Edith Wharton: Current Bibliography, 1999-present

Information derived from the MLA Bibliography, WorldCat, and email announcements sent to the site. Since there is no paid staff for the site to search out articles, if you want your article to appear, please send it to whartonqueries@gmail.com.

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Last Modified 08/20/2015 14:39:43
Bibliographies Send items for inclusion in MLA format to whartonqueries@gmail.com.
1999-present 1979-1998 1959 to 1978 Beginnings to 1958



Sakane, Takahiro. "'A Turmoil of Contradictory Feelings': Money, Women, and Body in Edith Wharton's the Age of Innocence." Textual Practice 29.1 (2015): 71-89. Print.

Noe, Marcia, and Jeffrey Melnik. "Edith Wharton's Invitation to Moral Awareness and Careful Reading in 'the Other Two'." Eureka Studies in Teaching Short Fiction 11-12 (2015): 53-59. Print.

Campbell, Donna. The Edith Wharton Society. Edith Wharton Society, 2015. Print.

Boyle, Elizabeth A. "'Becoming a Part of Her Innermost Being': Gender, Mass-Production, and the Evolution of Department Store Culture in Edith Wharton's 'Bunner Sisters'." American Literary Realism 47.3 (2015): 203-18. Print.

Beer, Janet, and Avril Horner. "'The Great Panorama': Edith Wharton as Historical Novelist." Modern Language Review 110.1 (2015): 69-84, 313. Print.

Toth, Margaret. "Shaping Modern Bodies: Edith Wharton on Weight, Dieting, and Visual Media." MFS: Modern Fiction Studies 60.4 (2014): 711-39. Print.

Ohler, Paul. "Darwinism and the 'Stored Beauty' of Culture in Edith Wharton's Writing." America's Darwin: Darwinian Theory and U. S. Literary Culture. Eds. Gianquitto, Tina and Lydia Fisher. Athens, GA: U of Georgia P, 2014. vi, 401 pp. Print.

Lekesizalin, Ferma. "Manipulation and Venturing Spirit in Edith Wharton's the House of Mirth." Interactions: Ege Journal of British and American Studies/Ege Ingiliz ve Amerikan Incelemeleri Dergisi 23.1-2 (2014): 169-77. Print.

Wagner, Johanna M., and Marysa Demoor. "The Slippery Slope of Interpellation: Framing Hero and Victim in Edith Wharton's Ethan Frome." Neophilologus 97.2 (2013): 417-35. Print.

---. "The Slippery Slope of Interpellation: Framing Hero and Victim in Edith Wharton's Ethan Frome." Neophilologus 97.2 (2013): 417-35. Print.

Totten, Gary. "The Dialectic of History and Technology in Edith Wharton's a Motor-Flight through France." Studies in Travel Writing 17.2 (2013): 133-44. Print.

Sherman, Sarah Way. Sacramental Shopping: Louisa May Alcott, Edith Wharton, and the Spirit of Modern Consumerism. Becoming Modern: New Nineteenth-Century Studies (Becoming Modern: New Nineteenth-Century Studies). Durham, NH: U of New Hampshire P, 2013. Print.

Rix, Alicia. "'The Lives of Others': Motoring in Henry James's 'the Velvet Glove'." Journal of Modern Literature 36.3 (2013): 31-49. Print.

Ridge, Emily. "Workmanship and Wildness: Katherine Mansfield on Edith Wharton's the Age of Innocence." Katherine Mansfield Studies (Kms). Eds. Wilson, Janet, et al. Edinburgh, Scotland: Edinburgh UP, 2013. xi, 210 pp. Print.

Kornasky, Linda. "'To Go into Partnership': Gender, Class, Ethnicity, and the American Dream in Edith Wharton's the House of Mirth." Critical Insights (Critical Insights). Ed. Newlin, Keith. Ipswich, MA: Salem, 2013. xii, 266 pp. Print.

Knights, Pamela. "Edith Wharton." Cambridge Companions to Literature (Cctl). Ed. Parrish, Timothy. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2013. xxxiv, 328 pp. Print.

Goodman, Susan. "Bearing Witness: Edith Wharton's the Book of the Homeless." Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 46.2 (2013): 87-103. Print.

---. "Bearing Witness: Edith Wharton's the Book of the Homeless." Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 46.2 (2013): 87-103. Print.

Glennon, Jenny. "Toward a Brighter Vision of 'American Ways and Their Meaning': Edith Wharton and the Americanization of Europe after the First World War." American Writers in Europe: 1850 to the Present. Eds. Asya, Ferda and Diane Johnson. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. viii, 247 pp. Print.

---. "Toward a Brighter Vision of 'American Ways and Their Meaning': Edith Wharton and the Americanization of Europe after the First World War." American Writers in Europe: 1850 to the Present. Eds. Asya, Ferdâ and Diane Johnson. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. 97-114. Print.

Campbell, Donna. "The Ghost Story as Structure in Edith Wharton's 'the Other Two'." Explicator 71.1 (2013): 69-72. Print.

Beacom, Elizabeth Currier. The 'Secret Garden' and the Marketplace: Private and Public Space in Edith Wharton's Nonfiction. 2013. Print.

Asya, Ferda. "American Writers in Paris Exploring the 'Unknown' in Their Own Time: Edith Wharton's in Morocco and Diane Johnson's Lulu in Marrakech." American Writers in Europe: 1850 to the Present. Eds. Asya, Ferda and Diane Johnson. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. viii, 247 pp. Print.


Newly received:

Butterworth-McDermott, Christine. "Lustful Fathers and False Princes: ‘Cinderella’ and ‘Donkeyskin’ Motifs in Edith Wharton's Summer and Katherine Mansfield's Short Stories. Katherine Mansfield Studies. 4.1 (Fall 2012): 63-78.

Scanlan, Sean. "Going No Place? Foregrounding Nostalgia and Psychological Spaces in Wharton's The House of Mirth." Style 44.1-2 (2010): 207-229. Print (and online at: http://www.engl.niu.edu/ojs/index.php/style/article/view/113).

Please list Edith Wharton at Home: Life at The Mount with your recent publications. It was written by the architectural historian Richard Guy Wilson with a foreword by Pauline Metcalf. John Arthur did the contemporary photography.
The book was published in September 2012 by Monacelli Press and is listed on their website.


Journal of the Short Story in English n°58,
Presses Universitaires d'Angers.
A special issue on the Short Stories of Edith Wharton. Guest editor Virginia Ricard.

To order, contact catherine.dupuy@univ-angers.fr at the Presses Universitaires d'Angers.


Linda Collinge-Germain, Foreword

Virginia Ricard, Introduction

Sarah Whitehead, Make It Short: Edith Wharton’s Modernist Practices in her Short Stories

David Malcolm, Breaches of Realist Conventions in Edith Wharton’s Short Fiction

Robin Peel, Realism and Ritual in the Italian Short Stories of Edith Wharton

Audrey Giboux, The Epistolary Motif and Literary Creation in Edith Wharton’s Short Stories: Narrative, Aesthetic and Moral Issues

Agnès Berbinau-Dezalay. Reading and Readers in Edith Wharton’s Short Stories

Joanna Scutts, “Writing a War Story”: The Female Author and the Challenge of Witnessing

William Blazek, Reading the Ruins: “Coming Home,” Wharton’s Atrocity Story of the First World War

Gary Totten, Imagining the American West in Wharton’s Short Fiction

Nancy Von Rosk, Prince Charming or Animal Bridegroom?: Fairy Tale Elements in Edith Wharton’s “Bunner Sisters”

Jennifer Haytock, The Dogs of “Kerfol”: Animals, Authorship, and Wharton

Gina Rossetti, Old Entanglements: Spectral Spouses in Edith Wharton’s “The Other Two” and “Pomegranate Seed”

Michael Pantazzi, A Face of One’s Own: Edith Wharton and the Portrait in her Short Fiction

Brigitte Zaugg,The Art of Irresolution in Edith Wharton’s “The Lady’s Maid’s Bell”

Joseph Urbas, “Sermons in Stone”: Théophile Gautier’s Emaux et Camées and Edith Wharton’s “The Eyes”

Virginia Ricard,Bibliography


Alsop, Elizabeth. "Refusal to Tell: Withholding Heroines in Hawthorne, Wharton, and Coetzee." College Literature 39 3 (2012): 84-105. Print.

Boyd, Ailsa. "'The Decoration of Houses': The American Homes of Edith Wharton.’ The Journal of the Decorative Arts Society 30 (2006): 76-93. PrintNew

Brivic, Sheldon. "The Lacanian Phallus and the Lesbian One in Wharton's 'Xingu'." Journal of Modern Literature 35 2 (2012): 25-36. Print.

