Crane Bibliography: 1980-1995

Bibliography 1996 - present
Bibliography 1980-1995
Bibliography 1962-1979

To find information on a particular work, use your browser's Find feature. This page has no underlining or other formatting, so references can easily be cut and pasted into your bibliography.This bibliography represents information gathered from a number of sources; these works are not necessarily reviewed or endorsed by Crane Society members.


Allred, Randal Wayne. "Writing the Civil War: Cultural Myth and War Narrative in De Forest, Bierce, and Crane." U of California Los Angeles, 1994.
Aneja, M. S. "Stephen Crane: 'a Long Logic'." Panjab University Research Bulletin (Arts) 23.1 (1992): 83-92.

Backman, Bunnar. Meaning by Metaphor: An Exploration of Metaphor with a Metaphoric Reading of Two Short Stories by Stephen Crane. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Studia Anglistica Upsaliensia. Stockholm: Uppsala, 1991.
Backman, Gunnar. "Meaning by Metaphor: An Exploration of Metaphor with a Metaphoric Reading of Two Short Stories by Stephen Crane." Uppsala U, 1992.
Barrish, Phillip J. "Literary Intellectuals and Discourses of Materiality: James, Crane, Cahan." Cornell U, 1992.
Bastein, F. H. "Die Rezeption Stephen Cranes in Deutschland." 1980.
Basye, Robert C. "Color Imagery in Stephen Crane's Poetry." American Literary Realism, 1870-1910 13 (1980): 122-31.
Baum, Rosalie Murphy. "Alcoholism and Family Abuse in Maggie and the Bluest Eye." Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 19.3 (1986): 91-105.
Baylon, Daniel. "Henry Fleming Du Paraitre a L'etre." Q/W/E/R/T/Y: Arts, Litteratures & Civilisations du Monde Anglophone 4 (1994): 209-17.
Beaver, Harold. "Stephen Crane: The Hero as Victim." Yearbook of English Studies 12 (1982): 186-93.
Beidler, Philip D. "Stephen Crane's the Red Badge of Courage: Henry Fleming's Courage in Its Contexts." CLIO: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 20.3 (1991): 235-51.
Benfey, Christopher. "Stephen Crane's Father and the Holiness Movement." Syracuse University Library Associates Courier 25.1 (1990): 27-36.
---. "Shipwrecks." Pequod: A Journal of Contemporary Literature and Literary Criticism 32 (1991): 134-45.
Billingslea, Oliver. "Why Does the Oiler 'Drown'? Perception and Cosmic Chill in 'the Open Boat'." American Literary Realism 27.1 (1994): 23-41.
Blair, John. "The Posture of a Bohemian in the Poetry of Stephen Crane." American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 61.2 (1989): 215-29.
Bowers, Fredson. "Mixed Texts and Multiple Authority." Text: Transactions of the Society for Textual Scholarship 3 (1987): 63-90.
---. "Regularization and Normalization in Modern Critical Texts." Studies in Bibliography: Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia 42 (1989): 79-102.
---. "Authorial Intention and Editorial Problems." Text: Transactions of the Society for Textual Scholarship 5 (1991): 49-61.
Bradshaw, James Stanford. "Completing Crane's O'ruddy: A New Note." ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews 3.4 (1990): 174-78.
Brinkmann, Horst. "Zum Phanomen Der Angst Bei Stephen Crane Und Ambrose Bierce." Geschichtlichkeit Und Neuanfang Im Sprachlichen Kunstwerk: Studien Zur Englischen Philologie Zu Ehren Von Fritz W. Schulze. Ed. Peter --Muller Erlebach, Wolfgang G. --Reuter, Klaus. Tubingen: Narr, 1981. 191-200.
Broer, Paul Allan. "Stephen Crane: Man Adrift." 1989.
Brooke-Rose, Christine. "Ill Logics of Irony." New Essays on the Red Badge of Courage. Ed. Lee Clark Mitchell. The American Novel. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1986. 129-46.
Brown, Bill. "Interlude: The Agony of Play in 'the Open Boat'." Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 45.3 (1989): 23-46.
---. "American Childhood and Stephen Crane's Toys." American Literary History 7.3 (1995): 443-76.
Brown, Bill, rejoinder, and Michael Fried. "Writing, Race, and Erasure: Michael Fried and the Scene of Reading." Critical Inquiry 18.2 (1992): 387-410.
Brown, Stephen M. "Sometimes Less Is Less: Recent Books by Michael Fried." Papers on Language and Literature: A Journal for Scholars and Critics of Language and Literature 27.3 (1991): 399-412.
Brown, William Leslie. "Recreation and Representation in America, 1880-1900: The Economy of Play in the Work of Stephen Crane." 1990.
Budianta, Melani. "A Glimpse of Another World: Representation of Difference and 'Race': Stephen Crane and the American 1890's." Cornell U, 1993.


