The Sun Also Rises: Bibliography
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Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises: Bibliography

Abdoo, Sherlyn. "Jake Barnes' Insomnia and Fiesta Nightmare in The Sun Also Rises." The Elemental Dialectic of Light and Darkness: The Passions of the Soul in the onto-Poiesis of Life. Ed. Tymieniecka, Anna-Teresa ed. Dordrecht: Kluwer Acad., 1992. 249-68. Print.

Abouddahab, Redouane. "L'oeil Et Le Soleil: Bataille Avec Hemingway." Revue Francaise d'Etudes Americaines 84 (2000): 61-76. Print.

Abrosimova, V. N. "Turgenevskii Motiv V Strukture Romana E Khemingueia 'I Voskhodit Solntse'." Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriia 9, Filologiia 9.2 (1987): 25-31. Print.

Achuff, Louise R. "'Nice' and 'Pleasant' in the Sun." The Hemingway Review 10.2 (1991): 42-46. Print.

Adair, William. "Cafes and Food: Allusions to the Great War in The Sun Also Rises." Journal of Modern Literature 25.1 (2001): 127-33. Print.

---. "Hemingway's Iceberg Method and Jake's Wound." Notes on Contemporary Literature 15.5 (1985): 11-12. Print.

---. "Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises." Explicator 60.2 (2002): 91-94. Print.

---. "Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises." Explicator 45.3 (1987): 48-49. Print.

---. "The Sun Also Rises: A Memory of War." Twentieth Century Literature: A Scholarly and Critical Journal 47.1 (2001): 72-91. Print

---. "The Sun Also Rises: The Source of a Farewell to Arms." ANQ: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes, and Reviews 12.4 (1999): 25-28. Print.

Adams, Richard P. "Sunrise out of the Waste Land." Tulane Studies in English 9 (1959): 119-31. Print.

Aldridge, John W. "Afterthoughts on the Twenties and The Sun Also Rises." Amer. Novel. Eds. Wagner-Martin, Linda and Emory Elliott. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1987. viii, 134 pp. Print.

---. "Afterthoughts on the Twenties and The Sun Also Rises." American Novel (Amnov). Ed. Wagner-Martin, Linda. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1987. viii, 134 pp. Print.

---. "The Sun Also Rises: Sixty Years Later." Sewanee Review 94.2 (1986): 337-45. Print.

Amidon, Stephen. "Ernest Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises." American Writers Classics, I. Ed. Parini, Jay. New York, NY: Thomson Gale, 2003. xiv, 388 pp. Print.

Atherton, John. "The Itinerary and the Postcard: Minimal Strategies in The Sun Also Rises." ELH 53.1 (1986): 199-218. Print.

Bak, John S. Homo Americanus: Ernest Hemingway, Tennessee Williams, and Queer Masculinities. Madison, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 2010. Print.

Balassi, William. "Hemingway's Greatest Iceberg: The Composition of The Sun Also Rises." Writing the American Classics. Eds. Barbour, James and Tom Quirk. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1990. xiv, 287 pp. Print.

---. "The Trail to The Sun Also Rises: The First Week of Writing." Hemingway: Essays of Reassessment. Ed. Scafella, Frank. New York: Oxford UP, 1991. x, 273 pp. Print.

---. "The Writing of the Manuscript of The Sun Also Rises, with a Chart of Its Session-by-Session Development." The Hemingway Review 6.1 (1986): 65-78. Print.

Baldwin, Marc D. "Class Consciousness and the Ideology of Dominance in The Sun Also Rises." The McNeese Review 33 (1990): 14-33. Print.

---. Reading The Sun Also Rises: Hemingway's Political Unconscious. Modern American Literature: New Approaches (Moal). New York, NY: Peter Lang, 1997. Print.

Baldwin, Marc Decker. Reading 'The Sun Also Rises': The Method and Ideology of Dominance. 1993. Print.

Baldwin, Marc D. "'to Make It into a Novel...Don't Talk About It': Hemingway's Political Unconscious." Journal of Narrative Technique 23.3 (1993): 170-87. Print.

Barlowe, Jamie. "Re-Reading Women Ii: The Example of Brett, Hadley, Duff, and Women's Scholarship." Hemingway and Women: Female Critics and the Female Voice. Eds. Broer, Lawrence R. and Gloria Holland. Tuscaloosa, AL: U of Alabama P, 2002. xiv, 353 pp. Print.

