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Mary Hunter Austin: Bibliography of Secondary Sources


Worden, Daniel. "Landscape Culture: Ansel Adams and Mary Austin's Taos Pueblo." Criticism: A Quarterly for Literature and the Arts 55 1 (2013): 69-94. Print.

Parks, Cecily. Swamp Aesthetics: Environmental Experiments by American Women from the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Century. 2012. Print.

Hume, Beverly A. "Austin's Consuming 'Desertness' in the Land of Little Rain." Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 68 4 (2012): 61-77. Print.

Showalter, Elaine. The Vintage Book of American Women Writers. New York, NY: Vintage, 2011. Print.

Olson, Alexander I. "'You Have Rescued Me from Academicism': Selections from the Correspondence of Henry Nash Smith and Mary Hunter Austin." Southwest Review 96 1 (2011): 50-65. Print.

Hoffman, Abraham. "Mary Austin, Stafford Austin, and the Owens Valley." Journal of the Southwest 53 3-4 (2011): 305-22. Print.


Alaimo, Stacy. Undomesticated Ground : Recasting Nature as Feminist Space. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 2000.

Applegarth, Risa. "Genre, Location, and Mary Austin's Ethos." Rhetoric Society Quarterly 41.1 (2011): 41-63. Print.

Anderson, Barbara. "Thoreau and Mary Austin." Thoreau Society Bulletin 126 (1974): 7.

Anderson, Lorraine, and Thomas S. Edwards. At Home on This Earth : Two Centuries of U.S. Women's Nature Writing. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 2002.

Austin, Andrea. "(Un)Building the Nation: Mary Leslie's the Cromaboo Mail Carrier." Victorian Review: The Journal of the Victorian Studies Association of Western Canada and the Victorian Studies Association of Ontario 21.1 (1995): 36-52.

Austin, Mary. "American Literature Moves On." Recent Gains in American Civilization. Ed. Kirby Page: NY Pagination: chapter 8, 1928.

---. "New Mexican Spanish." Saturday Review of Literature 7 (1931): 930.

---. "Spanish Manuscripts in the Southwest." Southwest Review 19 (1934): 402-09.

---. Earth Horizon. Boston, MA, 1932.

Austin, Mary C., Esther C. Jenkins, and Carol A. Jenkins. Literature for Children and Young Adults About Oceania: Analysis and Annotated Bibliography with Additional Readings for Adults. 49: Westport, CT : Greenwood, 1996.

Austin, Mary Hunter. The Flock. Western Literature Series. University of Nevada Press pbk. ed. Reno: University of Nevada Press, 2001.

---. The Land of Journeys' Ending. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2003.

---. The Land of Little Rain. The Modern Library Classics. 2003 Modern Library pbk. ed. New York: Modern Library, 2003.

---. The Land of Little Rain. Bedford, Mass.: Applewood Books, 2000.

---. One-Smoke Stories. Athens: Swallow Press ; Ohio University Press, 2003.

---. The Trail Book. Western Literature Series. University of Nevada Press paperback ed. Reno: University of Nevada Press, 2004.

Austin, Melanie Margaret. "An Integral Relationship: Mary Shelley's Use of the Persephone Myth." Washington State U, 1998.

Austin, Richard. "George Meredith and Mary Nicolls." The Texas Quarterly 21.4 (1978): 127-48.

Ballard, Rae Galbraith. "Mary Austin." American Novelists, 1910-1945: Part 1: Louis Adamic-Vardis Fisher. Eds. James J. Martine and Orville Prescott. Dictionary of Literary Biography (Dlb) Number: 9 (1): Gale, Detroit, MI Pagination: 51-57, 1981. xvii, 327.

---. "Mary Austin's Earth Horizon: The Imperfect Circle." 1977.

---. "Mary Austin's Earth Horizon: The Imperfect Circle." Dissertation Abstracts International 38 (1977): 2117A.