Cady, Edwin H. Stephen Crane. Twayne's United States Authors Series. Boston: Twayne, 1980.

Carmignani, Paul. "Du Red Badge of Courage Au 'Veteran': Chronique D'une Redemption." Q/W/E/R/T/Y: Arts, Litteratures & Civilisations du Monde Anglophone 4 (1994): 219-23.

Carney, Raymond. "Crane and Eakins." Partisan Review 55.3 (1988): 464-73.

Cate, Hollis. "Seeing and Not Seeing in 'the Blue Hotel'." College Literature 9.2 (1982): 150-52.

Cazemajou, Jean. "L'autre Visage De Stephen Crane: Le 'Comedien'." Linguistique, Civilisation, Litterature. Ed. Andre (pref.) Bordeaux. Ea. Paris: Didier, 1980. 88-104.

---. "Mediators and Mediation in Rudolfo Anaya's Trilogy: Bless Me, Ultima, Heart of Aztlan and Tortuga." European Perspectives on Hispanic Literature of the United States. Ed. Genevieve Fabre. Houston: Arte Publico, 1988. 55-65.

Chametzky, Jules. "Realism, Cultural Politics, and Language as Meditation in Mark Twain and Others." Prospects: An Annual Journal of American Cultural Studies 8 (1983): 183-95.

Cho, Chulwon. "The Literary Tensions in Stephen Crane's Novels and Short Stories." New York U, 1994.

Christophersen, Bill. "Stephen Crane's 'the Upturned Face' as Expressionist Fiction." Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 38.2 (1982): 147-61.

Church, Joseph. "The Black Man's Part in Crane's Monster." American Imago: Studies in Psychoanalysis and Culture 45.4 (1988): 375-88.

---. "The Determined Stranger in Stephen Crane's 'Blue Hotel'." Studies in the Humanities 16.2 (1989): 99-110.

---. "Reading, Writing, and the Risk of Entanglement in Crane's 'Octopush'." Studies in Short Fiction 29.3 (1992): 341-46.

Church, Joseph Edward. "Images of Authority in Stephen Crane." 1987.

Clendenning, John. "Stephen Crane and His Biographers: Beer, Berryman, Schoberlin, and Stallman." American Literary Realism 28.1 (1995): 23-57.

Clerkin, Mary Jane. "A Feminist Interpretation of Three Nineteenth Century Literary Heroines: Hardy's Tess, Crane's Maggie and Ibsen's Nora." St. John's U, 1992.

Collins, Michael J. "Realism and Romance in the Western Stories of Stephen Crane." Under the Sun: Myth and Realism in Western American Literature. Ed. Barbara Howard Meldrum. Troy, NY: Whitston, 1985. 138-49.

Colvert, James. "Crane, Hitchcock, and the Binder Edition of the Red Badge of Courage." Critical Essays on Stephen Crane's the Red Badge of Courage. Ed. Donald Pizer. Critical Essays on American Literature. Boston: Hall, 1990. 238-63.