Butterworth-McDermott, Christine. "Lustful Fathers and False Princes: ‘Cinderella’ and ‘Donkeyskin’ Motifs in Edith Wharton's Summer and Katherine Mansfield's Short Stories. Katherine Mansfield Studies. 4.1 (Fall 2012): 63-78.New

Campbell, Donna. "Edith Wharton Meets Aquaman: The Glimpses of the Moon and Imperiled Male Culture in Entourage." Journal of Popular Culture 45 6 (2012): 1152-68. Print. New

Evron, Nir. "Realism, Irony and Morality in Edith Wharton's the Age of Innocence." Journal of Modern Literature 35 2 (2012): 37-51. Print.

Hans, Julia Boissoneau. The Transparent Mask: American Women's Satire 1900-1933. 2012. Print.

Jessee, Margaret Jay. "Trying It On: Narration and Masking in the Age of Innocence." Journal of Modern Literature 36 1 (2012): 37-52. Print. New

Knights, Pamela. "Edith Wharton's 'Venetian Backgrounds.'" Venice and the Cultural Imagination: "This Strange Dream upon the Water." Ed. Michael O'Neill, Mark Sandy and Sarah Wootton. London: Pickering, 2012. 109-26, 186-9. PRINT.

Knights, Pamela. "Edith Wharton." A Companion to Twentieth-Century United States Fiction. Ed. David Seed. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. 209-18. PRINT.

Mayne, Michael. "Place and Agency in the House of Mirth." Journal of Narrative Theory 42 1 (2012): 1-20. Print.New

Monteiro, George. "'Good Country People': Stories by Louise Clarkson and Edith Wharton." American Literary Realism 44 3 (2012): 271-76. Print.

Peleato, Floreal. "Supreme Renoncement: Le Temps De L'innocence." Positif: Revue Mensuelle de Cinema 619 (2012): 110-12. Print.

Powell, Laura L. Sew Speak! Needlework as the Voice of Ideology Critique in 'the Scarlet Letter', 'a New England Nun', and 'the Age of Innocence'. 2012. PrintNew

Shinbrot, Victoria. "Risk and Subversion in Edith Wharton's the House of Mirth." Orbis Litterarum: International Review of Literary Studies 67 1 (2012): 39-60. Print.

Bendixen, Alfred. A Companion to the American Novel. 2012.

Puskar, Jason Robert. Accident Society : Fiction, Collectivity, and the Production of Chance. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 2012. Print.

Wharton, Edith, Anna Catherine Bahlmann, and Irene C. Goldman-Price. My Dear Governes : The Letters of Edith Wharton to Anna Bahlmann. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2012. Print.

Williams, Jason Richard. Competing Visions: Women Writers and Male Illustrators in the Golden Age of Illustration. 2012. Print.


Adams, Maureen B. Shaggy Muses : The Dogs Who Inspired Virginia Woolf, Emily Dickinson, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Edith Wharton, and Emily Brontë. Chicago ; London: University of Chicago Press, 2011. Print.

Armbruster, Elif S. Domestic Biographies : Stowe, Howells, James, and Wharton at Home. Studies on Themes and Motifs in Literature ;. New York: Peter Lang, 2011. Print.

Arai, Keiko. American Girls: Nation and Gender in James, Wharton, and Cather. 2011. Print.

Fraiman, Susan. "Domesticity Beyond Sentiment: Edith Wharton, Decoration, and Divorce." American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 83 3 (2011): 479-507. Print.

Goldman-Price, Irene.  "Young Edith Jones: Sources and Texts of Early Poemsby Edith Wharton."  Resources for American Literary Study 34. (2011): 95-106.

Goldsmith, Meredith. "Cigarettes, Tea, Cards, and Chloral: Addictive Habits and Consumer Culture in the House of Mirth." American Literary Realism 43.3 (2011): 242-58. Print.

Gómez Reus, Teresa. "Flânerie and the Ghosts of War: Hidden Perspectives of Edith Wharton's 'The Look of Paris.'" Women: A Cultural Review 22.1 (2011): 29-49.

Hellman, Caroline. Domesticity and Design in American Women's Lives and Literature : Stowe, Alcott, Cather, and Wharton Writing Home. Routledge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature ;. New York: Routledge, 2011. Print.

Horner, Avril, and Janet Beer. Edith Wharton : Sex, Satire, and the Older Woman. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. Print.

Joslin, Katherine. Edith Wharton and the Making of Fashion. Durham: Univ Of New Hampshire Pr, 2011. (New in paper). Print.

Mercurio, John, Edith Wharton, and Tajlei Levis. Glimpses of the Moon : A Jazz Age Musical. New York: Samuel French, 2011. Print.

Rattray, Laura (ed.) Edith Wharton's The Custom of the Country: A Reassessment. London: Pickering and Chatto, 2010.

Ross, Randi A. The Ghost in James, Pangborn, and Wharton: A Shifting Trope in an Era of Shifting Philosophies. 2011. Print.

Saltz, Laura. "'The Vision-Building Faculty': Naturalistic Vision in the House of Mirth." MFS: Modern Fiction Studies 57.1 (2011): 17-46. Print.

Sauter, Irene Billeter. New York City: 'Gilt Cage' or 'Promised Land'? Representations of Urban Space in Edith Wharton and Anzia Yezierska. Europaische Hochschulschriften/Publications Universitaire Europeennes/European University Studies Xiv: Angelsachsische Sprache Und Literatur/Langue Et Litterature Anglo-Saxonnes/Anglo-Saxon Language and Literature (Eurhansl). Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang, 2011. Print.

Singley, Carol J. Adopting America : Childhood, Kinship, and National Identity in Literature. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 2011. Print.

White, Edmund. Sacred Monsters. 1st Magnus Books ed. New York: Magnus Books, 2011. Print.

Whitehead, S. (2011), "Reader as consumer: the magazine short story". Short Fiction in Theory and Practice 1: 1. 71–84.

Witzig, M. Denise. "The Letter of the Law: Rethinking the Woman Writer in the Works of Edith Wharton." 2011. Print.

Newly added older works:

Sensibar, Judith L. “Edith Wharton and Homosexual Panic or, Reading Henry James Straight.” In Critical Essays on Edith Wharton. Eds. Alfred Bendixen and Annette Zilversmitt. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1992: 159-180.


Backer, Leslie. "Lily Bart as Artist in Edith Wharton's the House of Mirth." Explicator 68.1 (2010): 33-35. Print.

Bailey Cheylan, Alice. "A Critical Distance." Gender Studies 1.9 (2010): 65-71. Print.

Beam, Dorri. Style, Gender, and Fantasy in Nineteenth-Century American Women's Writing. Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture (Csalc). Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2010. Print.

Campbell, Lori M. Portals of Power: Magical Agency and Transformation in Literary Fantasy. Critical Explorations in Science Fiction and Fantasy (Cesff). Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2010. Print.

Garden, Rebecca. "Sympathy, Disability, and the Nurse: Female Power in Edith Wharton's the Fruit of the Tree." Journal of Medical Humanities 31.3 (2010): 223-42. Print.

Geriguis, Lina L. "Beyond Domestic Grounds: Edith Wharton's Shakespearean Glance in the Age of Innocence." Pacific Coast Philology 45 (2010): 71-91. Print.

Goldsmith, Meredith. "'Other People's Clothes': Homosociality, Consumer Culture, and Affective Reading in Edith Wharton's Summer." Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers 27.1 (2010): 109-27. Print.

Hendry, Michael. "Two Greek Syllables in Wharton's 'the Pelican'." Notes and Queries 57.255) (2 (2010): 224-25. Print.

Joslin, Katherine. "Seeing Wharton Anew." MFS: Modern Fiction Studies 56.2 (2010): 401-05. Print.

Kiran-Raw, Meltem. "Edith Wharton's 'the Other Two'." Explicator 68.1 (2010): 39-42. Print.

Kottaras, Ekaterini. "Metaphors of Deception: Incomplete Speech Acts in Edith Wharton's the Age of Innocence." Edith Wharton Review 26.1 (2010): 10-17. Print.

Magin, Sarah E. "Ralph's Suicide and Undine's 'Physical Nearness' in Edith Wharton's the Custom of the Country." Explicator 68.3 (2010): 181-84. Print.

Mahoney, Erin. "The House of Mirth and the Realistic Fairy Tale." Explicator 68.1 (2010): 36-38. Print.

Norton, Ann V. "Anita Brookner Reads Edith Wharton and Henry James: The Problem of Moral Imagination." Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature 29.1 (2010): 19-33, 215. Print.

Renfroe, Alicia Mischa. "Rights and Justice in Edith Wharton's the Reef." Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 39.3 (2010): 238-61. Print.

Roffman, Karin. From the Modernist Annex: American Women Writers in Museums and Libraries. Tuscaloosa, AL: U of Alabama P, 2010. Print.

