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Nella Larsen (1891*-1964)

Nella Larsen

Secondary Bibliography on Nella Larsen

Biographical Sketch from the Voices from the Gaps: Women Writers of Color site. (New URL)
A picture and brief biographical sketch of Larsen from the Carl Van Vechten collection at the Beinecke Library, Yale University.
Biographical sketch from a student page at NYU. 
A personal essay response to Nella Larsen's work by Sushama Austin, writer and documentary filmmaker at the Literary Traveler site. 
Bibliography at Paul Reuben's PAL site. 
Teaching Nella Larsen by Deborah McDowell (Cengage/Heath Anthology). Excerpts from McDowell's influential introduction to Larsen's novels are available in Google Books.
"Passing and the Fading Subject" (article from African American Review in 1998). 
Stephen Knadler, "Domestic violence in the Harlem Renaissance: remaking the record in Nella Larsen's Passing and Toni Morrison's Jazz" (African American Review, 2004)
A Wikipedia entry on Larsen includes summaries of Passing and Quicksand.

*Note: Although 1893 is sometimes given as the date, Larsen biographer Thadious Davis uses 1891; I have followed her practice.
Image courtesy of Mary Mark Ockerbloom's Celebration of Women Writers site

Comments to D. Campbell. Last Modified 09/07/2015 17:28:00