Barnett, Louise K. "The Dialectic of Discourse in The Sun Also Rises." University of Mississippi Studies in English 8 (1990): 168-84. Print.

Baskett, Sam S. "'an Image to Dance around': Brett and Her Lovers in The Sun Also Rises." Centennial Review 22 (1978): 45-69. Print.

Bayindir, Turgay. "War-Broken Masculinites and the Search for Healing in The Sun Also Rises and Home to Harlem." Literatures of War. Eds. Pine, Richard and Eve Patten. Newcastle upon Tyne, England: Cambridge Scholars, 2008. xii, 466

pp. Print.

Berg, Pearl Greenberg, Maurice H. Cummings, and Sanford J. Smoller. "Three Comments on '(Re)Teaching Hemingway: Anti-Semitism as a Thematic Device in The Sun Also Rises'." College English 52.8 (1990): 924-28. Print.

Berman, Ron. "Protestant, Catholic, Jew: The Sun Also Rises." Hemingway Review 18.1 (1998): 33-48. Print.

Bier, Jesse. "A Comment on '(Re)-Teaching Hemingway: Anti-Semitism as a Thematic Device in The Sun Also Rises'." College English 53.4 (1991): 478-80. Print.

---. "Jake Barnes, Cockroaches, and Trout in The Sun Also Rises." Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 39.2 (1983): 164-71. Print.

---. "Liquor and Caffeine in The Sun Also Rises." American Notes and Queries 18 (1980): 143-44. Print.

Bissell, Tom. "Still Rising: On the Deathless Relevance of Ernest of Hemingway." Believer 4.9 (2006): 84-85. Print.

Blackmore, David. "'in New York It'd Mean I Was A ...': Masculinity Anxiety and Period Discourses of Sexuality in The Sun Also Rises." Hemingway Review 18.1 (1998): 49-67. Print.

Bloom, Harold. Brett Ashley. Major Literary Characters (Major Literary Characters). New York: Chelsea House, 1991. Print.

---. Ernest Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises. New York: Chelsea, 1987. Print.

Bond, Adrian. "The Way It Wasn't in Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises." Journal of Narrative Technique 28.1 (1998): 56-74. Print.

Brenner, Gerry. "Hemingway's 'Vulgar' Ethic: The Sun Also Rises." Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 33 (1977): 101-15. Print.

Breuer, Horst. "Ernest Hemingway Und Otto Weininger: Zur Ideengeschichtlichen Kontextualisierung Von The Sun Also Rises." Studien Zur Englischen Und Amerikanischen Prosa Nach Dem Ersten Weltkrieg. Eds. Diedrich, Maria and

Christoph Schoneich. Darmstadt, Germany: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1986. 261 pp. Print.

Brogger, Fredrik Ch. "Turning Hemingway Critics into Swine: Some Fifty Years of Bitch- and Butch-Hunting in The Sun Also Rises." North Dakota Quarterly 65.3 (1998): 5-19. Print.

Brogger, Fredrik Chr. "Uses and Abuses of Biographical Criticism for the Study of Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises." North Dakota Quarterly 68.2-3 (2001): 59-69. Print.

Bruccoli, Matthew J., et al. Fitzgerald/Hemingway Annual 1971. Wash., D.C.: NCR/Microcard Eds, 1971. Print.

Buckley, J. F. "Echoes of Closeted Desire(S): The Narrator and Character Voices of Jake Barnes." Hemingway Review 19.2 (2000): 73-87. Print.

Budick, E. Miller. "'The Sun Also Rises': Hemingway and the Art of Repetition." University of Toronto Quarterly: A Canadian Journal of the Humanities 56.2 (1986): 319-37. Print.

Calloway, Katherine. "'Pulvis Et Umbra Sumus': Horace in Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises." Hemingway Review 25.1 (2005): 120-31. Print.

Carrasqueira, Miguel. Learning to Be a Proper Man: The Role of the Male Bonding in American Modernist Fiction. 2007. Print.

Castells, Ricardo. "The Hidden Intertext in Alejo Carpentier's Los Pasos Perdidos." Confluencia: Revista Hispanica de Cultura y Literatura 10.1 (1994): 81-88. Print.