Stephenson, Liisa. "Decorating Fiction: Edith Wharton's Literary Architecture." University of Toronto Quarterly: A Canadian Journal of the Humanities 79.4 (2010): 1096-104. Print.

Weingarten, Karen. "Between the Town and the Mountain: Abortion and the Politics of Life in Edith Wharton's Summer." Canadian Review of American Studies/Revue Canadienne d'Etudes Americaines 40.3 (2010): 351-72. Print.

Whitehead, Sarah. "Demeter Forgiven: Wharton's Use of the Persephone Myth in Her Short Stories." Edith Wharton Review 26.1 (2010): 17-25. Print.

Williams, Jason. "Competing Visions: Edith Wharton and A. B. Wenzell in the House of Mirth." Edith Wharton Review 26.1 (2010): 1-9. Print.


Bacchiega, Franca. "Edith Wharton in Florence." Rivista di Studi Italiani 23.2 (December 2005): 153-160. website www.rivistadistudiitaliani.it

Beer, Janet and Avril Horner. 'Edith Wharton and Modernism: The Mother's Recompense'. American Modernism: Cultural Transactions Eds. Morley, Catherine and Alex Goody. Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K.; Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009 (69-92).

Bromell, Nick. "Reading Democratically: Pedagogies of Difference and Practices of Listening in the House of Mith and Passing." American Literature 81.2 (2009): 281-303.

Griffin, Joseph. America's Social Classes in the Writings of Edith Wharton: An Analysis of Her Short Stories. Lewiston, N.Y.: Edwin Mellen Press, 2009.

Joslin, Katherine. Edith Wharton and the Making of Fashion.. Durham, NH: U of New Hampshire P, 2009. Print.

Knights, Pamela. The Cambridge Introduction to Edith Wharton. Cambridge Introductions to Literature. Cambridge, UK ; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Lee, A. Robert. Gothic to Multicultural: Idioms of Imagining in American Literary Fiction. Costerus: Essays in English and American Language and Literature (Costerus): 178. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi, 2009. Print.

Marchand, Mary V. "Values Made Flesh: Edith Wharton and the Body Aesthetic." New Essays on Life Writing and the Body. Eds. Stuart, Christopher, Stephanie Todd and Timothy Dow Adams. Newcastle upon Tyne, England: Cambridge Scholars, 2009. xxiii, 270 pp. Print.

Mullen, Patrick. "The Aesthetics of Self-Management: Intelligence, Capital, and the House of Mirth." Novel: A Forum on Fiction 42.1 (2009): 40-61.

Patten, Ann L. "The Spectres of Capitalism and Democracy in Edith Wharton's Early Ghost Stories." Edith Wharton Review 25.1 (2009): 1-8. Print.

Perry, Matthew David. "Exit Strategies: Reimagining Retreat in Modern American War Literature." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences: U of Tulsa, 2009. 2713-13. Vol. 69.

Petrie, Paul R. "'Fantastic Effigy': The Masculine Construction of Womanhood in Edith Wharton's 'the Other Two'." Philological Review 35.2 (2009): 13-39. Print.

Rattray, Laura, ed. The Unpublished Writings of Edith Wharton. Pickering Masters. 2 vols. London: Pickering & Chatto, 2009.

Rutland, Laura E. "The Law of Sex and Death: Religious Language and Practice in Edith Wharton's Summer." Christianity and Literature 58.3 (2009): 429-49.

Saunders, Judith P. Reading Edith Wharton through a Darwinian Lens : Evolutionary Biological Issues in Her Fiction. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co., 2009.

Scott, Jacquelyn. "The 'Lift of a Broken Wing': Darwinian Descent and Selection in Edith Wharton's the House of Mirth and Summer." Edith Wharton Review 25.2 (2009): 1-9. Print.

Simour, Lhoussain. "The White Lady Travels: Narrating Fez and Spacing Colonial Authority in Edith Wharton's in Morocco." Hawwa: Journal of Women of the Middle East and the Islamic World 7.1 (2009): 39-56. Print.

Takamura, Mineo. "On Cruelty: Anachronism, Nostalgia, and the Violence of Museum Culture in Edith Wharton's the Age of Innocence." Studies in English Literature 50 (2009): 65-80. Print.

Tromly, Lucas. "'The Small Talk of the Harem': Discursive Communities and Colonial Silences in Edith Wharton's in Morocco." Studies in Travel Writing 13.3 (2009): 239-50. Print.

van der Werf, Els.Brief Affairs: Narrative Strategies in Female Adultery Stories by Kate Chopin and Edith Wharton. Groningen: GrafiMedia, 2009 (http://irs.ub.rug.nl/ppn/316662747).

van der Werf, Els, “’A Woman’s Nature is Like a Great House full of Rooms’: Edith Wharton’s Personal and Fictional Representation of Homes.”  Home Cultures 6.2 (July 2009): 179-198.

Wahl, Jenny. "Edith Wharton as Economist: An Economic Interpretation of the House of Mirth and the Age of Innocence." Edith Wharton Review 25.1 (2009): 9-15. Print.

Wang, Liming. "Zuo Yi Ge 'Hao Nã¼ Hai (Ren)': Jie Lã¼, Hua Yu Ji Dian Yi-Duo Ceng Mian Jie Du Yidisi Huadun De Xia." Foreign Literature Studies/Wai Guo Wen Xue Yan Jiu 31.1 [135] (2009): 110-17.

Zeng, Hong. Apollonian and Dionysian : Patterns of Imagery in Edith Wharton's Tragic Novels. Lanham: University Press of America, 2009.


Baker, Dorothy Z. America's Gothic Fiction: The Legacy of Magnalia Christi Americana. Columbus, OH: Ohio State UP, 2007.

Bardolph, Megan J. "'That Strange Something Undreamt:' Genre and Meta-Fiction in Edith Wharton's 'the Lady's Maid's Bell'." Eureka Studies in Teaching Short Fiction 9.1 (2008): 137-46.

Boswell, Parley Ann.Edith Wharton on Film. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 2007.

Coulson, Victoria. Henry James, Women and Realism. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2007.

Daalder, Joost. "Frustrated Emancipation in Edith Wharton's the Age of Innocence." Otago Studies in English. Eds. Colin Gibson and Lisa Marr. Dunedin, New Zealand: Department of English University of Otago, 2005. 559 pp.

Daigrepont, Lloyd M. "The Cult of Passion in the Age of Innocence." American Literary Realism 40.1 (2007): 1-15.

Emsley, Sarah. The Custom of the Country. Broadview Editions (Broadview Editions). Peterborough, ON: Broadview, 2008.

Evans, Anne-Marie. "Public Space and Spectacle: Female Bodies and Consumerism in Edith Wharton's the House of Mirth." Spatial Practices: An Interdisciplinary Series in Cultural History, Geography and Literature (Spatialp). Eds. Teresa Gomez Reus, Aranzazu Usandizaga and Janet Wolff. vols. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi, 2008. 364 pp.

Fournier, Suzanne J.Edith Wharton's Ethan Frome: a Reference Guide." Praeger Publishers, 2006. .

Goldsmith, Meredith. "A 'Ghostly Cortege' of 'Imaginary Guests': Ghosts of Old New York in 'after Holbein'." Ghosts, Stories, Histories: Ghost Stories and Alternative Histories. Ed. Sladja Blazan. Newcastle upon Tyne, England: Cambridge Scholars, 2007.

Gómez Reus Teresaand Peter Lauber, "In a Literary No Man's Land. A Spatial Reading of Edith Wharton's Fighting France, in Inside Out. Women Negotiating, Subverting, Appropriating Public and Private Space, eds. Teresa Gómez Reus and Aranzazu Usandizaga. Amsterdam and NY: Rodopi, 2008: 205-228.

Gooder, R. D. "The American Scene, or Paradise Lost." Cambridge Quarterly 37.1 (2008): 16-29.

Haytock, Jennifer. Edith Wharton and the Conversations of Literary Modernism. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.

Henitiuk, Valerie. Embodied Boundaries: Images of Liminality in a Selection of Women-Authored Courtship Narratives. Studies in Liminality and Literature (Stl&L). Madrid, Spain: Gateway, 2007.

Hume, Beverly. "The Fall of the House of Marvell: Wharton's Poesque Romantic in the Custom of the Country." American Literary Realism 40.2 (2008): 137-53.

Jacobsen, Karen J. "Economic Hauntings: Wealth and Class in Edith Wharton's Ghost Stories." College Literature 35.1 (2008): 100-27.

Klimasmith, Betsy. "Salvaging History: Modern Philosophies of Memory and Time in the Age of Innocence." American Literature 80.3 (2008): 555-81.

Margolies, Edward. New York and the Literary Imagination: The City in Twentieth Century Fiction and Drama. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2008.

