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Selected Bibliography on Frances E. W. Harper and Iola Leroy

Last Updated 09/07/2015 17:28:03

Ammons, Elizabeth. Conflicting Stories : American Women Writers at the Turn into the Twentieth Century. New York: Oxford University Press, 1991. Print.

---. "Legacy Profile: Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (1825-1911)." Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers 2.2, (Fall 1985): 61-6.

Bacon, Margaret Hope. "'One Great Bundle of Humanity': Frances Ellen Watkins Harper (1825-1911)." Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 113.1 (1989 Jan.):21-49.

Bassard, Katherine Clay. "Private Interpretations: The Defense of Slavery, Nineteenth-Century Hermeneutics, and the Poetry of Frances E. W. Harper." There before Us: Religion and American Literature, from Emerson to Wendell Berry. Eds. Lundin, Roger and Andrew Delbanco. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2007. xxii, 250 pp. Print.Berlant, Lauren. "The Queen of American Goes to Washington City: Harriet Jacobs, Frances Harper, Anita Hill." American Literature 65.3 (Sept. 1993): 549-74.

Bande, Usha. "Iola Leroy-a Centennial Reappraisal." Panjab University Research Bulletin 24.2 (1993): 165-71. Print.

Birnbaum, Michele. "Racial Hysteria: Female Pathology and Race Politics in Frances Harper's Iola Leroy and W. D. Howells's an Imperative Duty." African American Review 33.1 (1999): 7-23. Print.

Bizzell, Patricia. "'Stolen' Literacies in Iola Leroy." Pittsburgh Series in Composition, Literacy, and Culture (Psclc). Ed. Trimbur, John. Pittsburgh, PA: U of Pittsburgh P, 2001. x, 322 pp. Print.

Borgstrom, Michael. "Face Value: Ambivalent Citizenship in Iola Leroy." African American Review 40.4 (2006): 779-93. Print.

Bost, Suzanne. "Fluidity without Postmodernism: Michelle Cliff and the 'Tragic Mulatta' Tradition." African American Review 32.4 (1998): 673-89. Print.

Boyd, Melba Joyce. Discarded Legacy: Politics in the Life of Frances E. W. Harper, 1825-1911. African American Life. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1994. Print.

Carby, Hazel V., ed. Iola Leroy. Boston: Beacon, 1987. Print.

Carby, Hazel V. Reconstructing Womanhood: The Emergence of the Afro-American Woman Novelist.1987.

Charlton, Jennie Sue. Passing Fancies from the Victorian Age: Revisionary African American Romances in the Works of Harper, Chesnutt, Fauset, and Hurston. 2002. Print.

Christmann, James. "Raising Voices, Lifting Shadows: Competing Voice-Paradigms in Frances E. W. Harper's Iola Leroy." African American Review 34.1 (2000): 5-18. Print.

Del Mar Gallego, Maria. "The Dawn of Woman's Era: L[I]Ola Leroy by Frances E. Harper." Actas Iii Congreso De La Sociedad Espanola Para El Estudio Dos Estados Unidos/Spanish Association for American Studies (Saas): Fin De Siglo: Crisis Y Nuevos Principios/Century Ends, Crises and New Beginnings. Eds. Alvarez Maurin, Maria Jose, et al. Leon, Spain: Universidad de Leon, 1999. 437 pp. Print.

Diana, Vanessa Holford. "Narrative Patternings of Resistance in Frances E. W. Harper's Iola Leroy and Pauline Hopkins' Contending Forces." Black Women's Intellectual Traditions: Speaking Their Minds. Eds. Waters, Kristin and Carol B. Conaway. Burlington, VT; Hanover, NH: University of Vermont; UP of New England, 2007. xii, 462 pp. Print.

Diggs, Marylynne. "Surveying the Intersection: Pathology, Secrecy, and the Discourses of Racial and Sexual Identity." Critical Essays: Gay and Lesbian Writers of Color. Ed. Nelson, Emmanuel S. New York: Haworth, 1993. xv, 237 pp. Print.

Diggs, Marylynne, and Emmanuel S. Nelson. "Surveying the Intersection: Pathology, Secrecy, and the Discourses of Racial and Sexual Identity." Critical Essays: Gay and Lesbian Writers of Color. New York: Haworth, 1993. 1-19. Print.

Dudley, Dana. When the Trick Is the Text: The Trickster as Disguise in the Passing/Marriage Novels of Brown, Harper and Hopkins. 2008. Print.

Elkins, Marilyn. "Reading Beyond the Conventions: A Look at Frances E. W. Harper's Iola Leroy, or Shadows Uplifted." American Literary Realism 22.2 (1990): 44-53. Print.

Ernest, John. "From Mysteries to Histories: Cultural Pedagogy in Frances E. Harper's Iola Leroy." American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 64.3 (1992): 497-518. Print.

Fabi, M. Giulia. "Reconstructing Literary Genealogies: Frances E. W. Harper's and William Dean Howells's Race Novels." Soft Canons: American Women Writers and Masculine Tradition. Ed. Kilcup, Karen L. Iowa City, IA: U of Iowa P, 1999. 345 pp. Print.