Baughman, Mary C. "Treatments for Five Nineteenth-Century Cloth Case-Bound Books." Library Chronicle of the University of Texas 44-45 (1989): 87-103.

Berry, J. Wilkes. "Characterization in Mary Austin's Southwest Works." Southwestern American Literature 2 (1972): 119-24.

---. "Mary Austin: Sibylic Gourmet of the Southwest." Western Review: A Journal of the Humanities 9.2 (1972): 3-8.

---. "Mary Hunter Austin (1868-1934)." American Literary Realism, 1870-1910 2 (1969): 125-31.

Bingham, Edwin R. "Church, Wind's Trail: The Early Life of Mary Austin." Pacific historical review LX.2 (1991): 260.

Black, Ralph W. "Coming to Terms with Nature: American Literature and the Ecological Imagination." New York U, 1999.

---. "Coming to Terms with Nature: American Literature and the Ecological Imagination." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 60.5 (1999): 1554-55.

Blend, Benay. "Building a 'House of Earth': Mary Austin, Environmental Activist and Writer." Critical Matrix: The Princeton Journal of Women, Gender, and Culture 10.1-2 (1996): 73-89.

---. "Mary Hunter Austin." Twentieth-Century American Nature Writers: Prose. Eds. Roger Thompson and J. Scott Bryson. Dictionary of Literary Biography (Dlb) Number: 275: Gale, Detroit, MI Pagination: 22-28, 2003. xxii, 446.

Bolinder, Matthew. "'Appropriated Waters': Austin's Revision of Thoreau in the Land of Little Rain." Such News of the Land: U. S. Women Nature Writers. Ed. Thomas S. --De Wolfe Edwards, Elizabeth A. --Norwood, Vera (foreword). Hanover, NH: UP of New England, 2001. 37-46.

Brown, Julie. American Women Short Story Writers : A Collection of Critical Essays. New York: Garland Pub., 2000.

Burke, Flannery. "An Artists' Home: Gender and the Santa Fe Culture Center Controversy." Journal of the Southwest 46.2 (2004): 351-79.

Call, Mary Emily. "Cognitive Aspects of Personality and Listening Comprehension." The Foreign Language Classroom: Bridging Theory and Practice. Ed. Margaret Austin --Morgan Haggstrom, Leslie Zarker --Wieczorek, Joseph A. Garland Reference Library of Social Science Source Books on Education. New York: Garland, 1995. 39-53.

Carew-Miller, Anna. "Between Worlds, Crossing Borders: Mary Austin, Liminality, and the Dilemma of Women's Creativity." Exploring Lost Borders: Critical Essays on Mary Austin. Eds. Melody Graulich and Elizabeth Klimasmith. Western Literature Series: U of Nevada P, Reno, NV Pagination: 105-27, 1999. xxiv, 311.

---. "Mary Austin's Nature: Refiguring Tradition through the Voices of Identity." Reading the Earth: New Directions in the Study of Literature and Environment. Ed. Michael P. --Johnson Branch, Rochelle --Patterson, Daniel --Slovic, Scott. Moscow, ID: U of Idaho P, 1998. 79-95.

Carter, Judith Lynn. "The Rhetoric of Persuasion in Selected Works of Mary Austin." 2001.

---. "The Rhetoric of Persuasion in Selected Works of Mary Austin." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 62.8 (2002): 2760.

Cauvin, Sister Mary Austin. "The Comedia De Privanza in the Seventeenth Century." Dissertation Abstracts 18 (1958): 229.

Cella, Matthew J. C. "The Ambivalent Heritage of Mining in Western American Literature: Wheeler's Dime Novels and Austin's the Land of Little Rain." Isle: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment 16.4 (2009): 761-78. Print.

Cheney, Jean. "The 'Fine Understanding' of Mary Austin: Recent Criticism and Republished Works." Western American Literature 37.1 (2002): 83-95.

Cline, Lynn. Literary Pilgrims: The Santa Fe and Taos Writers' Colonies, 1917-1950. Albuquerque, NM: U of New Mexico P, 2007. Print.

