About WA 64
WA 64 is an attractive pink blushed apple with outstanding eating quality, being both firm and tasty. WA 64 is a Washington State University (WSU) apple release that originated from a cross between Honeycrisp and Cripps Pink (aka Pink Lady®) that was made in 1998 at the Wenatchee Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center. The apple is small to medium, and round with 40 to 70% of the surface covered with a pink blush over a yellow background. It colors well if exposed to direct light.
Sensory and instrumental evaluations of crispness, juiciness, and hardness show the exceptional eating characteristics of WA 64. WA 64 is slightly less hard but considerably more crisp and juicy than Cripps Pink. Comparisons with Honeycrisp show that WA 64 is harder and is slightly less crisp and juicy. Its sweetness and acidity are between those of its two parents. The apples maintain their flavor and firmness throughout storage and show very little incidence of storage disorders.
WSU has been granted a plant patent for WA 64 (PP 35,177) and is currently developing a trademark name for the fruit of WA 64. The survey linked on this website will help WSU choose the trademark name!
Guidelines For Name Suggestions
- Suggestions with some connection to WSU or the state of Washington, or to the characteristics of the new WSU apple variety WA 64, will be given preference
- No profanity or offensive language
- No existing trademarks
- No references to illegal substances or activities
- No mash-ups of the parents’ names (no “Honey Pink,” or “Pink Crisp,” etc.)
Contest Rules and Requirements
- All U.S. Residents 18 years and older are welcome to participate. Each person may only submit ONLY ONE name idea as an entry into this contest; if more than one submission is made by the same person, only the first submission will be reviewed.
- Entries will be accepted electronically until May 5, 2024.
- No purchase is necessary to enter.
- All entries submitted become the property of Washington State University and will not be returned.
- By participating, you are granting Washington State University a perpetual, royalty free license (but without obligation) to use your submission online, on social media and any other media without limitation.
- Entries must contain all information requested and comply with all content submission requirements set forth herein to be valid.
Related News
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Description of Prizes
The contest winner will win a gift box containing the following items:
- A charcuterie board engraved with the contest-winning name suggestion
- A gift box of WA 64 apples
- A 30 oz. can of Cougar Gold Cheese from the WSU Creamery
- A 4.8 oz. shaker of WSU Everything Spice Rub, and a 4.8 oz shaker of WSU Espresso Spice Rub from the WSU Meats Lab
- A WSU coffee cup
- A WSU water bottle