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Secondary Bibliography on Mary Hallock Foote

Armitage, Shelley. "The Illustrator as Writer: Mary Hallock Foote and the Myth of the West." Under the Sun: Myth and Realism in Western American Literature. Ed. Barbara Howard Meldrum: Whitston, Troy, NY Pagination: 150-174, 1985. vi, 230.

Bickford-Swarthout, Doris, and Mary Hallock Foote. Mary Hallock Foote : Pioneer Woman Illustrator. Deansboro, N.Y.: Berry Hill Press, 1996.

Blend, Benay. "A Victorian Gentlewoman in the Rocky Mountain West: Ambiguity in the Work of Mary Hallock Foote." Reading under the Sign of Nature: New Essays in Ecocriticism. Eds. John Tallmadge and Henry Harrington: U of Utah P, Salt Lake City, UT Pagination: 85-100, 2000. xv, 368.

Brooks, Noah, and Mary Hallock Foote. Stories by American Authors. V. 4. New York,: Scribner's, 1884.

Demos, John. "Real Lives and Other Fictions: Reconsidering Wallace Stegner's Angle of Repose." Novel History: Historians and Novelists Confront America's Past (and Each Other). Ed. Mark C. Carnes: Simon & Schuster, New York, NY Pagination: 132-45, 2001. 351.

Etulain, Richard. "Mary Hallock Foote: A Checklist." Western American Literature 10 (1975): 59-65.

Falk, Peter H. Foote, Mary Hallock. Madison, Conn.Land O'Lakes, FL: Sound View Press ;Distributed by Dealer's Choice Books, 1988.

Floyd, Janet. "Mining the West: Bret Harte and Mary Hallock Foote." Soft Canons: American Women Writers and Masculine Tradition. Ed. Karen L. Kilcup: U of Iowa P, Iowa City, IA Pagination: 202-18, 1999. 345.

---. "A Sympathetic Misunderstanding? Mary Hallock Foote's Mining West." Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 22.3 (2001): 148-67.

Foote, Mary Hallock. A Victorian Gentlewoman in the Far West : The Reminiscences of Mary Hallock Foote. San Marino, CA: Huntington Library, 2003.

Graulich, Melody. "Legacy Profile: Mary Hallock Foote (1847-1938)." Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers 3.2 (1986): 43-52.

Gruber, Laura Katherine. "'the Naturalistic Impulse': Limitations of Gender and Landscape in Mary Hallock Foote's Idaho Stories." Western American Literature 38.4 (2004): 353-.

Gruber, Laura Katherine. Unstable Geographies: Context, Representation, and Ideology in American Western Writing, 1885-1927. 2006.

Inness, Sherrie A. "Looking Westward: Geographical Distinctions in the Regional Short Fiction of Mary Foote and Mary Austin." Studies in Short Fiction 35.4 (1998): 319-30.

Johnson, Lee Ann. Mary Hallock Foote. Boston: Twayne, 1980.

Karrell, Linda. "The Postmodern Author on Stage: Fair Use and Wallace Stegner." American Drama 14.2 (2005): 70-89.

Longenecker, Julia, and Alfred W. Bowers Laboratory of Anthropology. Analysis of the Faunal Remains from 10-Aa-96, the Foote House Site, Boise, Idaho : A Report Submitted to the John Calhoun Smith Memorial Fund. Moscow, Idaho: Alfred W. Bowers Laboratory of Anthropology University of Idaho, 1986.

Longenecker, Julia Gale, et al. Mary Hallock Foote Stone House in the CaƱon : Archaeological Investigation. Moscow, Idaho: University of Idaho, 1987.

Lungquist, Kent P. "Mary Hallock Foote." Nineteenth-Century American Fiction Writers. Ed. Kent P. Ljungquist. Dictionary of Literary Biography (Dlb) Number: 202: Gale, Detroit, MI Pagination: 121-28, 1999. xix, 380.

Maguire, James H. Mary Hallock Foote. Boise State College Western Writers Series ; No. 2. Boise, Idaho: Boise State College, 1972.

Miller, Darlis A. Mary Hallock Foote : Author-Illustrator of the American West. The Oklahoma Western Biographies ; V. 19. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2002.

Paul, Rodman W. When Culture Came to Boise: Mary Hallock Foote in Idaho. Boise, Idaho: Idaho State Historical Society, 1977.

Rainey, Sue. "Mary Hallock Foote: A Leading Illustrator of the 1870s and 1880s." Winterthur Portfolio: A Journal of American Material Culture 41.2-3 (2007): 97-139.

Richard, Thelma Shinn. "Reconstructing Memory in the American West." Community in the American West. Ed. Stephen Tchudi. Halcyon (Halcyons) Number: 21: Nevada Humanities Committee, Reno, NV Pagination: 31-53, 1999. xiv, 377.

Shein, Debra. "When Geography Matters: Mary Hallock Foote's 'Maverick' and the Mysteries of the Snake River Lava Beds." American Literary Realism 38.3 (2006): 249-58.

Smith, Christine Hill. "Mary Hallock Foote." Nineteenth-Century American Western Writers. Ed. Robert L. Gale. Dictionary of Literary Biography (Dlb) Number: 186: Gale, Detroit, MI Pagination: 102-12, 1997. xix, 469.

---. Reading a Victorian Gentlewoman in the Far West : The Reminiscences of Mary Hallock Foote. Boise State University Western Writers Series ; No. 154. Boise, Idaho: Boise State University, 2002.

Walsh, Mary Ellen Williams. "Angle of Repose and the Writings of Mary Hallock Foote: A Source Study." Critical Essays on Wallace Stegner. Ed. Anthony Arthur. Boston: Hall, 1982.184-209.

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Last Modified 07/04/2013 20:37:34