Cole, Wendell. "Myth Makers and the Early Years of the Carmel Forest Theatre." Theatre West: Image and Impact. Ed. Dunbar H. --Everson Ogden, William (fwd.)--McDermott, Douglas (asst.)--Sarlos, Roberto, K. (asst.). Dqr Studies in Literature. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1990. 43-52.

Comer, Krista. "Exceptionalism, Other Wests, Critical Regionalism." American Literary History 23 1 (2011): 159-73. Print. new

Davis, Cynthia J., and Denise D. Knight. Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Her Contemporaries : Literary and Intellectual Contexts. Studies in American Literary Realism and Naturalism. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2004.

Dezur, Kathryn. "Approach the Imperialist Mirage: Mary Austin's Lost Borders." Exploring Lost Borders: Critical Essays on Mary Austin. Eds. Melody Graulich and Elizabeth Klimasmith. Western Literature Series: U of Nevada P, Reno, NV Pagination: 21-37, 1999. xxiv, 311.

Dickson, Carol Edith. "Nature and Nation: Mary Austin and Cultural Negotiations of the American West, 1900-1914." U of Wisconsin Madison, 1997.

---. "Nature and Nation: Mary Austin and Cultural Negotiations of the American West, 1900-1914." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 57.9 (1997): 3936.

Dickson, Carol E. "'Recounting' the Land: The Nature of Narrative in Mary Austin's Narratives of Nature." Such News of the Land: U. S. Women Nature Writers. Ed. Thomas S. --De Wolfe Edwards, Elizabeth A. --Norwood, Vera (foreword). Hanover, NH: UP of New England, 2001. 47-55.

---. "Sense, Nonsense, and Sensibility: Teaching the 'Truth' of Nature in John Burroughs and Mary Austin." Sharp Eyes: John Burroughs and American Nature Writing. Ed. Charlotte Zoe Walker. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse UP, 2000. 220-31.

Donnelly, Terry, Mary Liz Austin, and Timothy Egan. Wild Seattle : A Celebration of the Natural Areas in and around the City. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 2004.

DuBois, Arthur E. "The Art of Fiction." South Atlantic Quarterly 40 (1941): 112-22.

---. "Mary Hunter Austin, 1868-1934." Southwest Review (1935): 231-64.

ed., and Reuben J. Ellis. Beyond Borders: The Selected Essays of Mary Austin. Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1996.

ed., and Esther F. Lanigan. A Mary Austin Reader. Tucson: U of Arizona P, 1996.

Ellis, Reuben J. Beyond Borders: The Selected Essays of Mary Austin. Carbondale : Southern Illinois UP, 1996.

Fadiman, Clifton. "Regionalism in American Fiction." English Journal 21 (1932): 97-107.

Field, Louise Maunsell. "Mary Austin, American." Bookman 75 (1932): 819-21.

Ford, Thomas W. "The American Rhythm: Mary Austin's Poetic Principle." Western American Literature 5 (1970): 3-14.

Forman, Henry James. "On a Letter from Mary Austin." New Mexico Quarterly Review 31 (1962): 339-44.

Gabrielson, Teena, and Southwestern University (Georgetown Tex.). Sexuality, Suffrage, and the State : Mary Austin's Theory of Citizenship. Brown Working Papers in the Arts and Sciences ; 2004, No. 2, 2004.

Gelfant, Blanche H. "'Lives' of Women Writers: Cather, Austin, Porter/and Willa, Mary, Katherine Anne." Novel: A Forum on Fiction 18.1 (1984): 64-80.

Giemza, Bryan. "Sisters of Secession: The Unclaimed Legacies of Two Southern American Irish Women." Irish Studies Review 18 2 (2010): 199-211. Print.new

Gilkyson, Eliza, et al. Land of Milk and Honey. sound recording /. Red House Records, St. Paul, MN, 2004.

Gish, Robert. "Austin, Mary the Land of Journey's Ending." American Indian quarterly XVI.4 (1992): 596-96.