---. "Stephen Crane and Postmodern Theory." American Literary Realism 28.1 (1995): 4-22.

Colvert, James B. "Searching for Stephen Crane: The Schoberlin Collection." Syracuse University Library Associates Courier 21.1 (1986): 5-34. ---. "Stephen Crane and Postmodern Criticism." Stephen Crane Studies 1.1 (1992): 2-8.

--. comp., and Stephen Kellogg Crane. "Stephen Crane's Family Heritage." Stephen Crane Studies 4.1 (1995): 1-48.
Conder, John. "The Red Badge of Courage: Form and Function." Modern American Fiction: Form and Function. Ed. Thomas Daniel Young. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1989. 28-38.
Conder, John J. Naturalism in American Fiction: The Classic Phase. Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 1984.
Cosker, Bernard. "Couleur Et Metaphore Dans the Red Badge of Courage." Q/W/E/R/T/Y: Arts, Litteratures & Civilisations du Monde Anglophone 4 (1994): 225-35.
Cox, James M. "The Red Badge of Courage: The Purity of War." Southern Humanities Review 25.4 (1991): 305-20.
Crane, Robert K. "Family Matters: Stephen Crane's Brother Wilbur." Stephen Crane Studies 3.2 (1994): 13-18.
Crisman, William. "Stephen Crane and the Group: A Retrospective of the Crane Session at the American Literature Association Conference, 1990." Stephen Crane Studies 1.1 (1992): 21-24.
---. "Signaling under Fire: Stephen Crane's Spanish-American War Writings at the American Literature Association Conference, 1991." Stephen Crane Studies 1.2 (1992): 9-11.
Curran, John E., Jr. "'Nobody Seems to Know Where We Go': Uncertainty, History, and Irony in the Red Badge of Courage." American Literary Realism 26.1 (1993): 1-12.

Davis, Linda H. "The Red Room: Stephen Crane and Me." The American Scholar 64.2 (1995): 207-20.
Deamer, Robert Glen. "Remarks on the Western Stance of Stephen Crane." Western American Literature 15 (1980): 123-41.
Delbanco, Andrew. "The American Stephen Crane: The Context of the Red Badge of Courage." New Essays on the Red Badge of Courage. Ed. Lee Clark Mitchell. The American Novel. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1986. 49-76.
Dietze, Rudolph F. "Crane's the Red Badge of Courage." Explicator 42.3 (1984): 36-38.
Dietze, R. F. "Craingway and Son: Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man as Seen through the Perspective of Twain, Crane, and Hemingway." Delta: Revue du Centre d'Etudes et de Recherche sur les Ecrivains du Sud aux Etats-Unis 18 (1984): 25-46.
Disney, Abigail Edna. "Shadows of Doubt: The American Historical War Novels of James Fenimore, Stephen Crane and Thomas Pynchon." Columbia U, 1994.
Ditsky, John. "The Music in 'the Open Boat'." North Dakota Quarterly 56.1 (1988): 119-30.
Dooley, Patrick K. Stephen Crane: An Annotated Bibliography of Secondary Scholarship. New York: G. K. Hall, 1992.
Dooley, Patrick K., fwd., and John J. McDermott. The Pluralistic Philosophy of Stephen Crane. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1993.
Dunn, N. E. "The Common Man's Iliad." Comparative Literature Studies 21.3 (1984): 270-81.
ed., and Harold Bloom. Stephen Crane's the Red Badge of Courage. Mod. Crit. Interpretations. New York: Chelsea, 1987.
---. Stephen Crane. Mod. Crit. Views. New York: Chelsea, 1987.
ed., and Lee Clark Mitchell, eds. New Essays on the Red Badge of Courage. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1986.