Caswell, Claude. Red Plush and Brass: Prostitution as a Mirror of Self in the Fiction of Ernest Hemingway. 1994. Print.

Charters, James. "Pat and Duff: Some Memories." Connecticut Review 3.2 (1970): 24-27. Print.

Cheatham, George. "'Sign the Wire with Love': The Morality of Surplus in The Sun Also Rises." Critical Insights (Critical Insights). Ed. Goodheart, Eugene. Pasadena, CA: Salem, 2010. ix, 369 pp. Print.

---. "'Sign the Wire with Love': The Morality of Surplus in The Sun Also Rises." Casebooks in Criticism (Ccf). Ed. Wagner-Martin, Linda. Oxford, England: Oxford UP, 2002. 189 pp. Print.

---. "'Sign the Wire with Love': The Morality of Surplus in The Sun Also Rises." The Hemingway Review 11.2 (1992): 25-30. Print.

Clifford, Stephen Paul. Beyond the Heroic 'I': The Construction of Masculinity and the Narratives of D. H. Lawrence and Ernest Hemingway. 1993. Print.

Cochran, Robert W. "Circularity in The Sun Also Rises." Modern Fiction Studies 14.3 (1968): 297-305. Print.

---. "A Second Cool Papa: Hemingway to Kinsella and Hays." Arete: The Journal of Sport Literature 4.2 (1987): 27-40. Print.

Cody, Morrill. "The Sun Also Rises Revisited." Connecticut Review 4.2 (1971): 5-8. Print.

Cohen, Milton A. "Circe and Her Swine: Domination and Debasement in The Sun Also Rises." Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 41.4 (1985): 293-305. Print.

Comley, Nancy R., and Robert Scholes. "Tribal Things: Hemingway's Erotics of Truth." Novel: A Forum on Fiction 25.3 (1992): 268-85. Print.

Cornellier, Thomas. "The Myth of Escape and Fulfillment in The Sun Also Rises and the Great Gatsby." Society for the Study of Midwestern Literature Newsletter 15.1 (1985): 15-21. Print.

Cowan, S. A. "Amateur Boxing in Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises." English Language Notes 33.1 (1995): 58-61. Print.

---. "Robert Cohn, the Fool of Ecclesiastes in The Sun Also Rises." Dalhousie Review 63.1 (1983): 98-106. Print.

Crowe, David Wesley. The Dialogical Imagination of Ernest Hemingway: Dialogism in 'in Our Time,' 'The Sun Also Rises,' 'Men without Women' and 'a Farewell to Arms'. 1993. Print.

Curtis, Mary Ann C. "The Sun Also Rises: Its Relation to the Song of Roland." American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 60.2 (1988): 274-80. Print.

Daiker, Donald A. "The Affirmative Conclusion of The Sun Also Rises." Modern American Fiction: Form and Function. Ed. Young, Thomas Daniel. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State UP, 1989. viii, 246 pp. Print.

---. "The Affirmative Conclusion of The Sun Also Rises." McNeese Review 21 (1974): 3-19. Print.

---. "The Pedagogy of The Sun Also Rises." Hemingway Review 27.1 (2007): 74-88. Print.

---. "The Pied Piper in The Sun Also Rises." Fitzgerald-Hemingway Annual 235-37 (1975). Print.

Davidson, Arnold E., and Cathy N. Davidson. "Decoding the Hemingway Hero in The Sun Also Rises." Amer. Novel. Eds. Wagner-Martin, Linda and Emory Elliott. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1987. viii, 134 pp. Print.

---. "Decoding the Hemingway Hero in The Sun Also Rises." American Novel (Amnov). Ed. Wagner-Martin, Linda. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1987. viii, 134 pp. Print.

Davidson, Cathy N. "Death in the Morning: The Role of Vicente Girones in The Sun Also Rises." Hemingway Notes 5.1 (1979): 11-13. Print.

Djos, Matts. "Alcoholism in Ernest Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises: A Wine and Roses Perspective on the Lost Generation." Casebooks in Criticism (Ccf). Ed. Wagner-Martin, Linda. Oxford, England: Oxford UP, 2002. 189 pp. Print.

---. "Alcoholism in Ernest Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises: A Wine and Roses Perspective on the Lost Generation." The Hemingway Review 14.2 (1995): 64-78. Print.