---. "Stineman, Esther Lanigan Mary Austin: Song of a Maverick." American Indian quarterly XVI.4 (1992): 596-97.

Goodman, Susan, and Carl Dawson. Mary Austin and the American West. Berkeley, CA: U of California P, 2008. Print.

Graulich, Melody. "Creating Great Women: Mary Austin and Charlotte Perkins Gilman." Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Her Contempories: Literary and Intellectual Contexts. Eds. Cynthia J. Davis and Denise D. Knight. Studies in American Literary Realism and Naturalism (Salrn): U of Alabama P, Tuscaloosa, AL Pagination: 139-54, 2004. xvii, 251.

---. "'I Thought at First She Was Talking About Herself': Mary Austin on Charlotte Perkins Gilman." Jack London Journal 1 (1994): 148-58.

---. "Mary Austin." American Short-Story Writers, 1880- 1910. Eds. Bobby Ellen Kimbel and William E. Grant. Dictionary of Literary Biography (Dlb) Number: 78: Thomson Gale, Detroit, MI Pagination: 13-20, 1989. xvii, 337.

---. "Walking Off an Illness? Don't Go West, Young Man: The Construction of Masculinity in Cactus Thorn." Exploring Lost Borders: Critical Essays on Mary Austin. Eds. Melody Graulich and Elizabeth Klimasmith. Western Literature Series: U of Nevada P, Reno, NV Pagination: 267-98, 1999. xxiv, 311.

Graulich, Melody, and Elizabeth Klimasmith, eds. Exploring Lost Borders: Critical Essays on Mary Austin. Reno, NV : U of Nevada P, 1999.

Gronning, Robyn McAtavey. "Revising the Revisionists: Re-Evaluating Turner's 'Frontier' and Limerick's 'Conquest' through Three Novels About the California Mission Era." U of Denver, 1995.

---. "Revising the Revisionists: Re-Evaluating Turner's 'Frontier' and Limerick's 'Conquest' through Three Novels About the California Mission Era." Dissertation Abstracts International 55.9 (1995): 2830A.

Hall, Jacqueline D. "Mary Hunter Austin." A Literary History of the American West. Ed. Max (pref.)--Maguire Westbrook, James H. (introd.). Fort Worth: Texas Christian UP, 1987. 359-69.

Hardwick, Elizabeth. A Woman of Genius. Rediscovered Fict. By Amer. Women Ser. New York: Arno. 510 pp, 1977.

Harris, Sharon M. American Women Prose Writers, 1870-1920. Dictionary of Literary Biography ; V. 221. Detroit: Gale Group, 2000.

Harrison, Beth. "Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Austin: A Case Study in Ethnography, Literary Modernism, and Contemporary Ethnic Fiction." MELUS: The Journal of the Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States 21.2 (1996): 89-106.

Harrison, Elizabeth. "Zora Neale Hurston and Mary Hunter Austin's Ethnographic Fiction: New Modernist Narrtives." Unmanning Modernism: Gendered Re-Readings. Ed. Elizabeth Jane --Peterson Harrison, Shirley. Knoxville, TN: U of Tennessee P, 1997. 44-58.

Hart, George, and Scott Slovic. Literature and the Environment. Exploring Social Issues through Literature. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2004.

Hart, Tara. "Serving Suspended Sentences: Mary Austin's Compositions and Explanations." Exploring Lost Borders: Critical Essays on Mary Austin. Eds. Melody Graulich and Elizabeth Klimasmith. Western Literature Series: U of Nevada P, Reno, NV Pagination: 87-103, 1999. xxiv, 311.

Holmes, Madelyn. American Women Conservationists : Twelve Profiles. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 2004.

Honnighausen, Lothar. "Landscape with Indians and Saints: The Modernist Discovery of Native American and Hispanic Folk-Culture." Amerikastudien/American Studies 37.2 (1992): 299-23.