Egri, Peter. "The Genetic and Generic Aspects of Stephen Crane's the Red Badge of Courage." Acta Litteraria Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 22.3-4 (1980): 333-48.
Elliott, Emory. "The Veil, the Mask, and the Invisible Empire: Representations of Race in the Gilded Age." RSA: Rivista di Studi Anglo-Americani 5.7 (1989): 11-27.
Esteve, Mary. "A 'Gorgeous Neutrality': Stephen Crane's Documentary Anaesthetics." Elh 62.3 (1995): 663-89.

Feast, James Edwin. "The Figure of the Crowd in Late Nineteenth Century America and Its Appearance in Stephen Crane's Writings and Pulitzer's 'New York World'." New York U, 1992.
Feaster, John. "Violence and the Ideology of Capitalism: A Reconsideration of Crane's 'the Blue Hotel'." American Literary Realism 25.1 (1992): 74-94.
Fleishman, Avrom. "The Landscape of Hysteria in the Secret Agent." Conrad Revisited: Essays for the Eighties. Ed. Ross C. Murfin. University: U of Alabama P, 1985. 89-105.
French, Warren. "Stephen Crane: Moment of Myth." Prairie Schooner 55.1-2 (1981): 155-67.
Fried, Michael. "Realism, Writing, and Disfiguration in Thomas Eakins's Gross Clinic, with a Postscript on Stephen Crane's Upturned Faces." Representations 9 (1985): 33-104.
Fried, Michael. Realism, Writing, Disfiguration: On Thomas Eakins and Stephen Crane. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1987.
Friedman, Elizabeth. "Cora's Travel Notes, 'Dan Emmonds,' and Stephen Crane's Route to the Greek War: A Puzzle Solved." Studies in Short Fiction 27.2 (1990): 264-65.
Frus, Phyllis. "Two Tales 'Intended to Be after the Fact': 'Stephen Crane's Own Story' and 'the Open Boat'." Literary Nonfiction: Theory, Criticism, Pedagogy. Ed. Chris Anderson. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1989. 125-51.
Fultz, James R. "Heartbreak at the Blue Hotel: James Agee's Scenario of Stephen Crane's Story." Midwest Quarterly: A Journal of Contemporary Thought 21 (1980): 423-34.
---. "High Jinks at Yellow Sky: James Agee and Stephen Crane." Literature/Film Quarterly 11.1 (1983): 46-54.