Donaldson, Scott. "Fitzgerald's Blue Pencil." French Connections: Hemingway and Fitzgerald Abroad. Eds. Kennedy, J. Gerald and Jackson R. Bryer. New York, NY: St. Martin's, 1999. xvi, 352 pp. Print.

---. "Fitzgerald's Blue Pencil." French Connections: Hemingway and Fitzgerald Abroad. Eds. Kennedy, J. Gerald and Jackson R. Bryer. New York, NY: St. Martin's, 1998. xv, 352 pp. Print.

---. "Hemingway's Morality of Compensation." American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 43.3 (1971): 399-420. Print.

---. "Humor in The Sun Also Rises." Amer. Novel. Eds. Wagner-Martin, Linda and Emory Elliott. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1987. viii, 134 pp. Print.

---. "'Irony and Pity': Anatole France Got It Up." Fitzgerald-Hemingway Annual 331-34 (1978). Print.

---. "The Wooing of Ernest Hemingway." American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 53.4 (1982): 691-710. Print.

Doody, Terrence. "Hemingway's Style and Jake's Narration." Ernest Hemingway: Seven Decades of Criticism. Ed. Wagner-Martin, Linda. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State UP, 1998. 427 pp. Print.

Dow, William. "The Perils of Irony in Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises." Etudes Anglaises: Grande-Bretagne, Etats-Unis 58.2 (2005): 178-92. Print.

Dragoniu, Dana. "Hemingway's Debt to Stendhal's Armance in The Sun Also Rises." MFS: Modern Fiction Studies 46.4 (2000): 868-92. Print.

Eades, Dan. "Count Mippipopolous." North Dakota Quarterly 65.3 (1998): 48-52. Print.

Ebert, Susan. The Sun Also Rises: The Making of a First Novel. Ann Arbor, MI, 1977. Print.

Elbaz, Robert. "The Mechanics of Repetition in the Discourse of Ernest Hemingway." Zagadnienia Rodzajow Literackich: Woprosy Literaturnych Zanrov/Les Problemes des Genres Litteraires 27.1 [57] (1984): 77-90. Print.

Elliot, Ira. "Performance Art: Jake Barnes and 'Masculine' Signification in The Sun Also Rises." American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 67.1 (1995): 77-94. Print.

Elliott, Ira. "Performance Art: Jake Barnes and 'Masculine' Signification in The Sun Also Rises." Casebooks in Criticism (Ccf). Ed. Wagner-Martin, Linda. Oxford, England: Oxford UP, 2002. 189 pp. Print.

Ellis, James. "Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises." Explicator 36.3 (1978): 24. Print.

Evans, Oliver. "The Arrow Wounds of Count Mippipopoulos." PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America 77.1 (1962): 175. Print.

Fantina, Richard. "Hemingway's Masochism, Sodomy, and the Dominant Woman." Hemingway Review 23.1 (2003): 84-105. Print.

---. "Pegging Ernest Hemingway: Masochism, Sodomy, and the Dominant Woman." Straight Writ Queer: Non-Normative Expressions of Heterosexuality in Literature. Eds. Fantina, Richard and Calvin Thomas. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 2006. vii, 266 pp. Print.

Farrell, James T. "Ernest Hemingway, Apostle of a 'Lost Generation'." New York Times Book Review (1943): 6, 14. Print.

Field, Allyson Nadia. "Expatriate Lifestyle as Tourist Destination: The Sun Also Rises and Experiential Travelogues of the Twenties." Hemingway Review 25.2 (2006): 29-43. Print.

Fietz, Lothar. "Hemingway: The Sun Also Rises." Der Amerikanische Roman:Von Den Anfangen Bis Zur Gegenwart. Ed. Lang, Hans-Joachim. Dusseldorf: August Bagel, 1972. 421 pp. Print.

Fleming, Robert E. "The Importance of Count Mippipopolous: Creating the Code Hero." Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 44.2 (1988): 69-75. Print.

Floyd, Kevin. The Reification of Desire: Toward a Queer Marxism. Minneapolis, MN: U of Minnesota P, 2009. Print.

Fore, Dana. "Life Unworthy of Life?: Masculinity, Disability, and Guilt in The Sun Also Rises." Hemingway Review 26.2 (2007): 74-88. Print.

Fore, Dana Yuen. Masculinity, Disability, and the Literature of Bodies on Display. 2006. Print.