Fabi, M. Giulia. "Taming the Amazon? The Price of Survival in Turn-of-the-Century African American Women's Fiction." European Contributions to American Studies (European Contributions to American Studies). Ed. Versluys, Kristiaan. Amsterdam: VU UP, 1995. 384 pp. Print.

Foreman, P. Gabrielle. "'Reading Aright': White Slavery, Black Referents, and the Strategy of Histotextuality in Iola Leroy." Yale Journal of Criticism: Interpretation in the Humanities 10.2 (1997): 327-54. Print.

Foster, Frances Smith (ed.) A Brighter Coming Day: A Frances Ellen Watkins Harper Reader. New York: Feminist P at City Univ. of New York, 1990.

---. Written By Herself : Literary Production By African American Women, 1746-1892. Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 1993.

Fukui, Takashi. "Teikosuru 'Konketsu' Sei: Iola Leroy to Fukashi No 'Jinshu' Sei No Tsukaikata." Studies in American Literature 44 (2007): 19-33. Print.

Gerzina, Gretchen Holbrook. "Frances E. W. Harper (1825-1911)." Nineteenth-Century American Women Writers: A Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook. Eds. Knight, Denise D. and Emmanuel S. Nelson. Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1997. xiv, 534 pp. Print.

Griffin, Farah J. "Frances E.W.Harper in the Reconstruction South." SAGE: A Scholarly Journal on Black Women (1988): 45-47.

Harper, Frances E. W. Complete Poems of Frances E. W. Harper. N.Y.: Oxford UP, 1988.

Harper, Phillip Brian. "Private Affairs: Race, Sex, Property, and Person." GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies 1.2 (1994): 111-33. Print.

Herndl, Diane Price. "Miscegen(R)Ation or Mestiza Discourse? Feminist and Racial Politics in Ramona and Iola Leroy." Beyond the Binary: Reconstructing Cultural Identity in a Multicultural Context. Ed. Powell, Timothy B. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 1999. ix, 294 pp. Print.

Holmes, Beverly B. The Influence of the Sentimental Novel and the Attendant Cult of True Womanhood on Four Novels by Africa American Women. 2009. Print.

Jackson, Cassandra. "'I Will Gladly Share with Them My Richer Heritage': Schoolteachers in Frances E. W. Harper's Iola Leroy and Charles Chesnutt's Mandy Oxendine." African American Review 37.4 (2003): 553-68. Print.

McDowell, Deborah E. "'The Changing Same': Generational Connections and Black Women Novelists." New Literary History: A Journal of Theory and Interpretation 18.2 (1987): 281-302. Print.

Novak, Terry D. "Frances Harper's Poverty Relief Mission in the African American Community." Studies in American Literary Realism and Naturalism (Salrn). Eds. Bergman, Jill and Debra Bernardi. Tuscaloosa, AL: U of Alabama P, 2005. x, 299 pp. Print.

Nowatzki, Robert C. "Miscegenation and the Rhetoric of 'Blood' in Three Turn-of-the-Century African American Novels." Journal of Contemporary Thought 6 (1996): 41-50. Print.

Peterson, Carla L. "'Further Liftings of the Veil': Gender, Class, and Labor in Frances E. W. Harper's Iola Leroy." Listening to Silences: New Essays in Feminist Criticism. Eds. Hedges, Elaine and Shelley Fisher Fishkin. New York: Oxford UP, 1994. viii, 326 pp. Print.

Robison, Lori. "An 'Imperceptible Infusion' of Blood: Iola Leroy, Racial Identity, and Sentimental Discourse." Genre: Forms of Discourse and Culture 37.3-4 (2004): 433-60. Print.

Rutkowski, Alice. "Leaving the Good Mother: Frances E. W. Harper, Lydia Maria Child, and the Literary Politics of Reconstruction." Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers 25.1 (2008): 83-104. Print.

Sanborn, Geoffrey. "Mother's Milk: Frances Harper and the Circulation of Blood." ELH 72.3 (2005): 691-715. Print.

Sorisio, Carolyn. "The Spectacle of the Body: Torture in the Antislavery Writing of Lydia Maria Child and Frances E. W. Harper." Modern Language Studies 30.1 (2000): 45-66. Print.

Wilson, Kimberly A. C. "The Function of the 'Fair' Mulatto: Complexion, Audience, and Mediation in Frances Harper's Iola Leroy." Cimarron Review 106 (1994): 104-13. Print.

Young, Elizabeth. "Warring Fictions: Iola Leroy and the Color of Gender." American Literature: A Journal of Literary History, Criticism, and Bibliography 64.2 (1992): 273-97. Print.

Zackodnik, Teresa. "Little Romances and Mulatta Heroines: Passing for a 'True' Woman in Frances Harper's Iola Leroy and Pauline Hopkins's Contending Forces." Nineteenth-Century Feminisms 2 (2000): 103-24. Print.

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