McCallum, Rick, et al. The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones. Volume Three, the Years of Change. videorecording. CBS DVD: Paramount Home Entertainment,, Hollywood, Calif., 2008. (documentary)

McEntyre, Marilyn. "The House of Mirth Isn't There a Quieter Place?" Isle: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 15.1 (2008): 83-99.

Pizer, Donald. American Naturalism and the Jews: Garland, Norris, Dreiser, Wharton, and Cather. Urbana, IL: U of Illinois P, 2008.

Sasaki, Mari. "Sakka to Hyoden to Sono Chosha." Eigo Seinen/Rising Generation 153.11 (2008): 689.

Sloboda, Noel. The Making of Americans in Paris : The Autobiographies of Edith Wharton and Gertrude Stein. American University Studies / 24. New York [u.a.]: Lang, 2008.

Stone, Donald. "Edith Wharton Seen in Full." Sewanee Review 116.1 (2008): 149-55.

Sweeney, Susan Elizabeth. "Envisioning Sleeping Beauties in Dore, Wharton, and Nabokov." Interfaces: Image Texte Language 28 (2008): 41-52.

Totten, Gary. "Critical Reception and Cultural Capital: Edith Wharton as a Short Story Writer." Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture 8.1 (2008): 115-33.

Weinstock, Jeffrey Andrew. Scare Tactics : Supernatural Fiction by American Women. 1st ed. New York: Fordham University Press, 2008.

Wharton, Edith. The Triumph of Night and Other Tales. Leyburn, North Yorkshire: Tartarus Press, 2008.

Whitehead, Sarah. "Breaking the Frame: How Edith Wharton's Short Stories Subvert Their Magazine Context." European Journal of American Culture 27.1 (2008): 43-56.

Wikander, Karen Jo. Bringing Venus into the Gutter: A Textual History of Edith Wharton's 'the Custom of the Country'. 2008.

Wilson-Jordan, Jacqueline. "Terrors of the Modern World: Edith Wharton's 'All Souls' as a Revisionist Gothic Tale." Eureka Studies in Teaching Short Fiction 9.1 (2008): 65-80.

Worth, Aaron. "Edith Wharton's Poetics of Telecommunications." Studies in American Fiction 36.1 (2008): 95-121.

Wu, Pin-hsiang Natalie. "Diverse Social Languages Converge and Coincide: Discourses and Dialogues in Edith Wharton's the Custom of the Country." Marang: Journal of Language and Literature 18 (2008): 103-20.


See reviews of the new Hermione Lee biography of Wharton at Edith Wharton in the News.

Baker, Dorothy Z. America's Gothic Fiction: The Legacy of Magnalia Christi Americana. Columbus, OH: Ohio State UP, 2007.

Barlowe, Jamie. "No Innocence in This Age: Edith Wharton's Commercialization and Commodification." Memorial Boxes and Guarded Interiors: Edith Wharton and Material Culture. Ed. Gary Totten. Tuscaloosa, AL: U of Alabama P, 2007. x, 315 pp.

Beer, Janet, and Avril Horner. "Wharton the 'Renovator': Twilight Sleep as Gothic Satire." Yearbook of English Studies 37.1 (2007): 177-92.

Benert, Annette. The Architectural Imagination of Edith Wharton: Gender, Class, and Power in the Progressive Era. Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 2007.

Bennett, Lyn. "Presence and Professionalism: The Critical Reception of Edith Wharton." Memorial Boxes and Guarded Interiors: Edith Wharton and Material Culture. Ed. Gary Totten. Tuscaloosa, AL: U of Alabama P, 2007. x, 315 pp.

Brittan, Lorna. "Edith Wharton's Alchemy of Publicity." American Literature 79.4 (2007): 725-51.

Coulson, Victoria. Henry James, Women and Realism. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2007.

Daigrepont, Lloyd M. "The Cult of Passion in the Age of Innocence." American Literary Realism 40.1 (2007): 1-15.

Duvall, J. Michael. "The Futile and the Dingy: Wasting and Being Wasted in the House of Mirth." Memorial Boxes and Guarded Interiors: Edith Wharton and Material Culture. Ed. Gary Totten. Tuscaloosa, AL: U of Alabama P, 2007. x, 315 pp.

Foster, Travis. "Ascendant Obtuseness and Aesthetic Perception in the House of Mirth." Edith Wharton Review 23.1 (2007): 1-8.

Goldsmith, Meredith. "A 'Ghostly Cortege' of 'Imaginary Guests': Ghosts of Old New York in 'after Holbein'." Ghosts, Stories, Histories: Ghost Stories and Alternative Histories. Ed. Sladja Blazan. Newcastle upon Tyne, England: Cambridge Scholars, 2007. ix, 291 pp.

Hellman, Caroline. "Chintz Goes to War: Edith Wharton's Revised Designs for Home and Homefront." Edith Wharton Review 23.1 (2007): 8-13.

Henitiuk, Valerie. Embodied Boundaries: Images of Liminality in a Selection of Women-Authored Courtship Narratives. Studies in Liminality and Literature (Stl&L). Madrid, Spain: Gateway, 2007.

Koyano, Atsushi. "Seiyoku No Niou Onnatachi." Eigo Seinen/Rising Generation 153.3 (2007): 140-41.

Lee, Hermione. Edith Wharton. New York, NY: Knopf, 2007.

Mar, Alex. "Society's Child." BookForum: The Review for Art, Fiction, & Culture 13.4 (2007): 60.

Orlando, Emily J. "Picturing Lily: Body Art in the House of Mirth." Memorial Boxes and Guarded Interiors: Edith Wharton and Material Culture. Ed. Gary Totten. Tuscaloosa, AL: U of Alabama P, 2007. x, 315 pp.

Rahr, Alexandra. "Barbarians at the Table: The Parvenu Dines in Edith Wharton's the Custom of the Country." Edith Wharton Review 23.2 (2007): 1-8.

Roffman, Karin. "'Use Unknown': Edith Wharton, the Museum Space, and the Writer's Work." Memorial Boxes and Guarded Interiors: Edith Wharton and Material Culture. Ed. Gary Totten. Tuscaloosa, AL: U of Alabama P, 2007. x, 315 pp.

Salina, Jamil S. "Wharton's 'Roman Fever'." Explicator 65.2 (2007): 99-101.

Sapora, Carol Baker. "Undine Spragg, the Mirror and the Lamp in the Custom of the Country." Memorial Boxes and Guarded Interiors: Edith Wharton and Material Culture. Ed. Gary Totten. Tuscaloosa, AL: U of Alabama P, 2007. x, 315 pp.

Selman, Linda. "The Influence of the Bunner Brothers on Edith Wharton's 'Bunner Sisters'." Edith Wharton Review 23.1 (2007): 13-18.

Shepherd, Jennifer. "Fashioning an Aesthetics of Consumption in the House of Mirth." Memorial Boxes and Guarded Interiors: Edith Wharton and Material Culture. Ed. Gary Totten. Tuscaloosa, AL: U of Alabama P, 2007. x, 315 pp.

Singley, Carol. "Edith Wharton and Susan Minot: A Literary Lineage." Edith Wharton Review 23.2 (2007): 8-12.

Thompson, Terry W. "'a Journey': Edith Wharton's Homage to F. Marion Croawford's 'the Upper Berth'." South Carolina Review 40.1 (2007): 19-26.

Totten, Gary. "The Machine in the Home: Women and Technology in the Fruit of the Tree." Memorial Boxes and Guarded Interiors: Edith Wharton and Material Culture. Ed. Gary Totten. Tuscaloosa, AL: U of Alabama P, 2007. x, 315 pp.

---. Memorial Boxes and Guarded Interiors: Edith Wharton and Material Culture. Studies in American Literary Realism and Naturalism (Salrn). Tuscaloosa, AL: U of Alabama P, 2007.

Watts, Linda S. "The Bachelor Girl and the Body Politic: The Built Environment, Self-Possession, and the Never-Married Woman in House of Mirth."Memorial Boxes and Guarded Interiors: Edith Wharton and Material Culture. Ed. Gary Totten. Tuscaloosa, AL: U of Alabama P, 2007. x, 315 pp.

Wilson-Jordan, Jacqueline. "Materializing the Word: The Woman Writer and the Struggle for Authority in 'Mr. Jones'." Memorial Boxes and Guarded Interiors: Edith Wharton and Material Culture. Ed. Gary Totten. Tuscaloosa, AL: U of Alabama P, 2007. x, 315 pp.

Yount, Janet Aikens. "Strange Bedfellows: Textual Transference among Samuel Richardson, Edith Wharton, and T. S. Eliot in the Modernist Sexology Movement." Eighteenth-Century Life 31.3 (2007): 29-59.

Zak, Deborah J. "Building the Female Body: Modern Technology and Techniques at Work in Twilight Sleep." Memorial Boxes and Guarded Interiors: Edith Wharton and Material Culture. Ed. Gary Totten. Tuscaloosa, AL: U of Alabama P, 2007. x, 315 pp.