Galen, Nina. "Stephen Crane as a Source for Conrad's Jim." Nineteenth-Century Literature 38.1 (1983): 78-96.
Ganal, Keith. "Stephen Crane's 'Maggie' and the Modern Soul." Elh 60.3 (1993): 759-85.
Gandal, Keith Leland. "The Spectacle of the Poor: Jacob Riis, Stephen Crane and the Representation of Slum Life." U of California Berkeley, 1991.
Garland, Hamlin. "Stephen Crane as I Knew Him." The Yale Review 75.1 (1985): 1-12.
Garner, Stanton. "Stephen Crane's 'the Predecessor': Unwritten Play, Unwritten Novel." American Literary Realism, 1870-1910 13 (1980): 97-100.
Gendin, Sidney. "Was Stephen Crane (or Anybody Else) a Naturalist?" Cambridge Quarterly 24.2 (1995): 89-101.
Ghosal, Goutam. "Stephen Crane and Ernest Hemingway: The Artists as Anti-Intellectuals." Indian Journal of American Studies 22.1 (1992): 85-88.
Gibson, Donald B. The Red Badge of Courage: Redefining the Hero. Twayne's Masterwork Studies. Boston: Twayne, 1988.
Giles, Ronald. "Responding to Crane's 'the Monster'." South Atlantic Review 57.2 (1992): 45-55.
Giorcelli, Cristina. "La Citta Di Maggie." Rivista di Studi Anglo-Americani 6.8 (1990): 57-70.
Golemba, Henry. "'Distant Dinners' in Crane's Maggie: Representing 'the Other Half'." Essays in Literature 21.2 (1994): 235-50.
Gonzalez Groba, Constante. "The Red Badge of Courage: Henry Fleming's Battles with Readers and Literary Criticis." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 22-23 (1991): 129-43.
Graff, Aida Farrag. "Metaphor and Metonymy: The Two Worlds of Crane's Maggie." English Studies in Canada 8.4 (1982): 422-36.
Green, Carol Hurd. "Stephen Crane and the Fallen Women." American Novelists Revisited: Essays in Feminist Criticism. Ed. Fritz Fleischmann. Boston: Hall, 1982. 225-42.
Green, Melissa. "Fleming's 'Escape' in the Red Badge of Courage: A Jungian Analysis." American Literary Realism 28.1 (1995): 80-91.
Grmela, Josef. "Some Problems of the Critical Reception of Stephen Crane's 'Maggie, a Girl of the Streets'." Brno Studies in English (issued as Sbornik Praci Filozoficke Fakulty Brnenske Univerzity: 19 (1991): 149-55.
Gross, David S. "The Western Stories of Stephen Crane." Jour. of Amer. Culture 11.4 (1988): 15-21.
Guemple, Michael. "A Case for the Appleton Red Badge of Courage." Resources for American Literary Study 21.1 (1995): 43-57.
Gullason, Thomas. "The 'Lost' Newspaper Writings of Stephen Crane." Syracuse University Library Associates Courier 21.1 (1986): 57-87.
---. "Stephen Crane at Layfayette College: New Perspectives." Stephen Crane Studies 3.2 (1994): 2-12.
Gullason, Thomas A. "A Legacy for Stephen Crane: The Princeton Writings of the Reverend Jonathan Townley Crane." Syracuse University Library Associates Courier 25.2 (1990): 55-79.
---. "Stephen Crane at Claverack College: A New Reading." Syracuse University Library Associates Courier 27.2 (1992): 33-46.
---. "Stephen Crane at Syracuse University: New Findings." Syracuse University Library Associates Courier 29 (1994): 129-40.