Hoyer, Mark. "Ritual Drama/Dramatic Ritual: Austin's 'Indian Plays'." Exploring Lost Borders: Critical Essays on Mary Austin. Eds. Melody Graulich and Elizabeth Klimasmith. Western Literature Series: U of Nevada P, Reno, NV Pagination: 39-63, 1999. xxiv, 311.

Hoyer, Mark T. Dancing Ghosts: Native American and Christian Syncretism in Mary Austin's Work. Western Literature Series. Reno, NV: U of Nevada P, 1998.

---. "Mary Austin." Twentieth-Century American Western Writers. Ed. Richard H. Cracroft. Dictionary of Literary Biography (Dlb) Number: 206: Thomson Gale, Detroit, MI Pagination: 20-32, 1999. xviii, 315.

---. "Prophecy in a New West: Mary Austin and the Ghost Dance Religion." Western American Literature 30.3 (1995): 235-55.

---. "'to Bring the World into Divine Focus': Syncretic Prophecy in the Land of Little Rain." Western American Literature 31.1 (1996): 3-31.

---. "Weaving the Story: Northern Paiute Myth and Mary Austin's the Basket Woman." American Indian Culture and Research Journal 19.1 (1995): 133-51.

Hume, Beverly A. "'Inextricable Disordered Ranges': Mary Austin's Ecofeminist Explorations in Lost Borders." Studies in Short Fiction 36.4 (1999): 401-15.

Ingram, Ann Merrill. "Exploring Lost Borders: Critical Essays on Mary Austin (Review)." Legacy 17.2 (2000): 236-38.

Inness, Sherrie A. "Looking Westward: Geographical Distinctions in the Regional Short Fiction of Mary Foote and Mary Austin." Studies in Short Fiction 35.4 (1998): 319-30.

Ito, Shoko. "Joseitachi No Uoruden: God's Drop (Uoruden) Kara Bitter Lake (Nigai Mizuumi) E." Eigo Seinen/Rising Generation 150.5 (2004): 262-.

Jaycox, Faith. "Regeneration through Liberation: Mary Austin's 'the Walking Woman' and Western Narrative Formula." Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers 6.1 (1989): 5-12.

Johnson, Lee Ann. "Western Literary Realism: The California Tales of Norris and Austin." American Literary Realism, 1870-1910 7 (1974): 278-80.

Karell, Linda K. "'the Immanent Pattern': Recovering a Self in Mary Austin's Earth Horizon." A/B: Auto/Biography Studies 12.2 (1997): 261-75.

Karell, Linda Kay."Literary Borderlands and Unsettling Stories: Storytelling and Authority in Willa Cather, Mary Austin, Mourning Dove, and Zora Neale Hurston." Dissertation Abstracts International 55.5 (1994): 1262A.

Karell, Linda K. "Lost Borders and Blurred Boundaries: Mary Austin as Storyteller." American Women Short Story Writers: A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. Julie Brown. Garland Reference Library of the Humanities

Wellesley Studies in Critical Theory, Literary History and Culture. New York: Garland, 1995. 153-66.

---. "Mary Austin, I-Mary, and Mary-by-Herself: Collaboration in Earth Horizon." Exploring Lost Borders: Critical Essays on Mary Austin. Eds. Melody Graulich and Elizabeth Klimasmith. Western Literature Series: U of Nevada P, Reno, NV Pagination: 167-82, 1999. xxiv, 311.

Kircher, Cassandra Lee. "Women in/on Nature: Mary Austin, Gretel Ehrlich, Terry Tempest Williams, and Ann Zwinger." U of Iowa, 1996.

---. "Women in/on Nature: Mary Austin, Gretel Ehrlich, Terry Tempest Williams, and Ann Zwinger." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 57.1 (1996): 217.

Klimasmith, Betsy. "'I Have Seen America Emerging': Mary Austin's Regionalism." A Companion to the Regional Literatures of America. Ed. Charles L. Crow. Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture Number: 21: Blackwell, Malden, MA Pagination: 532-50, 2003. xvi, 606.