Beer, Janet, et al. Lives of Victorian Literary Figures Iv: Oscar Wilde, Henry James and Edith Wharton by Their Contemporaries, Volume 1: Oscar Wilde; Volume 2: Henry James; Volume 3: Edith Wharton. 4: London, England : Pickering & Chatto, 2006.

Bourassa, Alan. "Wharton's Aesthetics and the Ethics of Affect." CLA Journal 50.1 (2006): 84-106.

Campbell, Donna. "'Where Are the Ladies?' Wharton, Glasgow, and American Women Naturalists." Studies in American Naturalism 1.1-2 (2006): 152-69.

Ellis, Jim. "Temporality and Queer Consciousness in the House of Mirth." Screen 47.2 (2006): 163-78.

Farwell, Tricia M. Love and Death in Edith Wharton's Fiction. 48 Toc: "The Fullness of Life" The House of Mirth the Fruit of the Tree Ethan Frome the Reef Summer the Gilmpses of the Moon Twilight Sleep the Buccaneers: New York, NY : Peter Lang, 2006.

Fleissner, Jennifer L. "The Biological Clock: Edith Wharton, Naturalism, and the Temporality of Womanhood." American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 78.3 (2006): 519-.

Fournier, Suzanne J. Edith Wharton's Ethan Frome : A Reference Guide. Westport, Conn.: Praeger Publishers, 2006.

Griffith, Jean C. "'Lita Is-Jazz': The Harlem Renaissance, Cabaret Culture, and Racial Amalgamation in Edith Wharton's Twilight Sleep." Studies in the Novel 38.1 (2006): 74-94.

Henitiuk, Valerie Lynne. "Embodied Boundaries: Images of Liminality in a Selection of Women-Authored Courtship Narratives." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 66.10 (2006): 3636.

Hochman, Barbara. "The Good, the Bad, and the Literary: Edith Wharton's Bunner Sisters and the Social Contexts of Reading." Studies in American Naturalism 1.1-2 (2006): 128-43.

Kim, Sharon. "Edith Wharton and Epiphany." Journal of Modern Literature 29.3 (2006): 150-75.

---. "Lamarckism and the Construction of Transcendence in the House of Mirth." Studies in the Novel 38.2 (2006): 187-210.

Koprince, Susan. "The Narrow House: Glaspell's Trifles and Wharton's Ethan Frome." Susan Glaspell: New Directions in Critical Inquiry. Ed. Martha C. Carpentier: Cambridge Scholars, Newcastle upon Tyne, England Pagination: 63-78, 2006. 117.

Meyer, Susan. "On the Front and at Home: Wharton, Cather, the Jews, and the First World War." Cather Studies 6 (2006): 205-27.

Murray, Margaret. "Teaching Edith Wharton: Of Bling and Bart." Edith Wharton Review 22.1 (2006): 5-8.

Nettels, Elsa. "Howells and Wharton." American Literary Realism 38.2 (2006): 160-73.

Ohler, Paul. Edith Wharton's Evolutionary Conception: Darwinian Allegory in Her Major Novels. Studies in Major Literary Authors. New York: Routledge, 2006.

Orlando, Emily J. Edith Wharton and the Visual Arts. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P, 2006.

Parmiter, Tara K. "Home Away from Home: The Summer Place in Turn-of-the- Twentieth Century American Women's Literature." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 67.6 (2006): 2159.

Pite, Ralph. Lives of Victorian Literary Figures. Iv, Oscar Wilde, Henry James and Edith Wharton. London ; Brookfield, Vt.: Pickering & Chatto, 2006.

Rives, Darcie D. "Fantastic Writing, Real Lives: Gender, Race, and Sexuality in Early Twentieth-Century American Women's Speculative Fiction." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 67.4 (2006): 1342-43.

---. "Haunted by Violence: Edith Wharton's the Decoration of Houses and Her Gothic Fiction." Edith Wharton Review 22.1 (2006): 8-13.

Starcevic, Jasmina. "Passing and the Figure of the Europeanized American in Edith Wharton's Fiction." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 67.3 (2006): 939.

Thomas, J. D. "Tribal Culture, Pantomime, and the Communicative Face in Edith Wharton's the Age of Innocence." Edith Wharton Review 22.1 (2006): 1-5.

Thompson, Terry W. "Old Testament Sourcing in Edith Wharton's 'All Souls'." ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews 19.4 (2006): 47-52.

Vanderlaan, Kimberly Marie. "The Arts and Artists in the Fiction of Henry James, Editih Wharton and Willa Cather." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 66.12 (2006): 4390.

Wharton, Edith. The Children. London: Virago, 2006.

---. The House of Mirth. London: Virago, 2006.

Wharton, Edith, and Stephen Orgel. The Age of Innocence. Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press, 2006.

Wharton, Edith, and Linda Wagner-Martin. The Custom of the Country. Penguin Classics. New York: Penguin Books, 2006.

Newly Added (Older Works)

Mary Suzanne Schriber, Gender and the Writer's Imagination (UP of Kentucky, 1987).

Mary Suzanne Schriber, Writing Home: American Women Abroad, 1830-1920 (UP of Virginia, 1997).

The Cosmopolitan Magazine, Vol. XXIX, August 1900, p. 429-437, has a short story by Edith Wharton, "The Rembrandt", about a lady fallen on hard times who offers an unsigned painting, possibly a Rembrandt, to the author, for more than its worth.--Jeannie Smith


Beer, Janet. Kate Chopin, Edith Wharton and Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Studies in Short Fiction. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005. (Reprint of 1997 edition)

Bruni, John. "Becoming American: Evolution and Performance in Edith Wharton's The Custom of the Country." Intertexts 9.1 (Spring 2005): 43-61.

Dawson,Melanie. Laboring to Play: Home Entertainment and the Spectacle of Middle-Class Cultural Life, 1850-1920. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2005. Chapter 5, "Staging Disaster: Turn-of-the-Century Entertainment Scenes and the Failure of Personal Transformation" features a discsussion of The House of Mirth.

Peel, Robin. Apart from Modernism : Edith Wharton, Politics, and Fiction before World War I. Madison N.J.: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2005.

Saunders, Judith P. "Evolutionary Biological Issues in Edith Wharton's THE CHILDREN." COLLEGE LITERATURE 32.2 (Spring 2005): 83-102.

Stansberry, Tonya F. "Imprisoned and Empowered: The Women of Edith Wharton's Supernatural Fiction." M. A. Thesis. East Tennessee State University, 2003. http://etd-submit.etsu.edu/etd/theses/available/etd-0712103-091758/

Towheed, Shafquat "'An Appreciative and Grateful Author': Edith Wharton and the House of Macmillan", Publishing History 58 (2005), 43-77.

Wharton, Edith. The Descent of Man : And Other Stories. Whitefish, Mt: Kessinger Pub., 2005. Reprint of 1904 edition.

Wharton, Edith, and Louis Auchincloss. Selected Poems. American Poets Project. New York: Library of America, 2005.

Wharton, Edith, and Catalina Martínez Muñoz. Los Niños. 1. ed. Barcelona: Alba Editorial, 2005.


Blair, Amy L. "Misreading The House of Mirth." American Literature 76.1 (2004): 149-75.

Bruni, John. "Making the Fittest Culture: Social Darwinism and American Naturalist Writing at the Turn of the Twentieth Century." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 65.4 (2004): 1367.

Buckalew, Kimberly Paige. "Fictional Bridges: Modern Female Heroines in Edith Wharton's Five Major Novels (1905-1920)." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 64.10 (2004): 3694.

Chung, Hae-Ok. "Marriage as a Business Contract: Edith Wharton's The Custom of the Country." Nineteenth Century Literature in English 8.1 (2004): 179-95.

Costanzo Cahir, Linda. "A Tribute to Scott Marshall." Edith Wharton Review 20.1 (Spring 2004):4-6.

de Marneffe, Barbara. "In Memory: Eulogy for Scott Marshall."Edith Wharton Review 20.1 (Spring 2004): 4.

Emsley, Sarah. "Sexual Purity and Relentless Indecision in Wharton's The Reef: A Reply to Menon." New Compass: A Critical Review 3 (2004): (no. p.)

Fanetti, Susan. "The Mirthful Medusa: The Transgressive Act of Writing Women in the Works of Edith Wharton, Willa Cather, Nella Larsen, and Zora Neale Hurston." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 65.5 (2004): 1779-80.

Griffith, Jean Carol. "Reading White Space: Placing Race in the Novels of Edith Wharton, Ellen Glasgow, and Willa Cather." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 64.12 (2004): 4464.