Forter, Greg. "Melancholy Modernism: Gender and the Politics of Mourning in The Sun Also Rises." Hemingway Review 21.1 (2001): 22-37. Print.

Fulton, Lorie Watkins. "Reading around Jake's Narration: Brett Ashley and The Sun Also Rises." Hemingway Review 24.1 (2004): 61-80. Print.

Gale, Robert L. "Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises." Explicator 51.3 (1993): 186-87. Print.

Ganzel, Dewey. "Cabestro and Vaquilla: The Symbolic Structure of The Sun Also Rises." Sewanee Review 76 (1968): 26-48. Print.

Gervais, Ronald J. "The Trains of Their Youth: The Aesthetics of Homecoming in the Great Gatsby, The Sun Also Rises and the Sound and the Fury." Americana-Austriaca: Beitrage zur Amerikakunde 6 (1980): 51-63. Print.

Glass, Loren Daniel. "#." Modernism/modernity 14.2 (2007): 209-23. Print.

Goff, Jill Jividen. "Singling out John Monk Saunders: Hemingway's Thoughts on an Imitator." Hemingway Review 28.1 (2008): 6-7, 135-41. Print.

Goldknopf, David. "Tourism in The Sun Also Rises." CEA Critic: An Official Journal of the College English Association 41.3 (1979): 2-8. Print.

Goodman, David R. "A Rejoinder to Matts Djos on Drinking in The Sun Also Rises." North Dakota Quarterly 64.3 (1997): 48-55. Print.

Gordon, Gerald T. "Hemingway's Wilson-Harris: The Search for Value in The Sun Also Rises." Fitzgerald-Hemingway Annual (1972): 237-44. Print.

---. "Survival in The Sun Also Rises (Hemingway's Harvey Stone)." Lost Generation Journal 4.2 (1976): 10-11, 17. Print.

Gottlieb, Carole P. The Armored Self: A Study of Compassion and Control in the Great Gatsby and The Sun Also Rises. Ann Arbor, MI, 1971. Print.

Grace, Nancy McCampbell. The Feminized Male Character in Twentieth-Century Fiction: Studies in Joyce, Hemingway, Kerouac, and Bellow. 1988. Print.

Grant, Mary Kathryn. "The Search for Celebration in The Sun Also Rises and the Great Gatsby." Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 33 (1977): 181-92. Print.

Gross, Barry. "Dealing with Robert Cohn." Hemingway in Italy and Other Essays. Ed. Lewis, Robert W. New York: Praeger, 1990. 215 pp. Print.

Harrell, David. "A Final Note on Duff Twysden." The Hemingway Review 5.2 (1986): 45-46. Print.

Harris, Charles B. "The Fisherman's Code in The Sun Also Rises." NMAL: Notes on Modern American Literature 1 (1977): Item 18. Print.

Harris, Geoffrey. "Hemingway and Malraux: The Unmanned Virile Fraternity." Miscelanea: A Journal of English and American Studies 20 (1999): 259-75. Print.

Hattenhauer, Darryl. "More Humor in The Sun Also Rises." The Hemingway Review 10.2 (1991): 56-57. Print.

Hausmann, Janis Marie Hebert. A Meeting of the Disciplines: Musical Structures in Ernest Hemingway's Early Fiction. 2003. Print.

Hays, Peter L. "Catullus and The Sun Also Rises." The Hemingway Review 12.2 (1993): 15-23. Print.

---. "Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises and James's the Ambassadors." Hemingway Review 20.2 (2001): 90-98. Print.

---. "Hunting Ritual in The Sun Also Rises." The Hemingway Review 8.2 (1989): 46-48. Print.

Heims, Neil. "The Scapegoat, the Bankrupt, and the Bullfighter: Shadows of a Lost Man in The Sun Also Rises." Critical Insights (Critical Insights). Ed. Goodheart, Eugene. Pasadena, CA: Salem, 2010. ix, 369 pp. Print.

Helbig, Doris A. "Confession, Charity, and Community in The Sun Also Rises." South Atlantic Review 58.2 (1993): 85-110. Print.

Hen, Judy. "'Working on the Farm': Hemingway's Work Ethic in The Sun Also Rises." Ernest Hemingway: The Oak Park Legacy. Ed. Nagel, James. Tuscaloosa: U of Alabama P, 1996. xi, 231 pp. Print.