---. "Naturist as Tourist: Mary Austin's 'Automobile Eye View' in the Land of Journeys' Ending." Western American Literature 39.1 (2004): 54-.

Klimasmith, Elizabeth. "A Taste for Center Stage: Consumption and Feminism in a Woman of Genius." Exploring Lost Borders: Critical Essays on Mary Austin. Eds. Melody Graulich and Elizabeth Klimasmith. Western Literature Series: U of Nevada P, Reno, NV Pagination: 129-49, 1999. xxiv, 311.

Kopper, John M. "Gender Demography and Genre Creation in Liudmila Petrushevskaia and Mary Austin." Gendered Memories. Ed. John --Geyer-Ryan Neubauer, Helga. Textxet: Studies in Comparative Literature. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi, 2000. 45-54.

Langlois, Karen S. "Church, Peggy Pond, Ed by Shelley Armitage, Wind's Trail: The Early Life of Mary Austin." New Mexico historical review 67.3 (1992): 315.

---. "A Fresh Voice from the West: Mary Austin, California, and American Literary Magazines, 1892-1910." California History 69.1 (1990): 22-35.

---. "Marketing the American Indian: Mary Austin and the Business of Writing." A Living of Words: American Women in Print Culture. Ed. Susan Albertine. Knoxville: U of Tennessee P, 1995. 151-68.

---. "Mary Austin and Houghton Mifflin Company: A Case Study in the Marketing of a Western Writer." Western American Literature 23.1 (1988): 31-42.

---. "Mary Austin and Lincoln Steffens." Huntington Library Quarterly: A Journal for the History and Interpretation of English and American Civilization 49.4 (1986): 327-53.

---. "Mary Austin and the New Theatre: The 1911 Production of the Arrow Maker." Theatre History Studies 8 (1988): 71-87.

---. "Mary Austin's a Woman of Genius: The Text, the Novel and the Problem of Male Publishers and Critics and Female Authors." Journal of American Culture 15.2 (1992): 79-86.

Lanigan, Esther F. A Mary Austin Reader. Tucson : U of Arizona P, 1996.

---. Mary Austin: Song of a Maverick. Tucson, AZ: U of Arizona P, 1997.

Lape, Noreen Groover. One-Smoke Stories. Athens, OH : Swallow--Ohio UP, 2003.

---. "'There Was a Part for Her in the Indian Life': Mary Austin, Regionalism, and the Problems of Appropriation." Breaking Boundaries: New Perspectives on Women's Regional Writing. Ed. Sherrie A. --Royer Inness, Diana. Iowa City, IA: U of Iowa P, 1997. 124-39.

---. West of the Border : The Multicultural Literature of the Western American Frontiers. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2000.

Lewis, Corey Lee. Reading the Trail: Exploring the Literature and Natural History of the California Crest. Reno, NV : U of Nevada P, 2005.

---. "Reading the Trail: Exploring the Literature and Natural History of the California Crest." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 64.5 (2003): 1656.

Lowe, Carmen. "Where the Country of Lost Borders Meets Jeffers Country: The Walking Women of Robinson Jeffers and Mary Austin." Jeffers Studies 4.4 (2000): 21-46.

Lyday, Jo W. Mary Austin: The Southwest Works. Southwest Writers Series. Austin, TX: Steck-Vaughn, 1968.

Maxwell, John Edward. "Alewives, Indians, Sternwheelers, and a Drop of Water: An Ecological Map of American Riverbooks." U of California Irvine, 1995.

---. "Alewives, Indians, Sternwheelers, and a Drop of Water: An Ecological Map of American Riverbooks." Dissertation Abstracts International 56.6 (1995): 2239A.

McBride, Christopher. "Austin's 'the Return of Mr. Wills'." Explicator 57.1 (1998): 36-38.