Hecht, Deborah. "Representing Lawyers: Edith Wharton's Portrayal of Lawyers and Lawyering in the Touchstone and Summer." Literature and Law. Ed. Michael J. Meyer. Rodopi Perspectives on Modern Literature (Rpml) Number: 30: Rodopi, Amsterdam, Netherlands Pagination: 83-97, 2004. viii, 244.

Jones, Suzanne W. "The 'Beyondness of Things' in the Buccaneers: Vernon Lee's Influence on Edith Wharton's Sense of Place." Symbiosis: A Journal of Anglo-American Literary Relations 8.1 (2004): 7-30.

Kassanoff, Jennie A. Edith Wharton and the Politics of Race. Cambridge, England : Cambridge UP, 2004.

Marshall, Scott. "'More and More Never Apart': Edith Wharton and Henry James at the Mount." [A reading for two actors compiled and arranged by Scott Marshall.] Edith Wharton Review 20.1 (Spring 2004): 25-27.

Nicholls, Mark. "Male Melancholia and Martin Scorsese's The Age of Innocence." Film Quarterly 58.1 (2004): 25-35.

Nowlin, Michael. "Edith Wharton's Higher Provincialism: French Ways for American and the Ends of The Age of Innocence." Journal of American Studies 38 (2004): 89-108.

Ohler, Paul Joseph. "'the Poetic Value of the Evolutionary Conception': Darwinian Allegory in the Major Novels of Edith Wharton, 1905-1920." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 64.10 (2004): 3688.

Olin-Ammentorp, Julie. "Remembering Scott Marshall." Edith Wharton Review 20.1 (Spring 2004):6.

Olin-Ammentorp, Julie. "Edith Wharton's War Elegies."Edith Wharton Review 20.1 (Spring 2004): 6-12.

Olin-Ammentorp, Julie. Edith Wharton's Writings from the Great War. Gainesville, FL : UP of Florida, 2004.

Ray, Martin. "Edith Wharton and the Serialization of the Trumpet-Major." Thomas Hardy Journal 20.2 (2004): 67-69.

Renfroe, Alicia. "Prior Claims and Sovereign Rights: The Sexual Contract in Edith Wharton's Summer." Literature and Law. Ed. Michael J. Meyer. Rodopi Perspectives on Modern Literature (Rpml) Number: 30: Rodopi, Amsterdam, Netherlands Pagination: 193-206, 2004. viii, 244.

Rohrbach, Augusta. "Sexing the Lily: Shadows and Darkness in Terence Davies' House of Mirth." Edith Wharton Review 20.1 (Spring 2004): 19-25.

Rudkin, Casey J. "Wharton's New Year's Day (the 'Seventies)." Explicator 63.1 (2004): 32-34.

Skaggs, Carmen Trammell. "Looking through the Opera Glasses: Performance and Artifice in The Age of Innocence." Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 37.1 (2004): 49-61.

Tebbetts, Terrell. "Conformity, Desire, and the Critical Self in Wharton's The Age of Innocence." Philological Review 30.1 (2004): 25-38.

Weckerle, Lisa. Taming the Transgressive: A Feminist Analysis of the Film Adaptation of 'The Old Maid.'" Edith Wharton Review 20.1 (Spring 2004):12-19.

Zilversmit, Annette. "I Met Him through a Personal Ad: Or, How It All Began." Edith Wharton Review 20.1 (Spring 2004): 2-4.


Beer, Janet and Avril Horner. '"This isn't exactly a ghost story": Edith Wharton and Parodic Gothic'. Journal of American Studies 37.2 (2003): 269-285.

Campbell, Donna M. "The 'Bitter Taste' of Naturalism: Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth and David Graham Phillips's Susan Lenox." In Twisted from the Ordinary: Essays on American Literary Naturalism. Ed. Mary E. Papke. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2003. 237-259.

Costanzo Cahir, Linda. "Edith Wharton's Ethan Frome and Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness." Edith Wharton Review 19.1 (Spring 2003): 20-23.

Edwards, Brian T. "The Well-Built Wall of Culture: Old New York and Its Harems." Edith Wharton: The Age of Innocence: Authoritative Text, Background and Contexts, Sources, Criticism. Ed. Candace Waid. Norton Critical Editions. New York: W. W. Norton, 2003. 482-506.

Emsley, Sarah. "A 'Better English': Edith Wharton on Language in Fiction." Edith Wharton Review 19.1 (Spring 2003): 23-27.

Fields, Anne M. "'Years Hence of These Scenes': Wharton's The Spark and World War I." Edith Wharton Review 19.2 (Fall 2003): 1, 5-10.

Goodman, Susan. Civil Wars: American Novelists and Manners, 1880-1940.
Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2003. [Concentrating on six writers-William Dean Howells, Henry James, Edith Wharton, Willa Cather, Ellen Glasgow, and Jessie Fauset-Susan Goodman recovers the broader meaning of "manners" for past generations and demonstrates that American writers have consistently tied the subject of national identity to the norms and behaviors of everyday life-that, in fact, the novel of manners is a dominant form of American fiction.-- Submitted by MHK]

Teresa Gómez Reus, "Haunting Correspondences. Ghostly Letters and Authorial Anxiety in Edith Wharton's 'Pomegranate Seed' and Daphne du Maurier's Rebecca," The Atlantic Literary Review, 4, 4, July-September 2003, pp.150-170.

McManus, Caroline. "Subverting Romantic Comedy: Edith Wharton's Reading of Shakespeare in The House of Mirth." Studies in Philology 100.1 (2003): 87-104.

Moore, Kathleen. "Edith Wharton's Lily Bart and the Subject of Agency." Edith Wharton Review 19.1 (Spring 2003): 8-15.

Nowlin, Michael. "'Before the Country's Awakening': Aesthetic Misjudgment and National Growth in The Spark." Edith Wharton Review 19.2 (Fall 2003): 10-15.

Orlando, Emily J. Body Art: Women, Art, and Representation in Edith Wharton, University of Maryland (doctoral dissertation), 2002. [From the author: It's a study of Wharton's engagement with the visual arts, esp. 19th-century painting.]

Pennell, Melissa McFarland. Student Companion to Edith Wharton. Student Companions to Classic Writers,. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2003.

Saltz, Laura. "From Image to Text: Modernist Transformations in Edith Wharton's 'The Muse's Tragedy.'" Edith Wharton Review 19.2 (Fall 2003): 15-21.

Saunders, Judith P. "Wharton's Borrowing from Crane's Maggie in The Age of Innocence." Edith Wharton Review 19.1 (Spring 2003): 1, 4-8.

Singley, Carol J. A Historical Guide to Edith Wharton. Historical Guides to American Authors. New York Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003.

Singley, Carol J. "Race, Culture, Nation: Edith Wharton and Ernest Renan." Twentieth Century Literature 49.1 (2003): 14+. (Full text available)

Stevenson, Pascha Antrece. "Ethan Frome and Charity Royall: Edith Wharton's Noble Savages." Women's Studies 32.4 (2003): 411-29.

Thompson, Terry. W. "'All Souls' Edith Wharton's Homage to 'The Jolly Corner.'" Edith Wharton Review 19.1 (Spring 2003): 15-20.

Thompson, Terry W. "Wharton's 'Bewitched'." Explicator 61.3 (2003): 155-58.

Wang, Shunzhu. "The Double-Voiced Feminine Discourses: A Comparative Study of Women Writers in Modern Chinese Literature and Modern American Literature." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 63.1 (2002): 179.

Wegener, Frederick. "Edith Wharton and Ronald Simmons: Documenting a Pivotal Wartime Friendship." Yale University Library Gazette 77 (2002): 51-85.

Werlock, Abby. "The Custom of the Country: George Sand's Indiana and Edith Wharton's Indiana/Undine." Edith Wharton Review 18.1 (2002): 1-7.

Witherow, Jean. "A Dialectic of Deception: Edith Wharton's the Age of Innocence." Mosaic 36.3 (2003): 165-80.


[From the editor of the books]: Here are  two books related to Wharton: a collection of short stories titled "La carta", and an anthology of her travel narratives. 

La carta. Relatos de Edith Wharton, ed. Teresa Gómez Reus, Barcelona, Clásicos del Bronce, 1999. Trad. Teresa Gómez

Edith Wharton. Cuaderno de Viajes, ed. Teresa Gómez Reus, Bacelona, Grijalbo-Mondadori, 2001. Trad. Ana Eiroa and Teresa Gómez

Batcos, Stephanie. "In "the Service of Letters" : A Study of Edith Wharton's Nonfiction and Its Relationship to Her Fiction." Diss., 2002.

Beer, Janet. Edith Wharton. Writers and Their Work. Tavistock: Northcote House in association with the British Council, 2002.

Bloom, Harold. Edith Wharton. Bloom's Major Novelists. Broomall, PA: Chelsea House Publishers, 2002.

Carney, Mary Agnes. Edith Wharton and the incongruities of war [electronic resource]. Ph. D. Thesis, University of Georgia, 2002.