Habegger, Alfred. "Fighting Words: The Talk of Men at War in the Red Badge of Courage." Critical Essays on Stephen Crane's the Red Badge of Courage. Ed. Donald Pizer. Critical Essays on American Literature. Boston: Hall, 1990. 229-38.
---. "Fighting Words: The Talk of Men at War in the Red Badge of Courage." Fictions of Masculinity: Crossing Cultures, Crossing Sexualities. Ed. Peter F. Murphy. New York: New York UP, 1994. 185-203.
Hakutani, Yoshinobu. "Jennie, Maggie, and the City." Dreiser's Jennie Gerhardt: New Essays on the Restored Text. Ed. James L. W. West, III. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 1995. 147-56.
Haldar, Indrani. "Perspective and Point of View in Impressionist Painting and Fiction." Proceedings of the Xiith Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association/Actes Du Xiie Congres De L'association Internationale De Litterature Comparee: Munchen 1988 Munich, Iv: Space and Boundaries of Literature/Espace Et Frontieres De La Litterature. Ed. Roger --Fokkema Bauer, Douwe --Graat, Michael de (asst. ed.)--Kaiser, Gerhard (asst.)--Rinner, Fridrun (asst.)--Wertheimer, Jurgen (asst.). Proceedings of the Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association. Munich: Iudicium, 1990. 562-66.
Halladay, Jean R. "Sartor Resartus Revisited: Carlylean Echoes in Crane's the Red Badge of Courage." Nineteenth-Century Prose 16.1 (1988): 23-33.
Halliburton, David. The Color of the Sky: A Study of Stephen Crane. Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1989.
Hapke, Laura. "The Alternate Fallen Woman in Maggie: A Girl of the Streets." Markham Review 12 (1983): 41-43.
Haraguchi, Haruka. "Rentai No Bigaku: Tsumi to Doshi to Shofutachi - Stephen Crane No Sekai." America Bungaku No Seikimatsu. Ed. Rikuo Taniguchi. Tokyo: Nan'undo, 1983. 101-55.
Harkins, William E. "Battle Scenes in the Writing of Tolstoy and Stephen Crane." Russianness: Studies on a Nation's Identity. Ed. Robert L. Belknap. Studies of the Harriman Institute. Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1990. 173-84.
Harris, Mark Radford. "Dreams That Shoot the Dreamer: Romantic Illusions That Backfire on Various Characters in Nineteenth Century American Literature." Lehigh U, 1992.
Hattenhauer, Darryl. "Crane's the Red Badge of Courage." Explicator 50.3 (1992): 160-61.
Hayes, Kevin J. "Crane Reviews in the Manchester Guardian." Stephen Crane Studies 2.2 (1993): 38-49.
Heilman, Patricia Kluss. "The Journalism-Fiction Connection in American Literature as Seen in Selected Works of Stephen Crane, Ernest Hemingway, and Tom Wolfe." 1988.
Hillsman, David Frank. "Crane's 'Maggie' and Huysmans' 'Marthe': Two Naturalist Prostitute Novels." 1987.
Holton, Milne. "Stephen Crane's 'Death and the Child': The Context of the Text." Stephen Crane Studies 1.2 (1992): 1-8.
Horsford, Howard C. "'He Was a Man'." New Essays on the Red Badge of Courage. Ed. Lee Clark Mitchell. The American Novel. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1986. 109-27.
Hurm, Gerd. Fragmented Urban Images: The American City in Modern Fiction from Stephen Crane to Thomas Pynchon. Neue Studien Zur Anglistik Und Amerikanistik. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 1991.
Husni, Khalil. "Crane's the Red Badge of Courage." Explicator 39.4 (1981): 16-18.
Hussman, Lawrence E., Jr. "The Fate of the Fallen Woman in Maggie and Sister Carrie." The Image of the Prostitute in Modern Literature. Ed. Pierre L. (ed. & introd.)--Pringle Horn, Mary Beth (ed. & introd.). New York: Ungar, 1984. 91-100.

Iheakaram, Paul O. "John Pepper Clark and Stephen Crane: An Investigation of Source and Influence." Research in African Literatures 13.1 (1982): 53-59.
Inge, M. Thomas. "Sam Watkins and the Fictionality of Fact." Rewriting the South: History and Fiction. Ed. Lothar (ed. & introd.)--Lerda Honnighausen, Valeria Gennaro --Irmscher, Christoph (collab.)--Ward, Simon (collab.). Transatlantic Perspectives. Tubingen: Francke, 1993. 176-84.
---. "Sam Watkins: Another Source for Crane's the Red Badge of Courage." Stephen Crane Studies 3.1 (1994): 11-16.
introd., and Malcolm Bradbury. The Red Badge of Courage. Everyman's Library. London; Rutland, VT: J. M. Dent & Sons; Charles E. Tuttle, 1992.
introd., and Thomas A. Gullason. "A Cache of Short Stories by Stephen Crane's Family." Studies in Short Fiction 23.1 (1986): 71-106.
introd., and Stanley Wertheim. Stephen Crane: An Exhibition on the Centennial of the Red Badge of Courage at the Grolier Club November 29, 1995 to January 12, 1996 from the Collection of Stanley Wertheim. New York: Grolier Club, 1995.
Jackson, David H. "Textual Questions Raised by Crane's 'Soldier of the Legion'." American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 55.1 (1983): 77-80.
Johnsen, William A. "Rene Girard and the Boundaries of Modern Literature." Boundary 2: A Journal of Postmodern Literature and Culture 9.2 (1981): 277-93.
Johnson, Clarence O. "Mr. Binks Read Emerson: Stephen Crane and Emerson's 'Nature'." American Literary Realism 15.1 (1982): 104-10.
Johnson, Clarence Oliver. "'a Methodist Clergyman - of the Old Ambling-Nag, Saddle-Bag, Exhorting Kind': Stephen Crane and His Methodist Heritage." 1983.
Juan-Navarro, Santiago. "Reading Reality: The Tortuous Path to Perception in Stephen Crane's 'the Open Boat' and 'the Blue Hotel'." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 19-20 (1989): 37-50.