McClure, Charlotte S. "From Impersonations to Persons: Breaking Patterns, Finding Voices." Private Voices, Public Lives: Women Speak on the Literary Life. Ed. Nancy Owen --Tompkins Nelson, Jane (fwd.). Denton: U of North Texas P, 1995. 225-37.

---. "Mary Hunter Austin." American Literary Realism, 1870-1910 8 (1975): 190.

McNamee, Gregory. The Mountain World : A Literary Journey. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 2000.

Metcalfe, Dale. "Singing Like the Indians Do: Mary Austin's Poetry." Exploring Lost Borders: Critical Essays on Mary Austin. Eds. Melody Graulich and Elizabeth Klimasmith. Western Literature Series: U of Nevada P, Reno, NV Pagination: 65-85, 1999. xxiv, 311.

Morrow, Nancy. "The Artist as Heroine and Anti-Heroine in Mary Austin's a Woman of Genius and Anne Douglas Sedgewick's Tante." American Literary Realism 22.2 (1990): 17-29.

Muhammad, Suzana Haji. "Voices of Disobedience in the Fiction of Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Kate Chopin, Edith Wharton, Nella Larsen, and Mary Austin." 2001.

---. "Voices of Disobedience in the Fiction of Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Kate Chopin, Edith Wharton, Nella Larsen, and Mary Austin." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 62.9 (2002): 3048.

Mulford, Karen. Trailblazers : Twenty Amazing Western Women. Great American Women Series. Flagstaff, AZ: Northland, 2001.

Murphy, Patrick D. "Voicing Another Nature." A Dialogue of Voices: Feminist Literary Theory and Bakhtin. Ed. Karen --Wussow Hohne, Helen. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1994. 59-82.

Nelson, Barney. "The Flock: An Ecocritical Look at Mary Austin's Sheep and John Muir's Hoofed Locusts." Exploring Lost Borders: Critical Essays on Mary Austin. Eds. Melody Graulich and Elizabeth Klimasmith. Western Literature Series: U of Nevada P, Reno, NV Pagination: 221-42, 1999. xxiv, 311.

---. The Wild and the Domestic : Animal Representation, Ecocriticism, and Western American Literature. Environmental Arts and Humanities Series. Reno: University of Nevada Press, 2000.

Nelson, Barbara 'Barney'. "An Ecocritical Sense of Time and Place in Mary Austin, Gretel Ehrlich, and Linda Hasselstrom." North Dakota Quarterly 67.1 (2000): 5-11.

Nelson, Barbara Jean "Barney" DeGear. "Mary Austin's Domestic Wildness: An Ecocritical Investigation of Animals." U of Nevada Reno, 1998.

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Norwood, Vera L. "Heroines of Nature: Four Women Respond to the American Landscape." The Ecocriticism Reader: Landmarks in Literary Ecology. Ed. Cheryll --Fromm Glotfelty, Harold. Athens, GA: U of Georgia P, 1996. 323-50.

O'Connor, Thomas Austin. "Hercules Y El Mito Masculino: La Posicion 'Feminista' De Fieras Afemina Amor." Estudios Sobre El Siglo De Oro En Homenaje a Raymond R. Maccurdy. Ed. Angel --Holzapfel Gonzalez, Tamara --Rodriguez, Alfred --Nason, Marshall R. (biog.)--Brooks, Mary Elizabeth (biog.). Dept. of Mod. & Classical Langs.--Catedra, Albuquerque--Madrid: Univ. of New Mexico, 1983. 171-80.

O'Grady, John P. Pilgrims to the Wild: Everett Ruess, Henry David Thoreau, John Muir, Clarence King, Mary Austin. Salt Lake City: U of Utah P, 1993.

Olup*ona, Jacob Obaf emi K. ehinde. Beyond Primitivism : Indigenous Religious Traditions and Modernity. New York: Routledge, 2004.

Olwell, Victoria Jeanne. "Female Genius: Fiction, Politics, and Gender, 1870-1920." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 64.10 (2004): 3688-89.