Collas, Philippe. Edith Wharton and the French Riviera. Paris and London: Flammarion;Thames & Hudson, 2002.

Brown, Jane K. "Goethe and American Literature: The Case of Edith Wharton." Goethe and the English-Speaking World. Eds. Nicholas Boyle and John Guthrie. Studies in German Literature, Linguistics, and Culture (Sgllc): Camden House, Woodbridge, England, 2002. vi, 285.

Brown, Lee Kroeger. "The Social and Economic Necessity of Marriage in Edith Wharton's New York Novels." Diss., 2002.

Campbell, Donna. "'The (American) Muse's Tragedy': Jack London and Edith Wharton."Jack London : One Hundred Years a Writer.  Ed.Jeanne Campbell Reesman and Sara S. Hodson.San Marino, Calif.: Huntington Library Press, 2002.

Dean, Sharon L. Constance Fenimore Woolson and Edith Wharton : Perspectives on Landscape and Art. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2002.

Emmert, Scott. "Drawing-Room Naturalism in Edith Wharton's Early Short Stories." Journal of the Short Story in English 39 (2002): 57-71.

Gillan, Jennifer. "Plotting Political Personhood: Literary Self-Making and Contract-Breaking." Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 35.3 (2002): 151-65.

Haytock, Jennifer. "Marriage and Modernism in Edith Wharton's Twilight Sleep." Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers 19.2 (2002): 216-29.

Hersey, Eleanor Longridge. "Ravishing Television: Adapting Women's Fiction for the Small Screen." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 62.12 (2002): 4159.

Horne, Philip. "The Age of Innocence: Scorsese, Wharton and James." Film Studies: An International Review 3 (2002): 5-17.

Johnson, Laura K. "Courting Justice : Marriage, Law, and the American Novel, 1890-1925." Diss. 2002.

Joslin, Katherine. "'Embattled Tendencies': Wharton, Woolf and the Nature of Modernism." Special Relationships: Anglo-American Affinities and Antagonisms 1854-1936. Eds. Janet Beer and Bridget Bennett: Manchester UP, Manchester, England, 2002. vi-x, 266.

Kaye, Richard A. The Flirt's Tragedy : Desire without End in Victorian and Edwardian Fiction. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 2002.

Killoran, Helen. The Critical Reception of Edith Wharton. Studies in American Literature and Culture. Literary Criticism in Perspective. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2001.(Reviewed in The Edith Wharton Review)

Korovessis, Despina. "The House of Mirth: Edith Wharton's Critique of American Society." Seers and Judges: American Literature as Political Philosophy. Ed. Christine Dunn Henderson: Lexington, Lanham, MD, 2002. xvi, 170.

Kress, Jill M. The Figure of Consciousness: William James, Henry James, and Edith Wharton. Literary Criticism and Cultural Theory. New York: Routledge, 2002.

Lee, Hermione. "Edith Wharton: Collected Stories, 1911-1937 Selected and with Notes by Maureen Howard." The New York Review of Books 48.15 (2001): 5.

Levine, Jessica. Delicate Pursuit : Discretion in Henry James and Edith Wharton. Studies in Major Literary Authors ; V. 13. New York: Routledge, 2002.

Maine, Barry. "Reading 'the Portrait': Edith Wharton and John Singer Sargent." Edith Wharton Review 18.1 (2002): 7-14.

Manheim, Daniel. "Wharton's The House of Mirth." Explicator 60.2 (2002): 81-83.

Miller, Joshua. "Beauty and Democratic Power." Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body, & Culture 6.3 (2002): 277-97.

Mindrup, Emilie F. "The Mnemonic Impulse: Reading Edith Wharton's Summer as Propaganda." Edith Wharton Review 18.1 (2002): 14-22.

Muhammad, Suzana Haji. "Voices of Disobedience in the Fiction of Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Kate Chopin, Edith Wharton, Nella Larsen, and Mary Austin." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 62.9 (2002): 3048.

Petrie, Windy Counsell. "Artists, Celebrities, and Reformers: American Women Literary Autobiographers in the 1930s." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 62.9 (2002): 3048-49.

Pifer, Ellen. "'Did She Have a Precursor?': Lolita and Edith Wharton's the Children." Nabokov's World, I: The Shape of Nabokov's World. Eds. Jane Grayson, Arnold McMillin and Priscilla Meyer. Studies in Russia and East Europe Number: 1: II: Reading Nabokov; Palgrave, with School of Slavonic and East European Studies, Houndmills, England, 2002. xvi, 237 + xvii, 41.

Quawas, Rula. "Lily Bart in the House of Mirth: A Swamp-Hatched Butterfly." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 45 (2002): 217-31.

Rohrbach, Augusta. Truth Stranger than Fiction": Race, Realism, and the US Literary Marketplace. New York: Palgrave, 2002. (Reviewed in the Edith Wharton Review)

Saunders, Judith P. "Portrait of the Artist as Anthropologist: Edith Wharton and the Age ofInnocence." Interdisciplinary Literary Studies: A Journal of Criticism and Theory 4.1 (2002): 86-101.

Sloboda, Noel Jason. "The Making of Americans in Paris: The Autobiographies of Edith Wharton and Gertrude Stein." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 63.5 (2002): 1829.

Thompson, Stephanie Lewis. Influencing America's Tastes: Realism in the Works of Wharton, Cather, and Hurst. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2002

Villasur, Belâen Vidal. "Classic Adaptations, Modern Reinventions: Reading the Image in the Contemporary Literary Film." Screen 43.1 (2002): 5-18.

Werlock, Abby. "The Custom of the Country: George Sand's Indiana and Edith Wharton'sIndiana/Undine." Edith Wharton Review 18.1 (2002): 1-7.

Wharton, Edith, and Candace Waid.. The Age of Innocence : Authoritative Text, Contexts, Criticism. Norton critical ed. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2003.

Zihala, Maryann. Edith Wharton's Old New York Society. Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 2002.


Barrish, Phillip.  American Literary Realism, Critical Theory, and Intellectual Prestige. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001. Chapter 5, "What Nona Knows," focuses on Wharton's Twilight Sleep.

Dawson, Melanie V. "'Too Young for the Part': Narrative Closure and Feminine Evolution in Wharton's '20s Fiction." Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 57.4 (2001): 89-119.

Esch, Deborah. New Essays on the House of Mirth. The American Novel. Cambridge, UK ; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

Herman, David. "Style-Shifting in Edith Wharton's the House of Mirth." Language and Literature: Journal of the Poetics and Linguistics Association 10.1 (2001): 61-77.

Hudak, Jennifer Klein. "The Social Inventors: Edith Wharton, Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Women's Writing in Context." U of Rochester, 2001.

Johnson, Laura K. "Edith Wharton and the Fiction of Marital Unity." MFS Modern Fiction Studies 47.4 (2001): 947-76.

Kozloff, Sarah. " Complicity in The Age of Innocence." Style (Summer 2001) (Full text available.)

Loebel, Thomas. "Beyond Her Self." New Essays on the House of Mirth. Ed. Deborah Esch. American Novel. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2001. 107-32. 

Lynch, Jacquelyn Scott. "Darwin Matters: Modernism and Mate Choice in Wharton, Joyce and Hurston." Arizona State U, 2001.

MacNaughton, William R. "The Artist as Moralist: Edith Wharton's Revisions to the Last Chapter of the Custom of the Country." Papers on Language and Literature: A Journal for Scholars and Critics of Language and Literature 37.1 (2001): 51-64.

Marchand, Mary V. "Death to Lady Bountiful: Women and Reform in Edith Wharton's The Fruit of the Tree." Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers 18.1 (2001): 65-78.

McGee, Diane E. Writing the Meal : Dinner in the Fiction of Early Twentieth-Century Women Writers. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2001.

Mainwaring, Marion. Mysteries of Paris : The Quest for Morton Fullerton. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 2001.(Reviewed in The Edith Wharton Review)

Nettels, Elsa. "Wharton and Cather." American Literary Scholarship: An Annual (2001): 139-56.

Nowlin, Michael. "Edith Wharton and the Matter of Contexts." Studies in the Novel 33.2 (2001): 224-28.

Nyquist, Mary. "Determining Influences: Resistance and Mentorship in The House of Mirth and the Anglo-American Realist Tradition." New Essays on the House of Mirth. Ed. Deborah Esch. American Novel. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2001. 43-105. 

Parisier, Nicole Heidi. "Novel Work: Theater and Journalism in the Writing of Theodore Dreiser, Edith Warton and Willa Cather." Yale U, 2001.

Pasquaretta, Paul. "Gambling against the House: Anglo and Indian Perspectives on Gambling in American Literature." Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 34.1 (2001): 137-52.

Pierpont, Claudia Roth. "April 2, 2001 - a Critic at Large - Cries and Whispers - Edith Wharton Wrote What She Couldn't Say." The New Yorker (2001): 10+.

