Project Publicatons
Martin MA, Keith M, Pace RM, Williams JE, Ley SH, Barbosa-Leiker C, Caffé B, Smith CB, Kunkle A, Lackey KA, Navarrete AD, Pace CDW, Gogel AC, Eisenberg DTA, Fehrenkamp BD, McGuire MA, McGuire MK, Meehan CL, Brindle E. 2022. SARS-CoV-2 specific antibody trajectories in mothers and infants over two months following maternal infection. Frontiers in Immunology. 2022 Oct 12;13:1015002
Pace R.M., Williams J.E., Järvinen K.M., Meehan C.L., Martin M.A., Ley S.H., Barbosa-Leiker C., Andres, A., Yeruva L., Belfort M.B. Caff, B.,Navarrete AD, Lackey KA, Pace CDW, Gogel AC, Fehrenkamp BD, Klein M, Young BE, Rosen-Carole C, Diaz N, Gaw SL, Flaherman V, McGuire MA, McGuire MK, Seppo AE. 2021. Milk from women diagnosed with COVID-19 does not contain SARS-CoV-2 RNA but has persistent levels of SARS-CoV-2-specific IgA antibodies. Frontiers in immunology, 12: 801797.
Pace R, Williams JE, Järvinen KM, Belfort MB, Pace DW, Lackey KA, Gogel AC, Nguyen-Contant P, Kanagaiah P, Fitzgerald T, Ferri R, Young B, Rosen-Carole C, Diaz N, Meehan CL, Caffe B, Sangster MY, Topham D, McGuire MA, Seppo A, McGuire MK. COVID-19 and human milk: SARS-CoV-2, antibodies, and neutralizing capacity.
Lackey KA, Pace RM, Williams JE, Bode L, Donovan SM, Järvinen KM, Seppo AE, Raiten DJ, Meehan CL, McGuire MA, McGuire MK. SARS‐CoV‐2 and human milk: What is the evidence? Maternal & child nutrition. 2020 Oct;16(4):e13032.