Paes de Barros, Deborah. Fast Cars and Bad Girls : Nomadic Subjects and Women's Road Stories. Travel Writing across the Disciplines ; V. 9. New York: P. Lang, 2004.

Palmer, Tim, Terry Donnelly, and Mary Liz Austin. California Wild : Preserving the Spirit and Beauty of Our Land. Stillwater, MN: Voyageur Press, 2004.

Pannill, Linda Susanne. "The Artist-Heroine in American Fiction, 1890-1920." 1976.

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Pearce, T. M. Mary Hunter Austin. New York: Twayne, 1965.

Peterson Gerstner, Janet. "'I Am Nature Too': Portrayals of Women Artists in the Novels of Phelps, Glasgow, Austin and Cather." Arizona State U, 2000.

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Petrie, Windy Counsell. "Artists, Celebrities, and Reformers: American Women Literary Autobiographers in the 1930s." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 62.9 (2002): 3048-49.

Phillips, Edward Hake. "The Texas Norther." Southwestern Historical Quarterly 59 (1955): 1-13.

Piekarski, Vicki. No Place for a Lady? : Western Stories by Women Writers. Five Star First Edition Western Series. Waterville, Me.: Five Star, 2001.

Pryse, Marjorie. Stories from the Country of Lost Borders. New Brunswick, NJ : Rutgers UP, 1987.

Raine, Anne. "'the Man at the Sources': Gender, Capital, and the Conservationist Landscape in Mary Austin's the Ford." Exploring Lost Borders: Critical Essays on Mary Austin. Eds. Melody Graulich and Elizabeth Klimasmith. Western Literature Series: U of Nevada P, Reno, NV Pagination: 243-66, 1999. xxiv, 311.

Reed, Maureen E. A Woman's Place: Women Writing New Mexico. Albuquerque, NM : U of New Mexico P, 2005.

Reynolds, Sharon A. "Beyond Mere Embrace in Desert Quartet: An Erotic Landscape." Surveying the Literary Landscapes of Terry Tempest Williams: New Critical Essays. Eds. Katherine R. Chandler and Melissa A. Goldthwaite: U of Utah P, Salt Lake City, UT Pagination: 47-57, 2003. xxii, 265.

Richard, Thelma Shinn. "Reconstructing Memory in the American West." Community in the American West. Ed. Stephen Tchudi. Halcyon (Halcyons) Number: 21: Nevada Humanities Committee, Reno, NV Pagination: 31-53, 1999. xiv, 377.

Richards, Penny L. "Bad Blood and Lost Borders: Eugenic Ambivalence in Mary Austin's Short Fiction." Evolution and Eugenics in American Literature and Culture, 1880-1940: Essays on Ideological Conflict and Complexity. Eds. Lois A. Cuddy and Claire M. Roche: Bucknell UP--Associated UP, Lewisburg, PA--London, England Pagination: 148-63, 2003. 285.

Ronald, Ann. "Idah Meacham Strobridge: The Second Mary Austin." Weber Studies: An Interdisciplinary Humanities Journal 11.2 (1994): 97-105.

---. Reader of the Purple Sage : Essays on Western Writers and Environmental Literature. Western Literature Series. Reno: University of Nevada Press, 2003.

Ronald, Ann, and Melody Graulich. Reader of the Purple Sage: Essays on Western Writers and Environmental Literature. Reno, NV : U of Nevada P, 2003.

Rowan, Mary. "Manifestations of Mind as Wit and Intellect: Marie-Eleanore De Rohan and Jacqueline Bouette De Blemur." L'esprit En France Au Xviie Siecle. Ed. Francois Lagarde. Biblio 17. Paris, France: Papers on French Seventeenth-Century Literature, 1997. 291-98.

Rudnick, Lois. "Re-Naming the Land: Anglo-Expatriate Women in the Southwest." The Desert Is No Lady: Southwestern Landscapes in Women's Writing and Art. Ed. Vera --Monk Norwood, Janice. New Haven: Yale UP, 1987. 10-26.

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