Pogue, Laura Lyn Bearrie. "Devouring Words: Eating and Feeding in Selected Fiction of Kate Chopin, Edith Wharton, and Willa Cather." Baylor U, 2001.

Sweeney, Gerard M. "Wharton's 'the Other Two'." Explicator 59.2 (2001): 88-91.

Thornton, Edie. "Selling Edith Wharton: Illustration, Advertising, and Pictorial Review, 1924-1925." Arizona Quarterly 57.3 (2001): 29-59.

Tillman, Lynne. "A Mole in the House of the Modern." New Essays on the House of Mirth. Ed. Deborah Esch. American Novel. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2001. 133-58.

Von Rosk, Nancy. "Spectacular Homes and Pastoral Theaters: Gender, Urbanity and Domesticity in the House of Mirth." Studies in the Novel 33.3 (2001): 322-50.

Wallace, Diana. "Ventriloquizing the Male: Two Portraits of the Artist as a Young Man by May Sinclair and Edith Wharton." Men and Masculinities 4.4 (2002): 322-33.

Wegener, Frederick. ""Rabid Imperialist": Edith Wharton and the Obligations of Empire in Modern American Fiction." American Literature 72.4 (2001): 783-812.

Wharton, Edith. "Harems and Ceremonies." The Yale Review 89.3 (2001): 23.

Williams, Deborah Lindsay. Not in Sisterhood : Edith Wharton, Willa Cather, Zona Gale, and the Politics of Female Authorship. 1st ed. New York: Palgrave, 2001.(Reviewed in The Edith Wharton Review)

Yeazell, Ruth Bernard. "The Conspicuous Wasting of Lily Bart." New Essays on the House of Mirth. Ed. Deborah Esch. American Novel. Cambridge, England: Cambridge UP, 2001. 15-41. 


Bratton, Daniel, and Carol Williams, eds. Yrs, Ever Affly: The Correspondence of Edith Wharton and Louis Bromfield.  Michigan State University Press, 2000.

Bryson, Tracy L. "Telling It Slant: Perspective Relocation in Novels by Twain, Wharton, Cather and Roth." Diss. Purdue U, 2000.

Frederick, Wegener. "'Rabid Imperialist': Edith Wharton and the Obligations of Empire in Modern American Fiction." American Literature 72.4 (2000): 783-812.

Gentry, Deborah.  The Art of Dying : Suicide in the Works of Kate Chopin, Edith Wharton, and Sylvia Plath.  American University Studies. Series XXIV,  American Literature. Peter Lang, 2000. (October 2000)

Gold, Harriet. "Marriage in The Glimpses of the Moon." Edith Wharton Review 16.1 (2000): 13-17.

Goldman-Price, Irene. "The Perfect Jew and The House of Mirth: A Study in Point of View." Edith Wharton Review 16.1 (2000): 1; 2-9.

Gschwend, Kate. "The Significance of the Sawmill: Technological Determinism in Ethan Frome." Edith Wharton Review 16.1 (2000): 9-13.

Hoeller, Hildegard. Edith Wharton's Dialogue With Realism and Sentimental Fiction. Tallahassee: University Press of Florida, 2000. (Reviewed in The Edith Wharton Review)

Horne, Philip. "Beauty's Slow Fade." Sight and Sound 10.10 (2000): 14-18.

Hutchinson, Stuart. "'Beyond' George Eliot? Reconsidering Edith Wharton." Modern Language Review 95.4 (2000): 942-53.

Kassanoff, Jennie A. "Extinction, Taxidermy, Tableaux vivants: Staging Race and Class in The House of Mirth." PMLA 115.1 (January 2000): 60-75.

Lee, Robert A. "Watching Manners: Martin Scorsese's The Age of Innocence, Edith Wharton's The Age of Innnocence." The Classic Novel: From Page to Screen. Ed. Giddings Robert Sheen Erica. Manchester, England--New York, NY: Manchester UP--St. Martin's, 2000. 163-78.

Marie, Wood Jane. "Gauging the Internal Barometer: Social Class and the Formation of Identity in Wharton, Catheran, d Allison." Diss. U of Kansas, 2000.

McCorvie, Wham Lynn. "Garland and Wharton: Tensions between Socioeconomic Determinism and Autonomy." Diss. New York U, 2000.

Schwarz, Ann. "One Teacher's Portrait: Reading and Teaching through Edith Wharton's Silences." Diss. Teachers College, 2000.

Smith, Christopher, ed. Readings on Ethan Frome (Greenhaven Press Literary Companion to American Literature). Greenwood Press, 2000. 

Swift, Jennifer.  "'The Cathedral's Word to the Traveller': The Past and Nostalgia in the Work of Edith Wharton."  Diss. SUNY at Buffalo, 2000. UMI # 9967854.

Totten, Gary. "The Art and Architecture of the Self: Designing the 'I'-Witness in Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth." College Literature 27.3 (2000): 71-87.

Weckerle, Lisa Jeanne. "Revisioning Narratives: Feminist Adaptation Strategies on Stage and Screen." Diss. U of Texas Austin, 2000.


Asya, Ferda. "Resolutions of Guilt: Cultural Values Reconsidered in Custom of the Country and The Age of Innocence." Edith Wharton Review 14.2 (1997): 15-20.

Cahir, Linda Costanzo. Solitude and Society in the Works of Herman Melville and Edith Wharton. Greenwood Press, 1999.(Reviewed in The Edith Wharton Review)

Camodeca, Gina Murial. "Indelicate Constitutions: The Discourses of Illness and American Literature in Nathaniel Hawthorne and Edith Wharton." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 59.9 (1999): 3453.

Caws, Mary Ann. "Translation of the Self: Ruskin and Wharton." Massachusetts Review 40.2 (1999): 165-73.

Colquitt, Clare, Susan Goodman, and Candace Waid, eds. A Forward Glance : New Essays on Edith Wharton.  University of Delaware Press, 1999.

Dawson, Melanie. "Lily Bart's Fractured Alliances and Wharton's Appeal to the Middlebrow Reader." Reader: Essays in Reader-Oriented Theory, Criticism, and Pedagogy 41 (1999): 1-30.

Harvey, Anne-Marie. "'Each Man Was a Perfect Cog; Each Held a Flame Within': Manhood in London, Lewis, Wharton, and the Curtis Magazines." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 60.5 (1999): 1558-59.

Hutchinson, Stuart. "Unpackaging Edith Wharton: Ethan Frome and Summer." Cambridge Quarterly 27.3 (1998): 219-32.

Killoran, Helen. "Meetings of Minds: Edith Wharton as Mentor and Guide." American Literary Mentors. Ed. Irene Goldman-Price and Melissa McFarland Pennell. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1999. 117-30.

Kohn, Denise Marie. "Novel Re-Visions: Women Writers and the Reshaping of American Popular and Literary Culture." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 59.7 (1999): 2504.

Kornetta, Reiner. "Edith Wharton's 'The Angel at the Grave' and Nathaniel Hawthorne's The House of the Seven Gables." Edith Wharton Review 14.2 (1997): 21-24.

Louis, Margot K. "Proserpine and Pessimism: Goddesses of Death, Life, and Language from Swinburne to Wharton." Modern Philology 96.3 (1999): 312-46.

Mortimer, Armine Kotin. "Romantic Fever: The Second Story as Illegitimate Daughter in Wharton's 'Roman Fever'." Narrative 6.2 (1998): 188-98.

Olin-Ammentorp, Julie. "Female Models and Male Mentors in Wharton's Early Fiction."American Literary Mentors. Ed. Irene Goldman-Price and Melissa McFarland Pennell. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1999. 84-95.

Preston, Claire. "Ladies Prefer Bonds: Edith Wharton, Theodore Dreiser, and the Money Novel." Soft Canons: American  Women Writers and Masculine Tradition. Ed. Karen Kilcup. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1999. 184-201.

Preston, Claire. Edith Wharton's Social Register. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2000.

Price, Alan. "'Far More Than They Know': Current Wharton Studies." Review 19 (1997): 237-51.

Ramsden, George, comp. Edith Wharton's Library: A Catalogue. With a  foreword by Hermione Lee. Settrington, Stone Trough Books, 1999.

Singley, Carol J. "Edith Wharton and Partnership: The House of Mirth, The Decoration of Houses, and 'Copy'." American Literary Mentors. Ed. Irene Goldman-Price and Melissa McFarland Pennell. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1999. 96-116.

Tintner, Adeline. Edith Wharton in Context : Essays on Intertextuality. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 1999. (Reviewed in The Edith Wharton Review)

Wilson-Jordan, Jacqueline Suzanne. "Written on the Border: Storytelling and the Abject Subject in Edith Wharton's Ghost Tales." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 60.4 (1999): 1138-39.