Kalaga, Wojciech. "Courage, Cowardice, and Maturity: The Red Badge of Courage and Catch 22." The Image of War in the Anglo-American Literature of the Twentieth Century. Ed. Marii Lobzowskiej. Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Slaskiego W Katowicach. Katowice, Poland: U Slaski, 1983. 7-18.
Kamholtz, Jonathan. "Literature and Photography: The Captioned Vision Vs. The Firm, Mechanical Impression." The Centennial Review 24 (1980): 385-402.
Kaplan, Amy. "The Spectacle of War in Crane's Revision of History." New Essays on the Red Badge of Courage. Ed. Lee Clark Mitchell. The American Novel. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1986. 77-108.
Kapoor, Kapi. "Desertion in the Fields: A Note on the Interpretation of the Red Badge of Courage." Journal of the School of Languages 7.1-2 (1980): 65-69.
Katz, Joseph. "The Estate of Stephen Crane." Studies in American Fiction 10.2 (1982): 135-50.
---. "Stephen Crane's Concept of Death." The Kentucky Review 4.2 (1983): 49-55.
---. "Stephen Crane: Metropolitan Correspondent." The Kentucky Review 4.3 (1983): 39-51.
---. "Solving Stephen Crane's Pike County Puzzle." American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 55.2 (1983): 171-82.
Keenan, Richard. "The Sense of an Ending: Jan Kadar's Distortion of Stephen Crane's the Blue Hotel." Literature/Film Quarterly 16.4 (1988): 265-68.
Keeney, William L. "Invoking the American Muse: Epic Beginnings and Epic Impossibility in Three Twentieth-Century American Epics." Boston U, 1995.
Kent, Thomas L. "Epistemological Uncertainty in the Red Badge of Courage." MFS: Modern Fiction Studies 27.4 (1981): 621-28.
Kent, Thomas L. "The Problem of Knowledge in 'the Open Boat' and 'the Blue Hotel'." American Literary Realism 14.2 (1981): 262-68.
Kim, Martha Virginia Yeager. "The Style of Stephen Crane's the Red Badge of Courage and Other Works: A Linguistic Analysis." 1983.
Kimball, Sue L. "Circles and Squares: The Designs of Stephen Crane's 'the Blue Hotel'." Studies in Short Fiction 17 (1980): 425-30.
Kimmel, David P. "Crane, Sinclair, and Dreiser in the Temperance Tradition." Ohio State U, 1991.
Kirby, David. "The Measure of Man." (London) Times Literary Supplement 4073 (1981): 466.
Knapp, Bettina L. Stephen Crane. Lit. & Life: Amer. Writers. New York: Ungar, 1987.
Kotani, Koji. "Stephen Crane's Strategy of Irony in the Red Badge of Courage." Studies in English Language and Literature 40 (1990): 45-79.
Krause, Sydney J. "The Surrealism of Crane's Naturalism in Maggie." American Literary Realism 16.2 (1983): 253-61.
Kronegger, M. E. "Impressionistic Literature and Narrative Theory: Stephen Crane." Review 4 (1982): 129-34.
Kwiat, Joseph J. "Stephen Crane, Literary Reporter: Commonplace Experience and Artistic Transcendence." Journal of Modern Literature 8 (1980): 129-38.

