation. Rutherford,: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 1971.
Weir, Sybil Barbara. The Disappearance of the Sentimental Heorine Characterization of Women in Selected Novels by Robert Herrick, Edith Wharton, and Theodore Dreiser, 1898 – 1925. Ann Arbor, 1972.
Wegelin, Christof. "Edith Wharton and the Twilight of the International Novel." Southern Review 5 (1969): 398-418.
Wegelin, Christof. “The Rise of the International Novel.” PMLA 77 (1962): 305-10.
Westbrook, Wayne W. "The House of Mirth and the Insurance Scandal of 1905." American Notes and Queries 14 (1976): 134-37.
White, Charles J., III. 'the Intelligent Acceptance of Given Conditions': Moral and Social Attitudes, and Their Relationship to Social Change, in the Novels of Edith Wharton, John P. Marquand and James Gould Cozzens. Ann Arbor, MI, 1973.
Widmer, Eleanor. "Edith Wharton: The Nostalgia for Innocence." The Twenties:Fiction, Poetry, Drama. Ed. Warren French. Deland, FL: Everett/Edwards, 1975. 532 pp.
Winner, Viola Hopkins. "Convention and Prediction in Edith Wharton's Fast and Loose." American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 42.1 (1970): 50-69.
---. Fast and Loose, a Novelette by David Olivieri. Charlottesville: UP of Virginia, 1977.
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