Herlihy, Jeffrey. "The Complications of Exile in Ernest Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises." Exile and the Narrative/Poetic Imagination. Ed. Gutthy, Agnieszka. Newcastle upon Tyne, England: Cambridge Scholars, 2010. viii, 199 pp. Print.

Hily, Genevieve. "Les Versions Successives De The Sun Also Rises." Etudes Anglaises. Paris: Didier, 1977. 186 pp. Print.

Hily-Mane, Genevieve. "A Propos Du Debut De The Sun Also Rises (E. Hemingway)." Lectures: Hommage a Genevieve Hily-Mane. Reims: PU de Reims & Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche en Ling. & Psych. Cognitive, 1995. 217 pp. Print.

Hinkle, James. "'Dear Mr. Scribner': About the Published Text of The Sun Also Rises." The Hemingway Review 6.1 (1986): 43-64. Print.

---. "Some Unexpected Sources for The Sun Also Rises." Hemingway Review 2.1 (1982): 26-42. Print.

Holcomb, Gary Edward. "The Sun Also Rises in Queer Black Harlem: Hemingway and Mckay's Modernist Intertext." Journal of Modern Literature 30.4 (2007): 61-81. Print.

Hook, Andrew. "Art and Life in The Sun Also Rises." Crit. Studies Ser. Ed. Lee, A. Robert. London; Totowa, NJ: Vision; Barnes & Noble, 1983. 216 pp. Print.

Hovey, Richard B. "The Sun Also Rises: Hemingway's Inner Debate." Forum 4.10 (1966): 4-10. Print.

Hurley, C. Harold. "'but Bryant? What of Bryant in Bryan?': The Religious Implications of the Allusion to 'a Forest Hymn' in The Sun Also Rises." Hemingway Review 20.2 (2001): 76-89. Print.

Hyde, Elizabeth Walden. "Aficionado Fishes Worms: A Study of Hemingway and Jake." Amer. Fly Fisher 9.2 (1982): 2-7. Print.

Jolicoeur, Claude. "Une Garconne Americaine Ou L'amour Dans Le Soleil Se Leve Aussi." Textes et Langages 14 (1987): 79-92. Print.

Josephs, Allen. "Toreo: The Moral Axis of The Sun Also Rises." The Hemingway Review 6.1 (1986): 88-99. Print.

Jungman, Robert E. "A Note on the Ending of The Sun Also Rises." Fitzgerald-Hemingway Annual 214 (1977). Print.

Kanjo, Eugenia. "Signs Are Taken for Nothing in The Sun Also Rises." Hemingway in Italy and Other Essays. Ed. Lewis, Robert W. New York: Praeger, 1990. 215 pp. Print.

Karagueuzian, Maureen. "Irony in Robert Stone's Dog Soldiers." Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction 24.2 (1983): 65-73. Print.

Kaye, Jeremy. "The 'Whine' of Jewish Manhood: Re-Reading Hemingway's Anti-Semitism, Reimagining Robert Cohn." Hemingway Review 25.2 (2006): 44-60. Print.

Kerrigan, William. "Something Funny About Hemingway's Count." American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 46.1 (1974): 87-93. Print.

Kinnamon, Keneth. "Hemingway, the Corrida, and Spain." Casebooks in Criticism (Ccf). Ed. Wagner-Martin, Linda. Oxford, England: Oxford UP, 2002. 189 pp. Print.

Kirschke, James J. "Impressionist Painting and the Reflexive Novel of the Early Twentieth Century." Actes Du Viiie Congres De L'association Internationale De Litterature Comparee/Proceedings of the 8th Congress of the InternationalComparative Literature Association, I: Trois Grandes Mutations Litteraires: Renaissance, Lumieres, Debut Du Vingtieme Siecle/Three Epoch-Making Literary Changes: Renaissance, Enlightenment, Early Twentieth Century. Eds. Kopeczi,Bela and Gyorgy M. Vajda. Stuttgart: Bieber, 1980. 931 pp. Print.

Klug, M. A. "Horns of Manichaeus: The Conlfict of Art and Experience in the Great Gatsby and The Sun Also Rises." Essays in Literature 12.1 (1985): 111-24. Print.

