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Rose Terry Cooke (1827-1892): Bibliography

[Terry, Rose]. "The Ring Fetter: A New England Tragedy." Atlantic 4.22 (1859): 154-70.

Auten, Janet Gebhart. "Parental Guidance: Disciplinary Intimacy and the Rise of Women's Regionalism." 'the Only Efficient Instrument': American Women Writers and the Periodical, 1837-1916. Eds. Aleta Feinsod Cane and Susan Alves: U of Iowa P, Iowa City, IA Pagination: 66-77, 2001. 241.

Bennett, Paula. "'Pomegranate-Flowers': The Phantasmic Productions of Late- Nineteenth-Century Anglo-American Women Poets." Solitary Pleasures: The Historical, Literary, and Artistic Discourses of Autoeroticism. Eds. Paula Bennett and Vernon A. Rosario, II: Routledge, New York Pagination: 189-213, 1995. ix, 286.

Campbell, Donna M. Resisting Regionalism: Gender and Naturalism in American Fiction, 1885-1915. Athens, OH : Ohio UP, 1997.

Cooke, Rose Terry. "Freedom Wheeler's Controversy with Providence." Atlantic 40.237 (1877): 65-84.

Daugherty, Evelyn N. "Rose Terry Cooke." American Literary Realism, 1870-1910 8 (1975): 226-27.

Donovan, Josephine. "Rose Terry Cooke." American Short-Story Writers before 1880. Eds. Bobby Ellen Kimbel and William E. Grant. Dictionary of Literary Biography (Dlb) Number: 74: Gale, Detroit, MI Pagination: 84-91, 1988. 373.

---. "Women's Masterpieces." Challenging Boundaries: Gender and Periodization. Eds. Joyce W. Warren and Margaret Dickie: U of Georgia P, Athens, GA Pagination: 26-38, 2000. xxiv, 296.

Downey, Jean. "Atlantic Friends: Howells and Cooke." American Notes and Queries 1 (1963): 132-33.

---. "Rose Terry Cooke: A Bibliography." Bulletin of Bibliography 21 (1955): 159-63.

---. "Rose Terry Cooke: A Bibliography, Part Ii." Bulletin of Bibliography 21 (1955): 191-92.

---. "Whittier and Cooke: Unpublished Letters." Quaker History: Bulletin of the Friends Historical Association 52 (1963): 33-36.

Eiselein, Gregory. "Sentimental Discourse and the Bisexual Erotics of Work." Texas Studies in Literature and Language 41.3 (1999): 203-35.

Elrod, Eileen Razzari. "Reforming Fictions: Gender and Religion in the Works of Harriet Beecher Stowe, Rose Terry Cooke and Mary Wilkins Freeman." Dissertation Abstracts International 52.3 (1991): 918A.

---. "Truth Is Stranger Than Non-Fiction: Gender, Religion, and Contradiction in Rose Terry Cooke." Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers 13.2 (1996): 113-29.

Eppard, Philip B. "Bal Addenda: Cooke, Frederic, Freeman, and Fuller." PBSA: Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 74 (1980): 152-53.

Holly, Carol. "The Cruelty of Husbands, the Complicity of Wives, and the Cooperation of Community in Rose Terry Cooke's 'Mrs. Flint's Married Experience'." American Literary Realism 33.1 (2000): 65-80.

Johns, Barbara A. "The Spinster in Five New England Women Regionalists." Dissertation Abstracts International 41 (1980): 251A-52A.

Keating, Gail C. "Rose Terry Cooke (1827-1892)." Nineteenth-Century American Women Writers: A Bio-Bibliographical Critical Sourcebook. Eds. Denise D. Knight and Emmanuel S. Nelson: Greenwood, Westport, CT Pagination: 66-72, 1997. xiv, 534.

Kleitz, Katherine. "Essence of New England: The Portraits of Rose Terry Cooke." American Transcendental Quarterly 47-48 (1980): 127-39.

Levy, Babette May. "Mutations in New England Local Color." New England Quarterly: A Historical Review of New England Life and Letters 19.3 (1946): 338-58.