Labbe, Evelyne. "'Machines of Reflection': The Red Badge of Courage Et Ses Doubles." Q/W/E/R/T/Y: Arts, Litteratures & Civilisations du Monde Anglophone 4 (1994): 237-45.
Lee, Robert A. "Stephen Crane's the Red Badge of Courage: The Novella as 'Moving Box'." The Modern American Novella. Ed. A. Robert Lee. Crit. Studies Ser. New York: St. Martin's, 1989. 30-47.
Levenson, J. C. "The Red Badge of Courage and Mcteague: Passage to Modernity." The Cambridge Companion to American Realism and Naturalism: Howells to London. Ed. Donald Pizer. Cambridge Companions to Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1995. 154-77.
---. notes, ed. Stephen Crane: Prose and Poetry: Maggie: A Girl of the Streets; the Red Badge of Courage; Stories, Sketches, and Journalism; Poetry. Library of America. New York, NY: Library of America, 1984.
Lewis, Anthony. "Teaching the Western Stories of Stephen Crane." American Renaissance and American West. Ed. Christopher S. (ed. & introd.)--Dieterich Durer, Herbert R. (ed. & introd.)--Laskowsky, Henry J. (ed. & introd.)--Welke, James W. (ed. & introd.)--Veal, Donald L. (foreword). School of Amer. Studies, & Dept. of Journalism & Telecommunication, Univ. of Wyoming, Laramie: Dept. of Eng., 1982. 97-103.
Lindberg-Seyersted, Brita. Ford Madox Ford and His Relationship to Stephen Crane and Henry James. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities, 1987.
Lyon, Edward. "The Stephen Crane Collection at Syracuse University." Syracuse University Library Associates Courier 21.1 (1986): 135-46.

Maitino, John Rocco. "Literary Impressionism in Stephen Crane, Joseph Conrad, and Henry James." 1987.
Mariani, Giorgio. Spectacular Narratives: Representations of Class and War in Stephen Crane and the American 1890s. American University Studies Xxiv: American Literature. New York: Peter Lang, 1992.
Marin Madrazo, Pilar. "The Meaning of Henry Fleming's Initiation in the Complete the Red Badge of Courage." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses 12 (1986): 75-87.
Matheson, Terence J. "Impressionists, Satirists, Radicals, and Romantics: Investigating the Eccentric Response." Canadian Review of American Studies/Revue Canadienne d'Etudes Americaines 14.3 (1983): 321-31.
McElrath, Joseph R., Jr. "Stephen Crane in San Francisco: His Reception in the Wave." Stephen Crane Studies 2.1 (1993): 2-18.
McEntee, Grace. "Deliverance as James Dickey's Re-Vision of Crane's 'Open Boat'." James Dickey Newsletter 7.2 (1991): 2-11.
McFarland, Ronald E. "The Hospitality Code and Crane's 'the Blue Hotel'." Studies in Short Fiction 18.4 (1981): 447-51.
McIlvaine, Robert. "Henry Fleming Wrestles with an Angel." Pennsylvania English 12.1 (1985): 21-27.
McInerney, John. "Constructing Crane for the Screen." Stephen Crane Studies 3.2 (1994): 19-24.
Metress, Christopher. "From Indifference to Anxiety: Knowledge and the Reader in 'the Open Boat'." Studies in Short Fiction 28.1 (1991): 47-53.
Miles, Peter. "Ernest Skinner, Henry James, and the Death of Stephen Crane: A Cora Crane Inscription." ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews 8.2 (1995): 19-26.
Minks, Tamara S. "Maggie Johnson: An American in a Fallen Eden." Recovering Literature: A Journal of Contextualist Criticism 16 (1988): 23-35.
Miyazaki, Naoko. "Jinsei No Bokanskatachi: Maggie Ni Okeru Ningenzo." Bungaku to America: Ohashi Kenzaburo Kyoju Kanreki Kinen Ronbunshu. Tokyo: Nanundo, 1980. I 115-27.
Mobilio, Albert. "Are You Experienced? Stephen Crane's School of Light Knocks." Village Voice Literary Supplement 111 (1992): 23-24.
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