Knight, Karl F. "Hemingway's 'The Sun Also Rises'." Explicator 50.2 (1992): 107-09. Print.

Knodt, Ellen Andrews. "Diving Deep: Jake's Moment of Truth at San Sebastian." Hemingway Review 17.1 (1997): 28-37. Print.

Kobler, Jasper F. "Confused Chronology in The Sun Also Rises." Modern Fiction Studies 13 (1967): 517-20. Print.

Kruse, Horst H. "Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises." Explicator 47.4 (1989): 50-52. Print.

Kumar, Sukrita Paul. "Woman as Hero in Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises." The Literary Endeavour: A Quarterly Journal Devoted to English Studies 6.1-4 (1985): 102-08. Print.

Kunishige, Junji. "The Sun Also Rises (1926): Bungakuteki Nada No Sekai." Eigo Seinen/Rising Generation 145.5 (1999): 291-93. Print.

Kvam, Wayne. "The Sun Also Rises: The Chronologies." Papers on Language and Literature: A Journal for Scholars and Critics of Language and Literature 15 (1979): 199-203. Print.

Lansky, Ellen. "The Barnes Complex: Ernest Hemingway, Djuna Barnes, The Sun Also Rises, and Nightwood." The Languages of Addiction. Eds. Lilienfeld, Jane and Jeffrey Oxford. New York, NY: St. Martin's, 1999. xxvii, 254 pp. Print.

Leff, Leonard J. "The Sun Almost Rises: Hemingway and the Hollywood Marketplace of Depression America." Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 51.4 (1995): 45-67. Print.

Leland, Jacob Michael. "Yes, That Is a Roll of Bills in My Pocket: The Economy of Masculinity in The Sun Also Rises." Hemingway Review 23.2 (2004): 37-46. Print.

Lennox, Sara. "'We Could Have Had Such a Damned Good Time Together': Individual and Society in The Sun Also Rises and Mutmassungen Uber Jakob." Modern Language Studies 7.1 (1977): 82-90. Print.

Leon Tavora, Ana. "Deriding the Exotic: Techniques of Defamiliarization in Joseph Conrad, Ernest Hemingway, and James Joyce." Papers on Joyce 5 (1999): 13-21. Print.

Lepschy, Wolfgang. Of Fathers and Sons: Generational Conflicts and Literary Lineage: The Case of Ernest Hemingway and Ernest Gaines. 2005. Print.
Levy, Alfred J. "Hemingway's The Sun Also Rises." Explicator 17 (1959): Item 37. Print.
Light, Martin. "Sweeping out Chivalric Silliness: The Example of Huck Finn and The Sun Also Rises." Mark Twain Journal 17.3 (1974): 18-21. Print.
Linebarger, J. M. "Symbolic Hats in The Sun Also Rises." Fitzgerald-Hemingway Annual (1972): 323-24. Print.
Lockridge, Ernest. "Othello as a Key to Hemingway." Hemingway Review 18.1 (1998): 68-77. Print.
---. "'Primitive Emotions': A Tragedy of Revenge Called The Sun Also Rises." Journal of Narrative Technique 20.1 (1990): 42-55. Print.
Lowenkron, David Henry. "Jake Barnes: A Student of William James in The Sun Also Rises." Texas Quarterly 19.1 (1976): 147-56. Print.
Ludwig, Jeff L. Identity and Flux: American Literary Modernism of the 1920s and 1930s. 2007. Print.
Lynn, David Hayden. Cries out of the Darkness: Heroic Narrators in Early-Modern Fiction. 1986. Print.
Mangum, Bryant. "The Hemingway Code and Ten-Word Telegrams." Lost Generation Journal 9.1 [22] (1989): 9-10. Print.
Marr, Matthew J. "Realism on the Rocks in the Generational Novel: 'Rummies,' Rhythm, and Rebellion in Historias Del Kronen and The Sun Also Rises." Hispanic Issues (Hispiss). Eds. Henseler, Christine, Randolph D. Pope and Luis Martin-Estudillo. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt UP, 2007. xxiii, 264 pp. Print.
Martin, Robert A. "The Expatriate Predicament in The Sun Also Rises." French Connections: Hemingway and Fitzgerald Abroad. Eds. Kennedy, J. Gerald and Jackson R. Bryer. New York, NY: St. Martin's, 1999. xvi, 352 pp. Print.
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