Linkon, Sherry Lee. "Rose Terry Cooke and the Woman Question: A Study in Fiction and Ideology." Dissertation Abstracts International 51.6 (1990): 2065A.

---. "Saints, Sufferers, and 'Strong-Minded Sisters': Anti- Suffrage Rhetoric in Rose Terry Cooke's Fiction." Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers 10.1 (1993): 31-46.

Linkton, Sherry Lee. "Fiction as Political Discourse: Rose Terry Cooke's Antisuffrage Short Stories." American Women Short Story Writers: A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. Julie Brown. Garland Reference Library of the Humanities Wellesley Studies in Critical Theory, Literary History and Culture (Grlh) Number: 1737 8: Garland, New York Pagination: 17-31, 1995. xxx, 367.

Makosky, Donald R. "Rose Terry Cooke's Matred and Tamar, a Drama." Resources for American Literary Study 14.1-2 (1984): 1-58.

Monteiro, George. "Addenda to the Bibliographies of Conrad, Cooke, Damon, Ford, Glasgow, Holmes, Jewett, Lewis, Mumford, Robinson, and Scott." Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America (1975): 273-75.

Newlyn, Evelyn. "Rose Terry Cooke and the Children of the Sphinx." Regionalism and the Female Imagination 4.3 (1979): 49-57.

Poole, Ralph J. "Body/Rituals: The (Homo)Erotics of Death in Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, Rose Terry Cooke, and Edgar Allan Poe." Soft Canons: American Women Writers and Masculine Tradition. Ed. Karen L. Kilcup: U of Iowa P, Iowa City, IA Pagination: 239-61, 1999. 345.

Riley, John A. "John Esten Cooke: A Comparative Study of His Non-Fiction Writings on the Civil War." Dissertation Abstracts: Section A. Humanities and Social Science 28 (1968): 4143A.

Rohrbach, Augusta. Truth Stranger Than Fiction: Race, Realism, and the U. S. Literary Marketplace. New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2002.

Smith, Rodney Lee. "'These Poor Weak Souls': Rose Terry Cooke's Presentation of Men and Women Who Were Converts to the Social Gospel in the Gilded Age." Dissertation Abstracts International 39 (1978): 3587A.

Starnes, Lucy Gaylord. "Scribe of the Old Dominion." Virginia Cavalcade 13 (1963): 32-37.

Stone, Marjorie. "Bleeding Passports: The Ideology of Woman's Heart in the Fiction of Hawthorne, Freeman, and Cooke." Atlantis: A Women's Studies Journal/Revue d'Etudes sur la Femme 15.1 (1989): 91-102.

Toth, Susan Allen. "Character Studies in Rose Terry Cooke: New Faces for the Short Story." Kate Chopin Newsletter 2.1 (1976): 19-26.

---. "'the Rarest and Most Peculiar Grape': Versions of the New England Woman in Nineteenth-Century Local Color Literature." Regionalism and the Female Imagination: A Collection of Essays. Ed. Emily Toth: Human Sciences, New York Pagination: 15-28, 1985. 205.

Toth, Susan A. "Rose Terry Cooke (1827-1892)." American Literary Realism, 1870-1910 4 (1971): 170-76.

Toth, Susan E. "More Than Local Color: A Reappraisal of Rose Terry Cooke, Mary Wilkins Freeman and Alice Brown." Dissertation Abstracts: Section A. Humanities and Social Science 30 (1969): 1577A.

Walker, Cheryl. "Rose Terry Cooke, 1827-1892." Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers 9.2 (1992): 143-50.

---. "Teaching Dickinson as a Gen(I)Us: Emily among the Women." The Emily Dickinson Journal 2.2 (1993): 172-80.

Westbrook, Perry D. "Rose Terry Cooke." American Realists and Naturalists. Eds. Donald Pizer and Earl N. Harbert. Dictionary of Literary Biography (Dlb) Number: 12: Gale, Detroit, MI Pagination: 95-99, 1982. xi, 486.

Last Modified 07/04/2013 20:37:01 Comments to D. Campbell